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Sep 24th 2018
I've tried to finish my 3 #WhyIDidntReport experiences. My 1st began abt 36 yrs ago.

After reading the new #RonanFarrow #MeToo Im unable to get beyond Kavanaughs & the WH reference to "35 yrs old". I am sobbing.

FUCK YOU OLD WHITE Bastards. U LITERALLY think ur above the law
I am sick to my stomach that somehow a woman's abuse or assault is only relevant on ur time table

This shit affects us for the rest of our lives. It's not a joke. It fucks up our minds

At 7 years old instead of being steadied to ride a bike, I was being steadied to ride a dick.
This abuse permeates all aspects of our lives, even when we aren't cognizant of it

America isn't made great by old, rich, perverted white guys telling the poor, kids, women or minorities "how America works".

I've never been more disgusted at the transparent hypocrisy each day.
Read 3 tweets
Jul 28th 2018
The @RonanFarrow @NewYorker piece is cathartic. It speaks to the integrity of the people who decide what counts as news. Not just at CBS. 1/
What Ronan describes is a kind of moral corruption that exists at the highest levels of many newsrooms. I’ve seen it up close. 2/
There’s a unique awfulness to experiencing and witnessing workplace harassment as a journalist. You go into the field to get to the truth. You see your news managers tell the public that they’re dedicated to exposing abuse, holding power to account. 3/
Read 14 tweets

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