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Jul 21st 2018
The Chances of #Trump Being Charged With #Crimes Just #Increased Greatly…

"New York Gov. #AndrewCuomo on Wed opened the door to a possible #criminal case against the #DonaldJTrumpFoundation w/ a statement from his counsel that #Cuomo..
was prepared to provide a #CriminalReferral if asked. The background is that New York #AG #BarbaraUnderwood filed a civil #lawsuit against #DonaldTrump, 3 of his children & the #TrumpFoundation in June. That lawsuit states that the Trumps #illegally used the nonprofit foundation
as a personal “#checkbook” for their own benefit. The suit also says that #FoundationFunds were used in #Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign. In the June lawsuit Underwood had requested that a state judge dissolve the #Trump @Foundation & ban #DonaldTrump and his three children,
Read 5 tweets
Jul 12th 2018
“If I were still at the I.R.S., based on the lawsuit, I would make a criminal referral, on charges of tax evasion or false statements on a tax return, or both.” #trumpFoundation

BTW, these are felonies.…
Here’s FindLaw explanation…
“The government could anchor a tax evasion and false statement case upon the multiple instances of self-dealing”
Read 6 tweets
Jul 7th 2018
When I was called back to service in 2004 for the Iraq War, I was attached to a California reserve unit.
They were 99% Hispanic, and some weren’t citizens.
I was one of three white guys in that unit. But I never felt like that, since they treated me like family.
As much as our nation has scorned and shunned Hispanic immigrants, I would’ve understood if they treated me as an outsider.
I would’ve been disappointed, but understanding.
But that’s not what happened.
And they were some of the finest Marines I’ve served with.
The Hispanic Marines I served with welcomed me into their unit.
Since then I’ve learned a few things. Hispanics have no problem assimilating into our society, or welcoming us into their homes.
We do.
We push them to edge and find ways to keep them there.
#ImmigrantVeterans #Vets
Read 7 tweets

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