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Aug 10th 2018
#Burkas are like wearing a crusifix&should b defended,said Scots leader liberal+lesbian,irresponsibly ignoring that a crusifix is a symbol of #Christianity,which holds t western civilisation,while #nijab is a symbol of oppression enforced recently in #Islam by the #Saudi #Wahhabi
#Liberals accusing #Iranian govt of"oppressing women" who must wear a lose scarf,but do not protest against the #Saudi #Wahhabi reactionary dogma,while it's creeping as political #Islam to combat western #civilisation at the end.If it's sounds like fiction,think Saudi investments
Serious problem wth "western civilisation"mental health.Giving up easily to full veil wearing wthout asking what the cover symbolises,wthout questioning why it came from archaic #Saudi #Wahhabi #Sharia #Regime by force,is👉rejection of progressive western values.Period
Read 24 tweets
Aug 6th 2018
Śobhā(Shiva?)- Shoah in #Judaism
Shia~ Shiva/Shula?
Sunni~ Sūna?
Yezidi~ Azadi(from what?)
Peacock feather~ Moraka/Maurya?
Fire worship~ Atar-Ghora?
(Jeu, White, German, Christian, African genocide or rule, etc. were/are convenient "mass eye-catcher" from deeper scheme of things)
"Once orthodox"+ "last 700 years of genocide" + "heretic" #Yezidi
Let me present simplified categories for your generalized understanding!
Orthodox Islam "significance" from- Mecca/MaCoraba (Gandhari)- Kauravs
Upa-Gana(Gandhara)-Sthan: #Afghanistan
Simhapura+Uraga #Afghanistan
UP(Bhaga -69- Pusya): "Kohi-Mor" Kafirsthan- IsA- Uma- Bahlika Rata- Mitra.
DOWN(Pushan): Nyasa- Nahusha- Meru(South)- Murugan- Atri- w/Pandava- Maur- Pani- Pushan- Usha- Vajranabh- Bahlika Aratta- AsI- Varuna.
Taxaka Ayu~ Anu~ Asu~AsI + Nyasa Janmajeya.
Read 11 tweets
Jun 4th 2018

"Many years ago, the then president of The National Council of Churches warned that the danger of the great religious awakening taking place in our country, might become fanatical and be carried into our political and business life!
"Perhaps this was a fair assessment, that is, if you conflate #Christian #Zionism with religious awakening. Unfortunately, these "fanatical" #Evangelicals have 0 faith in the #Christian religion to which they give empty lip service--while paying homage to those who hate #Christ.
"For lack of faith in the actual #Bible, #Evangelicals make Scofield’ Notes, (Scofield! A drunkard and a con-man allied with the Satanist, Darby) --#Evangelicals have turned Scofield’s NOTES into a DIABOLICAL FORCE in our #national life.
Read 177 tweets
May 9th 2018
"You must unlearn what you have learned" -Yoda

This Thread may be one of those moments when you might want to question what you have learned, or at the very least look at it from another perspective, when regarding #Judaism #Christianity (many don't know)
4. Faith is absolutely important (should be) in #Judaism #Christian life. Many just go through the Rote Motions, and Traditions, but that won't cut.

Bereishit (Berry-Sheet) Genesis 15:6
Notice he was made Tzadic or Righteous by Faith (Not by works)
5. Another verse on the importance of Faith.

Chavakuk (Habakkuk) 2:4

#Judaism #Christian
Read 9 tweets

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