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Oct 7th 2018
.@david_wilcock on the Secret History of the Cabal and their Inevitable Defeat - Part 1: “this Cabal has at it’s core, believe it or not, a Luciferian belief system” #GreatAwakening #QAnon
.@david_wilcock on the Secret History of the Cabal and their Inevitable Defeat - Part 2: “a group of people came here from somewhere else with advanced technology and they did, in fact, set up control systems here on Earth” #GreatAwakening #QAnon
.@david_wilcock on the Secret History of the Cabal and their Inevitable Defeat - Part 3: “they are the descendants of an extraterrestrial race that came here with elongated skulls, which have shown up all over the world” #GreatAwakening #FullDisclosure #Mars #Cabal #QAnon
Read 10 tweets
Sep 28th 2018
@Der_Eisenhans I logged out at 24:30 & listened to Bach - Much better.

#Kavanaugh did not impress me: Comes across like a guy who wants to become Sheriff of a small town in #Texas, not #SCOTUS-Judge.
Losing his cool, stories about promoting women, prayers by junior & more, ALL irrelevant!
@Der_Eisenhans 2. #Ford does not always make sense (recalls only one beer 35 years ago, but not documents to the #WaPo a month ago) - Her timing also shows that she has a clear political motive: Prevent #Kavanaugh from becoming #SCOTUS-Judge.
She did not impress.
@Der_Eisenhans 3. But even if we accept that #Kavanaugh is innocent (which he remains in any case until found guilty by a court), his non-performance shows that he is not made out of the stuff a top judge & decision-maker is made off: Presented his case poorly (as a top judge!). TBC
Read 7 tweets
Aug 14th 2018
THREAD - How about a bunch of blog posts on #Space and #Astronomy? Yes, I have more than you can imagine - especially since these are really just #physics topics. Hold on - because this is going to be a bit large.
2/ Here is an answer to my fav astronomy question EVER - "What would the phases of the moon look like if the moon was a cube?"…
3/ The great thing about the cube moon question is that it really tests if students understand phases of the moon rather than just recalling factual stuff. Here is my python model of a cube and spherical moon
Read 70 tweets
Aug 7th 2018
#Venus has strong associations with bubbles, because they bring joy, pleasure, and excitement, and are frequently used to mark happy occasions.
They are a literal representation of #effervescence, which is a #Venusian feature, and are often paired with #sugar (ruled by Venus), as in #soda, or used in #alcoholic beverages, which reduce social inhibitions and can stir the libidinal instincts.
For those reasons, #Venus is associated with #champagne, mineral water, and #bubbly drinks of all variety. They, along with #greentea, make great Venus #offerings.
Read 26 tweets
Jul 25th 2018
If there's life on Mars, I seriously doubt they want liberals bringing their radical homogeneous lifestyle to the planet. Heck, the Martians are probably trying to stay hidden to keep away from the nonsense #MarsWater #Mars #WalkAway
Stay off Mars with your crazy plantation mentality. #Democrats
Democrats would attempt to colonize the red planet with their crazy liberal ideas. No thanks!
Read 3 tweets
Jul 25th 2018
The fascinating question is how many Trump tweets will it take to completely remove from US news coverage the discovery of a “lake of liquid water” on Mars?
Normally, the discovery of a lake of liquid water on a neighboring planet would be newsworthy because IT’S THE BLEEPIN’ DISCOVERY OF WATER ON #MARS!!!!! But, you know, it’s 2018 and Trump said something on Twitter and Michael Cohen this and that and all those porn stars so...
Hello 👋. THEY JUST DISCOVERED A BLEEPIN’ LAKE OF WATER ON #MARS! That is to say, ON BLEEPIN’ MARS THERE IS A BLEEPIN’ 12.5 MILE WIDE LAKE OF WATER. But, you know, what’s important is 👇🏼. Is it too soon to pack my bags? This planet has become unbearable and easily distracted.
Read 3 tweets
Jul 25th 2018
🔴💦 Our #Mars Express satellite has detected liquid #water hidden under the planet’s south polar ice cap. Full story:…
We know from orbiters, landers & rovers that #Mars had a wet past, with its vast dried out river channels & minerals that can only form in liquid #water, but it is not stable on the surface anymore, so scientists are looking underground…
Until now evidence from the #Mars Express radar experiment MARSIS, the first radar sounder ever to orbit another planet, remained inconclusive. A new operating mode generating higher-quality data was needed to seek out better evidence for buried #water...
Read 5 tweets
Jul 18th 2018
"Le Monde" identifie sur une vidéo un proche conseiller de #Macron frappant violemment un manifestant le 1er mai à Paris. #AlexandreBenalla était équipé d’un casque à visière des forces de l’ordre, alors qu’il n’est pas policier. #MacronLaMatraque…
↕️ La #vidéo montrant le proche conseiller de #Macron frapper un jeune manifestant à terre, place de la Contrescarpe, à Paris, le #1erMai. #AlexandreBenalla #GérardCollomb #MacronLaMatraque
↕️ Réaction d'@ericcoquerel après l'article du Monde révélant qu'un proche conseiller de Macron (qui a toujours son bureau à L’Élysée!) a frappé violemment un manifestant à terre à Paris, le #1erMai2018. #AlexandreBenalla #GérardCollomb #MacronLaMatraque
Read 559 tweets
Mar 28th 2018
So, this convo about qualifications of this curator position for African art at the Brooklyn Museum has gotten me thinking about #SaturnInCapricorn. I would love to know if Brooklyn Museum purposely sought out qualified candidates of color, especially of African descent.
But I also can believe, per even the little I know about the Art AND Archeology field, since both new curators have degrees in that field, that there aren't many sisters & brothers in that field. We are not plentiful in all areas of academia & cultural institutions.
Yes, some of that is systemic racism and based on the root causes of systemic racism. That I've never questioned. But there's another issue here, too. Some folks also don't play the long game, either. That's #SaturnInCapricorn.
Read 29 tweets
Sep 9th 2017
T-6 days until @CassiniSaturn burns up in the upper atmosphere of #Saturn. It's has flown for 13 years, and will take pics to #GrandFinale
I'll be highlighting my fav images from @CassiniSaturn over the next week in anticipation of the #GrandFinale on Sept 15. Starting with...
1/ @CassiniSaturn launched aboard a Titan IVB/Centaur in a spectacular night-time launch. Oct 15, 1997. 7 year trip to #Saturn #Grandfinale
Read 171 tweets
Jul 14th 2017
It's been awhile since I dropped a thread o' #Mars, so let's try something different today...
1. The hues of #Mars' surface are generally thanks to dust cover—or (relative) lack thereof. Lighter areas = dusty, darker = less dusty.
Oh wow, y'all act fast—I will try to keep up! 😝
Read 54 tweets

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