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Oct 4th 2018
#StephonClark had a cell phone
#TamirRice had a toy gun
#AltonSterling was selling cds
#EricGarner was selling loosies
#SandraBland tail light was broken
#PhilandoCastile had a legal weapon
#RekiaBoyd was out with friends
#TrayvonMartin had Skittles
#MikeBrown had his hands up
#AmadouDiallo had a wallet
#RamarleyGraham was in his parents' bathroom
#AkaiGurley was in his stairwell
#SeanBell had just left his Bachelor party
#NicholasHeyward had a toy gun
#PatrickMoisesDorismond was outside of a lounge.
#OusmaneZongo was repairing musical instruments.
#TimStansbury was on the roof of a building
#WalterScott was running away
#TerenceCrutcher had a broken down car
#JordanEdwards had left a party with his friends.
#FreddieGray had a switchblade
#JohnCrawford was playing with a toy BB gun
#ShereeseFrancis had mental health issues
Read 5 tweets

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