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#RePEc Research Papers in Economics is a collaborative effort of hundreds of volunteers in 100 countries to enhance the dissemination of #research in #economics

Aug 4, 2018, 10 tweets

#RePEc is a collaborative effort of hundreds of volunteers in 99 countries to enhance the dissemination of #research in #economics & related sciences (see on how you can be part of this initiative). Here is the list of our main services👇

Munich Personal #RePEc Archive is intended to disseminate #research papers of economists who want to make their work freely available through the RePEc network but are not affiliated with any institution that provides that furtherance

Are you a researcher in #economics or a related field?
Create and maintain a public profile of your work with #RePEc Author Service

IDEAS is the largest bibliographic database dedicated to #economics and available freely on the Internet. Based on #RePEc, it indexes over 2,600,000 items of research, including over 2,400,000 that can be downloaded in full text

EconPapers provides access to #RePEc, the world's largest collection of on-line #economics working papers, journal articles, books, chapters and software hosted by @orebrouni #research #openaccess #opensource #OpenData

#RePEc Genealogy tries to document, within the field of #economics , who was a student of whom, when & where. Whenever possible, links are made to profiles of authors on RePEc services such as EconPapers, EDIRC, & IDEAS, thanks to @CZimm_economist 👋…

#RePEc Biblio is a hand-selected collection of the most relevant articles & papers on a wide variety of economics topics. It's organized as a tree, narrowing the topics as you follow its branches. Here's the post announcing this service in 2013 in our blog…

#RePEc EconAcademics is a blog aggregator aiming to enhance the discussion of #economics research in the blogosphere by making it easier for the curious reader to find high-quality content, hosted by the #research division of the @stlouisfed

NEP is an announcement service which filters information on new additions to #RePEc into edited reports to provide subscribers with up-to-date information about the #research literature. Reports are available by email, RSS feeds and via Twitter @NEP_RePEc

There is an amazing number of economics institutions. #RePEc EDIRC is an attempt by @CZimm_economist (@stlouisfed) to index them: Currently 14,147 econ departments, finance ministries, statistical offices, CB, think tanks, etc. listed by country & fields

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