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Feb 14th 2018
My birthday is Feb 21.

I can't afford my #healthcare after Feb. 28 because my monthly premium leapt to $1,978.10 in January.

I'm re-applying for #Medicaid and #SSDI, but no one should have to do this in America.

I am just one of millions.
I'm angry.
I've been angry since Nov. 9, 2016.
I'm not by nature an angry person.
But when you're fighting for your literal life, you're in constant pain & you have to fight a system dedicated to crushing sick/#disabled people, it's enraging.
All over America people are crowdfunding

*dental care
*medical tests

Not artistic works or small films or books but

Take that in, America.
Read 13 tweets
Feb 7th 2018
I had another life-threatening heart/lung episode today.
I'm not sure how much of it had to do with my cutting my heart meds back to once a day while appealing the increased price by my health insurance from $120 for 60 pills to $1k for 60 pills.
We had to call 9/11.
I couldn't afford to go to the hospital--when you call 9/11 the city charges you $1,200 for the trip to nearest hospital.
They only accept cash.
The EMTs checked me out, told me to take the heart meds the way they were prescribed, established I wasn't in VFib, just SVT AFib.
So all day, instead of doing work that needs to be done, I have been trying to get my heart rate under 140, which given my lung meds increase my heart rate, has been more work: breathing exercises my PT taught me, single nostril breathing @HillaryClinton taught me (try it).
Read 19 tweets

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