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Mar 31st 2018
If there is one personal business quality I would package & sell to others is my ability to ask for and receive opportunities a.k.a. Creative deal-making.

I reverse engineered why this works for *me* into bite sized lessons that will work for *you*
(Thread) #startupgrind
I shoot my shot often in business & partnership scenarios but what is often overlooked is that I give value 10x more than I ask.

💡Establish a “Reciprocity Engine” for your platform that enables you to give freely.

Why is this important? ➡️

#crm #smb #startupgrind
“Reciprocity Engine” is important as you position yourself for larger opportunities.
Decision makers will vet your worthiness based upon your:
âś…social proof

💡The depth that people are willing to vouch for you reflects the heights that you’ll reach
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