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Aug 1st 2018
Remember #MaxineWaters mentioned this powerful database #Obama created?
I wonder if she is speaking about this “little known spy agency” known as the #NCTC…
Oh look who used to be the Director at #NCTC #Rasmussen #QAnon
Read 12 tweets
Jul 19th 2018
Re: today's events:
In February, Mueller released information clarifying how and why #Putin desperately wanted to stop #HillaryClinton from being elected.

Trump, Bernie Sanders, and Jill Stein were helped by Russian election interference…
In #Helsinki, #Putin stated directly that he worked to elect Trump. His intent was to stop #HillaryClinton. He tried to effectuate that during the primary by targeting Sanders supporters. Putin could not sway non-white voters despite his broad disinformation campaign against HRC.
But even though #Putin was unable to win the primary, he WAS able to plant the seeds of disinformation quite strongly. That included the parroting of #HillaryClinton being "corrupt," which Sanders and Trump had hammered (without evidence) repeatedly. (Details are in the report.)
Read 18 tweets
Apr 25th 2018
#QAnon #MOAB


#ShellGame report, video, & documentation lay it ALL out...the whole enchilada...the key crimes, how it was reported, and how it ties into counter-coup run by #POTUS.
#QAnon #MOAB
- References 12/21/17 #EO for seizure of property at 27:43
- #UraniumOne pay-to-play
- #SAP selloff
- #USB & #HSBC launder $$$ to fund terrorists
- #DavidGuyatt (#DeepBlack plot)
- Punishment of whistleblowers
- #TrumpRussiaCollusion plot
- High #Treason
#QAnon #MOAB
#ScottBennett (#SC) = former military intelligence officer whistleblower behind these revelations, which go back years.

He uncovered this w/ #UBS whistleblower #BradleyBirkenfeld (#BB)when investigating terrorist financing.

They were targeted/framed for crimes.
Read 10 tweets

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