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Aug 3rd 2018
#AndrewSullivan has been a contrarian conservative transplant for decades now.
Pro-Bush, pro-Bell Curve, #misogynist to the core.
His latest screed is an embarrassment to @NYMag, which reps some stellar writers. There's so much awful to excerpt here.
We're at a racial crossroads in America right now. Some of us white people have tried to write about it with passion and humility. Not #AndrewSullivan, who refers back to the atavism of 1920s xenophobia and racism with an appallingly anti-intellectual lack of self-awareness.
This latest screed is a paean to white male fragility. The bluster and outrage #AndrewSullivan reserves for #SarahJeong is typical of his sneering, superior form of racist baiting with a hefty dollop of misogyny folded in.

It's essential to decry such writing when we see it.
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