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Paul Manafort & his fixer, "former" #Russian🇷🇺spy Konstantin Kilimnik, were bankrolled by Oleg Deripaska to promote Russian interests in the former Soviet bloc nation of of #Kyrgyzstan, including the closure of the US military base Manas.🤬…
In addition to Manafort, guess who else was involved w/#Russia's🇷🇺plot to get the US military base out of #Kyrgyzstan⁉️

Rinat Akhmetshin, the "former" #Russian spy & US citizen(!), who also attended Don Jr's #RussianLawyer meeting‼️

cc @thespybrief
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THREAD: @realDonaldTrump now *admits* that Don Jr sought Clinton dirt at his meeting w/the #Russian🇷🇺”lawyer”/spy & a “former” GRU military intel officer.

It’s a CRIME for a campaign to solicit or receive *anything* from a foreign national, let alone #Russian intelligence.🙄1/
We knew last year that Jr, Manafort & Kush met w/a Kremlin-linked “lawyer,” a “former” #Russian🇷🇺spy w/expertise in acquiring hacked emails, and an alleged Russian money launderer👉🏼they discussed #sanctions, Clinton #kompromat, and #RNC donations.🔥2/…
We also knew last year that Team🇷🇺Trump tried *desperately* to cover up the meeting.

Kushner “forgot” (= #felony) to disclose the meeting *3 separate times* on his SF-86, and Jr & his father, Trump, LIED repeatedly about the meeting.🙄 3/…
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@GOP Rep @DarrellIssa on the #RussianLawyer🇷🇺meet: “If (Trump's) proven to have not told the whole truth...that campaigns look for dirt & if someone offers it, you listen to them, nobody’s going to be surprised."

Total desperation time.🙄…
I ran for Congress & my hubby has served 3 terms. Campaigns do NOT knowingly meet w/#Russians to get dirt on opponents.

@realDonaldTrump claimed he knew NOTHING about the #RussianLawyer🇷🇺meet. Now, the @GOP spin is that Trump knew, but so what⁉️🙄

The @GOP wants us to believe that it's OK that Trump knowingly authorized a meeting w/#Russians🇷🇺to get dirt on Clinton.

Not only is this *not* OK, it's ILLEGAL. **Any donation** (including free oppo research) from a non-US citizen or permanent resident is ILLEGAL‼️
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THREAD: Michael Cohen says @realDonaldTrump *knew in advance* of the #Russian🇷🇺lawyer meeting & the offer of Clinton dirt.

Cohen was present when Trump was informed of the Russians' offer by Don Jr & approved of the meeting‼️1/

Cohen did NOT tape the meeting, but “has expressed hope that this claim about the Trump Tower meeting will help him reach out to Mueller and possibly lessen his legal troubles.”

As I’ve said for a LONG time👉🏼Cohen is dealing!😎 2/

Even Steven Bannon called the #RussianLawyer🇷🇺meeting “treasonous.”😳

And #SHOCKER, as we’ve known all along, there was NO WAY that Don Jr handled this meeting without Daddy Trump knowing EVERY detail.🙄 3/

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THREAD: House Intel Democrat @ericswalwell **hammers** Roger Stone and Michael Caputo👉🏼says both men “lied through their teeth” when they testified before the Intel Cmte & should be investigated for #perjury.🧐 1/

During the 2016 campaign, Stone met in #Florida w/a #Russian🇷🇺immigrant & sometime FBI informant Henry Greenberg who offered Clinton dirt.🤨

We’ve heard this story before from Don Jr and Kushner.🙄 2/

Neither Stone nor Caputo mentioned the meeting when they testified last year before House Intel about their contacts w/#Russians.🤨

Both men have attributed to the fact that they had “forgotten” about it.🙄



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THREAD: Remember the claims by @realDonaldTrump & cronies that he'd sit for an interview w/Mueller⁉️

Trump LIED.🙄

Trump’s lawyers have **for months** tried to prevent Mueller from trying to force Trump to answer questions = #subpoena‼️ 1/…
In a letter to Mueller, Trump's lawyers claim that Trump "cannot be compelled" to testify.🙄

WRONG! Mueller can #subpoena Trump to FORCE him to testify **in front of the grand jury**.😎

Trump's lawyers CAN be w/him for an interview, but NOT for grand jury testimony.😉 2/
Trump's lawyers also claim Trump "could not possibly have committed obstruction b/c he has unfettered authority over all federal investigations."🤨

Yeah, just ask Nixon about that‼️3/

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THREAD: In summer 2016, George Nader (representing Saudi Arabia & UAE) and an Israeli specialist in "social media manipulation" offered to help **THROW THE ELECTION** in a meeting w/Trump Jr arranged by Erik Prince‼️ 1/…
At the Aug'16 #treason meet, Nader told Jr the crown princes of #SaudiArabia & #UAE were "eager to help his father win." The Israeli social media expert's (Joel Zamel) firm had already drawn up a multimillion $ proposal for a social media manipulation effort to help Trump.🤨 2/
Zamel's social media company #Wikistrat, which employed several Israeli former intelligence officers, specialized in "collecting information & shaping opinion through social media."🤨

Gee, that sounds familiar‼️🤬 3/

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🔥Michael Cohen ditched his court hearing on Friday to smoke cigars w/his pals:

👉🏼Rotem Rosen: Lev Leviev’s right-hand man, helped develop Trump #Soho, went w/Trump to Moscow in 2013
👉🏼Jerry Rotonda: fmr CFO of Deutsche Bank wealth management that gave MASSIVE loans to Trump
Alex Sapir (son of Tamir Sapir, who invested in Trump #Soho) & Rotem Rosen—accompanied Donald Trump on his 2013 trip to #Russia🇷🇺, where they reportedly tried to pull strings behind the scenes with to make Trump Tower Moscow.🤨…
Rosen is married to Alex Sapir’s sister. Alex‘s father, the late billionaire Tamir Sapir, invested in Trump Tower #SoHo project and was accused of having mafia connections.🙄

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THREAD: in summer 2016, Trump foreign policy adviser, Joseph Schmitz, pushed US government agencies to review materials from the dark web that he thought were Hillary Clinton's deleted emails‼️ 1/…
Schmitz is *yet another* Trump advisers who were mixed up in efforts to find Clinton’s emails.🙄

He approached the FBI & other USG agencies about material a client of his had “found” that Schmitz claimed were Clinton's missing 30,000 emails👉🏼actually FAKE‼️2/
🔥 Schmitz was one of the first to be named to Trump’s national security & foreign policy team.🤨

Schmitz attended Trump’s first foreign policy meeting in Mar’16 at Trump International Hotel in DC & sat next to Papadopoulos‼️

PapaD *also* tried to get HRC’s emails.🙄 3/
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THREAD: The #FBI investigated Trump for his dealings for a “glitzy hotel & entertainment complex” in Latvia after Latvian government’s *anti-#corruption* bureau began probing & asked the US for help‼️ 1/…
In 2010, a group of businessmen, including #Russian🇷🇺oligarch Igor Krutoy, began planning to build the “Las Vegas of the Baltics” in Latvia’s capital, Riga.🤔

An unnamed senior Trump executive visited Riga to scout for locations.🤨 2/

Trump & Kremlin🇷🇺Barbie spent hours discussing the project w/the #Russian, Krutoy.

Krutoy “just happens” to know the Agalarovs, who helped arrange Jr’s #RussianLawyer🇷🇺meeting on “adoptions” = #sanctions.🤨 3/

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THREAD: George Nader, the Lebanese-American who arranged the #Seychelles meeting, has been granted IMMUNITY by Mueller in exchange for his cooperation w/Mueller‼️

Buh-bye, Erik Prince & the rest of Team🇷🇺Treason‼️😎 1/

Nader ARRANGED the #Seychelles meeting *in advance* btwn Erik Prince & #Russian🇷🇺oligarch Kirill Dmitriev to arrange the secret backchannel btwn Trump & Putin.🤨

Nader also ATTENDED.🤗

So much for Prince’s “chance meeting in the bar” LIE‼️🙄 2/

Nader worked for worked for *more than a year* to turn Elliott BROIDY (a top #RNC & Trump fundraiser) into “an instrument of influence” on TRUMP for the rulers of Saudi Arabia & the UAE‼️ 3/

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Trump was so eager for­ Putin to attend the 2013 Miss Universe pageant, he *wrote a PERSONAL letter* to Putin to invite him‼️

Trump wrote a PS at the end of the typed letter👉🏼he looked forward to seeing “beautiful” women during his trip.🤨…
Trump’s letter is the first known attempt of DIRECT outreach by him to Putin, and Mueller now has it‼️🤗

It is unclear whether Trump’s letter was ever delivered to Putin — and if so, whether Putin responded.🤔 2/
Trump’s lawyer, John Dowd, said he didn’t know about the letter.l, but claimed, “It’s all nonsense.”🤨

Likely, there are MANY things that Trump did about which Dowd has ZERO CLUE‼️ 3/
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Mueller is asking witnesses "pointed questions" on whether Trump was aware that Democratic emails had been HACKED before it was publicly known & whether he was involved in their strategic release‼️ 1/


h/t @traciemac_Bmore…
Specifically, Team🇺🇸Mueller is probing whether Trump was aware of plans for #WikiLeaks to publish the STOLEN emails.🤔

OF COURSE, Trump *knew*, because PapaD told the campaign about the stolen emails‼️

And PapaD is squealing.😎 2/
PapaD got drunk and spilled his guts to an Aussie "diplomat" in London about #Russia's🇷🇺plan to "anonymously release" Democratic emails.

And how? That's right. WIKILEAKS w/whom Trump Jr and Roger Stone were corresponding DURING the campaign‼️ 3/


cc @911CORLEBRA777
Read 23 tweets

THREAD: Team🇺🇸Mueller is probing Trump's #Russian🇷🇺business dealings *prior* to the 2016 campaign‼️ 1/

👋🏼Buh-bye, Donny👋🏼

Mueller has been asking witnesses about Trump's #Russian🇷🇺business activities *as he considered a run for president*, including the timing of Trump's decision to run, #kompromot the Russians may have on Trump, and why Trump Tower Moscow fell through.😎 2/
Mueller is probing *beyond the campaign* to explore how the #Russians🇷🇺 INFLUENCED Trump when he was pushing Trump Tower Moscow *simultaneously* while considering a presidential run.🤨 3/


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🔥THREAD: Mueller’s team notified Trump’s lawyers that his FALSE statement about the #RussianLawyer🇷🇺meeting is *one of ~a dozen subjects that Mueller wants to discuss in a face-to-face interview of Trump‼️1/
Trump’s aides & family members tried over 48 hours to manage the crisis.🙄

SHOCKER: the situation quickly degenerated into CIRCULAR FIRING SQUAD. They protected their own interests, shifted blame and potentially left themselves — and TRUMP — legally vulnerable‼️🤣 2/
Mark Corallo (fmr Trump legal team spokesman) will be interviewed by Mueller & plans to tell him about a previously undisclosed conference call w/Trump & Hope Hicks.🤨 3/
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THREAD: Did Mueller used Bannon as bait to see if Trump would obstruct the House Intel Committee proceedings and commit Abuse of Power⁉️

Spoiler alert: YES


Mueller (via FBI agents) served Bannon a subpoena on January 9 to appear before the grand jury.🤔

Supposedly, the FBI was “unaware at the time” that Bannon had retained a lawyer *just hours earlier*⁉️ 2/

Here's what strange. First, if Bannon were a "TARGET" (person the prosecutor/grand jury has substantial evidence linking to a crime = defendant), it would be HIGHLY unusual for Mueller to subpoena him, especially w/o first requesting an interview.🤨 3/
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Steve Bannon made a conspicuous slip up in his House Intel hearing yesterday👉🏼admitted that he'd spoken w/Priebus, Spicey & legal spokesman Mark Corallo about Junior's infamous #RussianLawyer🇷🇺meeting in June 2016‼️…
Bannon realized he'd slipped up by disclosing these conversations b/c they happened while he was *in the WH*. Thereafter, Gowdy & @RepAdamSchiff hammered Bannon over the fact that he'd mentioned those conversations but refused to discuss anything else while he was in the WH.🤨
Trey Gowdy (who knew!) pressed Bannon on his description of Jr’s #RussianLawyer🇷🇺meeting as "treasonous" & asked whether Bannon would consider it treason for somebody close to him to approach Wikileaks' Julian Assange to get opposition research on Hillary Clinton.🤨
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THREAD: Steve Bannon was subpoenaed *last week* by Mueller “to testify before a grand jury as part of the investigation into possible links between Trump’s associates and #Russia🇷🇺”‼️ 1/…
👆🏼THIS is the first time Mueller is known to have used a grand jury subpoena to seek info from *directly* Trump’s INNER CIRCLE‼️🤗 (Mueller has used subpoenas before to seek info *about* Trump’s associates & their ties to #Russia or other foreign governments.) 2/
Mueller likely is using the subpoena as a negotiating tactic b/c Bannon could likely avoid the grand jury if he agrees to be questioned by investigators in Team🇺🇸Mueller’s offices.🤔 3/
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Despite objections of @ChuckGrassley & other @senjudiciary Republicans, @SenFeinstein decided to #ReleaseTheTranscript of Fusion GPS Glenn Simpson’s testimony‼️

I will *live* tweet commentary of the #transcript on this THREAD‼️…
The #transcript is *312 pages*. Things get JUICY on p62👉🏼Simpson describes the #SteeleDossier as ”broadly speaking, a kind of holistic examination of Donald Trump's business evolved somewhat quickly into issues of his relationships to *organized crime figures*‼️🔥
Simpson says his work on the #SteeleDossier began in Sept/Oct 2015.🤔

Feinstein staffer Heather Sawyer asks WHO initially engaged Fusion to perform the opposition colonoscopy on @realDonaldTrump, says it was a REPUBLICAN‼️

Simpson/attorneys: GLOMAR🙄
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Trump gave “firm instructions” in March 2016 to WH Counsel Don McGahn👉🏼stop Jeff Sessions from recusing from FBI/DOJ’s #TrumpRussia🇷🇺investigation‼️ 1/

McGahn *carried out* Trump’s orders👉🏼lobbied Sessions to remain in charge of the inquiry.🤨

Meaning: McGahn OBSTRUCTED justice, too‼️ 2/
The @nytimes cited *TWO people with knowledge of the episode* (NOT just the investigation), so this is VERY solid info.🤔 3/

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🔥In Jul/Aug'16, FBI warned Trump👉🏼foreign adversaries, incl #Russia🇷🇺, would try to spy on/infiltrate his campaign.🤔

By then, *at least 7 Trump campaign aides* had been in contact w/Russians or ppl linked to Russia👉🏼NEVER reported it to FBI‼️ 1/…
*After the FBI warning*, Trump Jr exchanged Twitter messages in Sept w/Wikileaks, which USIC publicly accused in Oct of acting as an agent in #Russia's🇷🇺covert operation to interfere in the election.🤨 2/
Meantime, Jeff Sessions, who was running Team🇷🇺Trump's foreign policy op, met w/#Russian ambassador Sergey Kislyak in his Senate office👉🏼FAILED to disclose during his confirmation hearing or on his SF-86 (a *felony*). 3/
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THREAD: About a month after Trump launched his campaign, Rob Goldstone emailed that his #Russian🇷🇺pop-star client Emin Agalarov could arrange for a Trump-#Putin meet‼️

Goldstone also arranged the #RussianLawyer meet about a year later.🤨 1/…
In Jul'15, Goldstone’s emailed Trump's assistant, Rhona Graff (who handled ALL of Trump's emails)👉🏼urged Trump to travel to Moscow to attend a birthday party for Aras Agalarov (Emin's dad & #Putin pal).

“Maybe he would welcome a meeting w/ Putin,” Goldstone wrote.🤨 2
Goldstone's email is among thousands of pages of internal #Trump documents that have been turned over to investigators👉🏼the WaPo has *THIS* email showing *yet another* attempt to get a Trump-#Putin meeting‼️ 3/
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THREAD: Mounting evidence shows WH is VERY worried about parallel probes by Congress & Mueller🇺🇸…
Earlier signs included Trump’s desire to fire Mueller, his contemplating sweeping pardons, including HIMSELF, and firing #Comey. 2/
1. Trump & Kush ignored WH Counsel McGahn's advice to avoid coordinating stories on #Russia🇷🇺

McGahn contemplated resigning.🤔3/
Read 8 tweets

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