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May 27th 2018
This video has had nearly 30K views 👍🏻
In it @JessicaOOTC describes her experience of being locked in a psych ward after being diagnosed with #MyalgicE by the Bristol centre

@MEActNetUK #MEAwarenessMonth #pwme #PACETrial #stopGET #MillionsMissing
Despite(/because) her ME diagnosis they interpreted her low weight as anorexia. The gut/digestive issues as a result of ME go ignored. She isn’t the only #pwme to have experienced this. It is particularly tricky as an advocacy issue if people are sectioned for ‘anorexia’ not ME
It is a high priority for Dr education and I wonder if for new #NICEguidelines we need gut issues included as core to ME, rather than the current wording of IBS as a comorbidity issue?
Locking people in psych wards for this has to stop!
@exceedhergrasp1 @jenbrea @keithgeraghty
Read 7 tweets
Apr 18th 2018
Today is the 10th anniversary of the day that I became housebound with severe #ME. To mark the occasion here’s a thread:

10 years ago I came home from work unbelievably overwhelmingly exhausted. #mecfs #MillionsMissing #MyalgicE #meawarenesshour
2/ I thought 2 weeks off would fix it. It didn’t. After 6 weeks I was desperate to go back to work.
I held a fellowship in bio-nano-technology at a Scottish University. I tried a phased return starting with 1 hour per day. Twice. Each time I crashed and became more unwell.
3/ Since then I have been 95% housebound- it is rare for me to leave the house for more than 1 hour per week, and common not to leave the house at all for 3-4 weeks.
Still, I’m lucky – I’m not bed bound, like so many.
Read 12 tweets

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