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Most recents (4)

May 25th 2018
#LoveJihad Girl from majority community went missing. Girl's father accused Muslim youth, father of 4, of kidnapping her. Police on high alert.
#Muzaffarnagar #UttarPradesh
Married Hindu woman recovered in pitiable condition from Bongaigaon, Bajrangi unit claims #LoveJihad
Salman caught while trying to rape 4 year old girl then handed over to police.
#Muzaffarnagar #UttarPradesh
Read 187 tweets
May 17th 2018
Class 8 student minor girl raped by Enamul Ali. He recorded the rape. Video went viral later. Accused absconding.
#LoveJihad 20 year old Samiksha Jain from #MadhyaPradesh converts to Islam to become Aaliya Beghum to marry 22 year old Mohammad Adil. Conversion and Nikah took place in #Hyderabad #Telangana
Read 184 tweets
Mar 3rd 2018
#NorthEast is not a far flung branch of the tree of Bharat but a place holding its roots. Mata #Tripura Sundari has grand temples all the way in south India. Kamakhya Devi (Assam) & Nartiang Durga (Meghalaya) are other ‘Shakti Peeth’s in NE. More interesting facts in this thread
Unakoti (#Tripura) is an >1000 yr old site with amazing carvings by an unknown sculptor. There is a 30 ft. high carving of Lord Shiva (Unikotiswara Kal Bhairava) & gigantic figures of Ganesha, Nandi and Durga on a lion

Sri Surya Pahar (Assam) is a site with numerous Shiva linga carvings - belief is that 99999 Shiva Lingas were engraved by Vyasa in order to build a 2nd Kashi (where there were 100000 Lingas)
- source wiki
Read 8 tweets
Feb 22nd 2018
#Hinduism in #NorthEast India

The many regions of NE India find mentions in our ancient religious manuscripts and in the Mahabharata.

Pls follow this thread for more information.

There is more info but can't be subsumed in tweets.

#Assam the land of blue hills and rivers, is the land of Usha, who was enamored of Aniruddha, the prince of Dwarka. #Meghalaya, abode of clouds was the dreamland of Pramila.
#ArunachalPradesh, where the sun rises above the snow capped mountains, was the homeland of Rukmini whose beauty enchanted Lord Krishna.#Manipur the dale of songs and dances was the land of Chitrangada and in #Nagaland, the eastern sentinel of our country, Arjun’s Ulupi was born.
Read 9 tweets

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