There's far too much #bull being rattled around this ref. proposal. Wake up #Ireland folks; yes, we need to amend wording to reflect reality, ensure equality of responsibility is norm; no, it would be terminally stupid to throw it all out altogether,reduce legal standing of all/1
2/ from potentially exploitative employers' points of view. Amendment should not mean rescinding basic tenets on protecting #economic position of wo/men w children & of childrens' rights to home & care there, it should mean updating in line with values & mores of us now & ongoing
4/ You're being used & re-used, left, right & centre, according to your heavily mined predilictions, ideologies, social groups, job categories, geog. locations, personal lifestyles, need I go on? What have you not learnt from last times round? Or frm across the water either side?
6/Wo/men who care for children(incl. infants, disabled, developmental issues etc)seen as under-utilised employment fodder; taking away as opposed to amending constitution wording completely in a society/economy with almost NONE of the necessary #social#economic#infrastructure
7/ for supporting wo/men & children is off the wall. #Homes are made by #families in groups of all kinds, many have one or more children, & provide for their daily care, nurture, wellbeing & development. The #state does not do this IN ANY TYPE OF FACILITY WITH COHERENT OR EVEN
8/BASIC SAFETY as we see regularly. WE HAVE NO. REPEAT< NO> adequate let alone good or equally accessible & available #childcare facilities & provision. Costs, often for below-standard childcare routinely cripple young families of all sorts in #Ireland This is just <1> of issues
9/ Here's a #video that's about #inequality Watch it through please. lets do everything we can do not exacerbate inequalites here - Amend wording - regulate & support…
10/ Empowerment, equality, in the living of a person's life these are not abstract terms, they are actualities which we bring into being & hold through concrete intended actions. Don't bandy terms about like bananas #ThinkMore
I suppose we can safely say that now #TheFrighteners have been so successfully and publicly put on a certain sector their combined angst will spew a diarrhoea of spin & warp whilst trying to use THAT VERY THING to generate $£Es Some with automated AdTech software already bought.
2/ Some bought by gormless companies, by mistake, some in full knowledge or partial knowledge of what it could do. It will be interesting as time goes on to see who apparently DIDN'T CARE about the likely instigation of its more negative 'dark' capabilities looking to 'side-step'
3/ or even 'wrong-foot' Irish & EU regulation standards, & possibly law. This too is a kind of #climatechange & #ClimateAction in itself, a would be mammoth untouchable iceberg of 'dominion' & 'control' being melted out into an ocean of citizens' scrutiny & advancement for change
1/"Ian Paisley apologises at supporters' meeting"… "Mimicking the actions of the Conservative MP Boris Johnson, a number of Mr Paisley's supporters served tea & biscuits to the waiting media."Does that seem like taking the piss' to you? #JustSaying#Brexit
2/ "The North Antrim MP could face a by-election if 10% of his constituents sign a petition. A recall ballot, where voters can sign a petition calling for a by-election, has been opened.The recall petition is the first in UK parliamentary history." #Brexit#Northernireland#Derry
3/ "In politics they say when you are explaining you are often losing the argument. In recent weeks Ian Paisley has been doing a lot of explaining.
This meeting was organised by supporters of Ian Paisley so the suspended MP was speaking to a very receptive audience. He was in
2/And of who and what exactly has been resigning from what company and which board as US sanctions hit, in order to have company still operate in #Ireland as is large ish job provider... #Limerick#Munster
3/ Oleg Deripaksa - Rusal - Auginish Alumina connects to that Mungret cement factory and the infill that they were *promoting to bring in from the aged, unregulated red mud sludge sites at Auginish to burn as 'alternative fuel' - they can't even get it right with basic fossil
4/ fuels, they're not going to with that and many other kinds of **waste they're trying to pawn off on us. Now where did we just here about someone tied up in an international scandal about **waste and potential moneylaundering, and the DUP and what else??
3/ Given extent, range, & specificity of research that has gone into making appeal so far it raises certain questions about how the local council justifies itself as operating for the greater good of all of its locality-while pumping publicity for...… …
1/ #THREAD Ah, teeny tiny demographical instance of something, hastily wound up to a coy, careful kind of un-endorsement of something else, even uses paper in a medical / scientific journal to try substantiate this un-endorsement placement #Beware#BullAtWork How 'well-connected'
2/ and how reminiscent of a certain type of anti-vaccination trolling / disinformation.😬 #Questions such as: A/what percentage of the population actually use the product B/ what percentage of that specific demographic have been injured seriously, in a clinical sense or in the --
3/ particular mode described in the, eh, 'article' ? C/ So even if as seems likely this only verifiably happened to a tiny % of users,& even if the argument that it is all just public knowledge/public info. is applied so it appears to be, lets say for the heck of it, 'authentic',