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Jun 3rd 2018
545-#Naomi is certainly very cozy with the #Rothschild family. She seems to know David, Nat, James, & even Lord Jacob de Rothschild himself.
For somebody whose job is to look pretty and walk catwalks, she certainly seems well connected. Why would that be? 🤔
546-What about the #Bronfmans,? We'll get to that when we get to the charities part of it all. So, just for the fun of it, let's look at some other interesting friends of #NaomiCampbell
There is R. Tisci, pals with #Abramovic 👇……
547-She definitely knows the #ObamaFamily because they have cozy little gatherings at 10 #DowningStreet. This is where the #UK prime minister lives, just so you know.
Definitely knows #EltonJohns & what is more,goes to 'Elton John AIDS Foundation' parties
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