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Sep 28th 2018
The medieval formation & modern history of the Baltic States (Estonia, Latvia, & Lithuania) is a very intricate, difficult topic.
Sadly, key artefacts were deliberately blown up (Boris Stones) stolen (Euphrasia’s Cross) or erased (by propaganda or genocide)
after the 1939 Soviet-Nazi pact such that the 1 artefact unifying the area in #medieval times - the COG ship used by Catholic Crusaders then adopted by Orthodox colonizers & Slavic tribes along the Neman, Daugava, Emmajõgi, Velikaya, & Volkhov Rivers - is terribly rare.
Yet of the COG remains its MOSS - polytrichum commune - flourishing all over the region.
Since Soviet studies had to ignore dendochronology (tree-ring dating) & Chernobyl’s radiation (=false chemical dating) & skirt the limits of KGB monitoring,& since 1992 each free
Read 17 tweets
Apr 22nd 2018

For those who have not followed this closely and are just learning, the very latest post by #Q begins to lay the groundwork for the big reveal, which involves broad, illegal #SPYING by #Obama/#HRC/#DEMs against political enemies, including #Trump.
2/ #Q post in 2 pieces [interpretation in brackets]:
Apr 22 2018 12:58:19 (EST) Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: 195414 1145824 NEW
Not ‘official’ product - 5 Eyes.
Listen carefully.
No evidence to support POTUS targeting.
None. [FBI counterintelligence op was NOT based in official intel]
3/ Part 2 of above #QAnon post #1238:
Do you understand the gravity of what’s unfolding?
She had to win at all costs.
You know why.
How do people support/vote 4 these people?...…

Screenshot of Post #1238:
Read 30 tweets
Feb 2nd 2018
1. #FISAMemo released:

Demand for this information/transparency is so high that the server is overwhelmed.…
2. #FISAMemo

Key points:
- Fake Russian Steele dossier was used for FISA warrant, w/o disclosing #HRC/#Dem provenance.
- #FBI also PAID for dossier.
3. FISAMemo

- Another "source" extensively cited in the #FISA warrant application was a Sept 2016 #Yahoo article...which itself cycled back to the fake dossier as its source! That is, this means the FAKE #RussianDossier was essentially the sole source for the #FISA warrant.
Read 11 tweets
Feb 2nd 2018
1. #FISAMemo released:

Demand for this information/transparency is so high that the server is overwhelmed.…

Key points:
1. Fake Russian Steele dossier was used for FISA warrant, w/o disclosing #HRC/#Dem provenance.
2. #FBI also PAID for dossier.
3. FISAMemo

3. Another "source" extensively cited in the #FISA warrant application was a Sept 2016 #Yahoo article...which itself cycled back to the fake dossier as its source!
Read 11 tweets

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