Their FF attempt was thwarted. To shift narrative off the damning #IGReport & successful #TrumpKimSummit, they're focusing on immigration/child separation- a projection of their own involvement in child separation/child trafficking. #FreeIran2018 is next.
Jackson Lee made headlines yesterday, when she leaked plans to fire RR on Friday at the #SenateHearing. How'd she know? Who told her? Who is she protecting?
They are shifting the narrative onto child separation at the border, in order to steer focus from the damning #IGReport. However, this is a false narrative, since the very same/worse separation conditions took place under Hussein's admin.
They're using the child separation narrative to deflect attention from the damning #IGReport. This is a false narrative, as the child separation law was put in place under B. Clinton & remained the same under Hussein's admin.
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by @RodStryker view original on Twitter
The feaux outrage of child separation at the border is a projection of their involvement in #ChildTrafficking & #PedoGate, as the #IGReport highlighted. They know the news of sex crimes against children & child trafficking thru the CF will be their END.…
What more proof do you need? Their feaux outrage of child separation at the border is nothing more than a political stunt to steer the narrative away from the damning #IGReport. They couldn't care less about the children.
Hmland Security Sec Nielson "vast majority, VAST, VAST MAJORITY of children who are in the care of HHS right now:10-12K were sent here ALONE BY THEIR PARENTS."
This is a political stunt by Dems to deflect from the #IGReport.
This will be their new FF. They will inspire radicals to insight violence against THE CHILDREN of Republican lawmakers over the #KeepFamilesTogether movement.
Activist posted ICE employees' personal data for the purposes of doxxing them, in response to the #KeepFamiliesTogether movement, stating those on the list should be denied "employment, svcs & friendship"
Hussein's staff is talking. They're abandoning ship, because they know it's sinking. This will lead to an end of the #MuellerProbe and unsealed indictments of those involved in #ObamaGate.
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by @YahooNews view original on Twitter
#QPROOFS will be very important soon. It looks like 5:5 [HRC video] will be released soon. This will bring #QAnon to the forefront and new eyes will need to see all the proofs that #Q is the real deal. You can find all the best at
They are planning organized riots. #Q Team has counter measures in place. The resistance is MUCH smaller than MSM portrays. The attacks have been strong today & will intensify. Despite attacks, we will prevail. The public is joining the #GreatAwakening.
One final thought: For every action, there is an equal & opposite reaction. The attacks will intensify with every new revelation of their crimes. Rest assured, we will prevail. They are AFRAID of the public awakening. We must STAND UP & FIGHT TOGETHER. #WWG1WGA#QAnon@POTUS
"We'll preserve for our children this, the last best hope of man on earth, or we'll sentence them to take the last step into a thousand years of darkness."
-Ronald Reagan
[Picture Repost]
A picture is worth a thousand words.
See EVIL in the face of FEINSTEIN?
See FEAR & EMOTION in the face of MURKOWSKI?
A phone was present.