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Aug 31st 2018
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We're a people-funded pac committed to electing #Democrats by
✔️targeting winnable races
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We @DemsWork4USA are designed to overcome precisely this👇(and similar) well-funded machinery on the Right (read the article), with the help of large # of small $ donors like you.


#BlueWave #WinBlue #DemsWork4USA

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At @DemsWork4USA we are working hard & smart to organize, involve & channel grassroots activists to help #WinBlue, including assessing, vetting & early support of candidates, in a multi-layered strategy.

Please support our work. Give if you can.

Read 12 tweets
Aug 20th 2018
In a frankly astonishing move, LeaveEU is giving its support to the Democrats and backs the growing movement to #DumpTrump.
Wonder what Bannon thinks of this?
Intentional tag contamination or poor planning?
#BlueWave #BlueWaveIsComing2018
In case they block me or delete it:

Do they honestly not know who is already using the rallying call of #BlueWave? 🌊 #BlueWaveRising #BlueWaveComing
Er, guys...
Oh gods can LeaveEU really be this stupid?
I can see why they are pushing to take over the Tories, but to call it Blue Wave Brexit? 🌊
when the Democrats are all over that idea as a campaign to escape the #TrumpTrainWreck?

Somewhere an intern is either in ROFLing or in hiding
Read 3 tweets
Mar 1st 2018
Hey #INDIANA! You're one of the Lucky 4 States with early #Primaries.
VOTE MAY 8, 2018
Register by April 9 here:…
Or Text "Indiana" to 2VOTE (28683)
Start #BlueWave2018
Here's a THREAD of All Democratic Candidates #BlueWaveIN
in All Districts
with Websites
INDIANA PRIMARIES #IN01 #IN02 #IN03 #IN04 #IN05 #IN06 #IN07 #IN08 #IN09
THREAD of All (*that I could locate)
Democratic Candidates including Websites
Voter Registration Deadline Apr 9, 2018
Register here:…
#BlueWave2018 #BlueWaveIN
Mail-in Deadline applications April 30, 2018
All registered voters are eligible to vote absentee-in-person from 28 days before Election
Application in-person & mail-in ballots here…
Read 16 tweets
Feb 4th 2018
#WhyWeResist (THREAD) Renowned spiritual leader John Neuhas once said:
"Genuine #tolerance does not mean ignoring differences as if differences made no difference. Genuine tolerance means engaging differences w/in a bond of #civility & #respect." #CampaignforCivility 1/
Neuhas was not completely right. #Fascists, #WhiteSupremacists, Nazis, bigots, etc. lambast progressives for not tolerating their views. But hateful extremists use #tolerance merely as a tool to gain acceptance & obtain power. #CampaignforCivility #WhyWeResist 2/
Once fascists & bigots are in power, they vilify all who are different, all who dare to disagree. They only care about one thing: consolidating their power. #CampaignforCivility #WhyWeResist 3/
Read 11 tweets

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