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Oct 2nd 2018
I’m going to be doing a series of tweets every day for a week or 2 to help inform young people on the possibility of running for office.

These tweets are NOT endorsements but are just to show that it is possible to run for office at a young age and there are people that do.

@TayAnderson2019 is 20yrs old, running for Denver school board.

His focus is school safety and mental health. Follow him and check out his incredible life story to learn more:

19 y/o @Hinkle4SC who has

-transitioned 60+ schools away from plastic bottles

-helped convert 6 high school campuses to solar

-briefed Congress on nuclear waste storage.

Is Now running a corporate-free campaign for San Clemente City Council.
Read 7 tweets
Sep 16th 2018
Kicking off #WalkBikePlaces with an infrastructure tour on @BlueBikesNOLA. Several under way now; I'm on the one that looks at public art, placemaking. #bikeNOLA
First stop: Jackson Square, National Historic Site, named for Andrew J. Led battle that saved NOLA in 1812 but owned enslaved people. Should his statue come down? #WalkBikePlaces
Beautiful murals! Families of Plessy and Ferguson reconciled with art in celebration. Studio BE right across the street--big studio space in covered warehouse. @BlueBikesNOLA station right here at park.
Read 144 tweets
Sep 2nd 2018
Who is at risk of #ClimateChange?

Everyone. Everywhere.
#ClimateChange threatens your health.
#ClimateChange increases the risks of extreme weather events that cause damage to our lives and livelihoods
Read 12 tweets
Aug 31st 2018
The western US has been on fire for weeks, with unbreathable air confining people to their homes and keeping some from getting out on a bike. In other parts of the world it’s straight-up car pollution doing the same. We’re going to CLEAR THE AIR with #bikeschool #bikes4climate.
We’re heading toward Global #ClimateAction Week so you’ll see that hashtag + #bikes4climate tonight along with #bikeschool.
My hot take: Too many discussions under headlines with words like #sustainability or #climate or #green ignore bikes as clean transport.
****Q1: How have forest fires, pollution, other air quality issues affected your bicycling? Fun fact (h/t @andrealearned): Bikes invented as tool due to volcano eruption pollution. See by @lloydalter. #bikeschool #bikes4climate #ClimateAction #bikehistory
Read 26 tweets
Aug 23rd 2018
I suppose we can safely say that now #TheFrighteners have been so successfully and publicly put on a certain sector their combined angst will spew a diarrhoea of spin & warp whilst trying to use THAT VERY THING to generate $£Es Some with automated AdTech software already bought.
2/ Some bought by gormless companies, by mistake, some in full knowledge or partial knowledge of what it could do. It will be interesting as time goes on to see who apparently DIDN'T CARE about the likely instigation of its more negative 'dark' capabilities looking to 'side-step'
3/ or even 'wrong-foot' Irish & EU regulation standards, & possibly law. This too is a kind of #climatechange & #ClimateAction in itself, a would be mammoth untouchable iceberg of 'dominion' & 'control' being melted out into an ocean of citizens' scrutiny & advancement for change
Read 14 tweets
Aug 23rd 2018

If only we'd elected the woman who not only believed in #ClimateChange, but had a plan for #ClimateAction.

Trump has nine grandchildren and doesn't even seem to care if they have a livable planet when they are adults, let alone the rest of us.
In the press conference with Trump last year, President Niinistö of Finland said:

"If we lose the arctic, we lose the globe."

We can't ignore #ClimateChange, which can be seen and felt--worsening storms like #HurricaneLane, the fire seasons, flooding.…
Realized too late that I meant to start prefacing all major news stories with OMG!!!! to get folks' attention.
This story really is OMG-worthy.
It's terrifying.
Each successive summer is the hottest on record.
We must pay attention to what our planet is telling us.
Read 3 tweets
May 8th 2018
close- grazing doesn't "rebuild nutrients" per se, they're just pooping out nutrients they ate that already came from the soil.

Grazing *does* rebuild organic matter. Cow guts break tough plant parts into nice soft squishy soil parts.
"Organic matter" is just the black spongy stuff left over after things rot. (Plants, poop, dead bodies, etc.)

Without OM, dirt is just sand & clay. Either it's way too tight & doesn't let roots through, or it's super loose & can't hang onto water.
Organic matter is what turns sand & clay into proper soil. It's basically a sponge; holds water & keeps dirt from drying out immediately after rain.

In tight clay soils, also gives the soil more "spring" so it doesn't turn into a mud slick after rains.
Read 19 tweets
Apr 19th 2018
OUTRAGE: Trump's NASA nominee, Jim Bridenstine was approved 50-49. He plans on cutting all climate science missions on behalf of the fossil fuel lobby #ClimateAction
My letter to @SenateMajLdr in opposition to his nomination:…
This is a break from traditon. He is a climate denier. Never has an elected offical been appointed to head NASA.
Read 9 tweets

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