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I went to bed feeling betrayed--perhaps even enraged. I woke up, still feeling betrayed--but resolved. I still believe #AnitaHill. I still believe #ChristineBlaseyFord I still believe #survivors #women They have knocked us down, but not out. I still believe in the power of us.
Our perpetrators tried to stifle our voices too--and, WE ARE NOT GOING BACK. We will not be silenced or moved. Today, survivors will keep organizing, sharing our painful and hard truths until the very last hour, and then we'll take our fight to the ballot box.
Survivors matter and we do vote--and run for office too! We have been ignored, but not silenced #midterms A vote to support #Kavanaugh confirms more than one man, to the highest court in the land, you are also confirming #privilege #entitlement #injustice
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The following thread contains articles on White Supremacy & #Women's role in its continued existence ~ Reads for each of us think about our role in extinguishing this most pernicious blight for good. #WeHaveThePower #MyFeminismWillBeIntersectionalOrItWillBeBullshit
"... but white women have historically enabled racism even if it came with the cost of misogyny…
"We know that 53 percent of white women voted for Donald Trump. We know that some white women are so blinded by their privilege, their racism, and a patriarchal system that insists their lives as wives and mothers are “precious” .."…
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A story in honor of the #TexasSenateDebate:

My parents live in #EastTexas, in a district represented by one of the most conservative members of #Congress. However, my mom is one of the most liberal I know.
After 39 years of marriage, my dad finally let my mom put a bumper sticker on the back of his pickup truck (b/c #Texas) that said "I vote for Democrats." @TexasYDs @scyd_texas @texasdemocrats @BGTX @SmithDems
A few months ago, my dad had to take his truck into the shop. While it was there, one of the workers scratched D-E-M-O-C off the sticker so it read "I vote for rats." Understandably, my mom (who is 71 & under 5 ft, but raised 6 daughters & terrifying when need be) was angry.
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@KieseLaymon @Occidental Hey Kiese: I'm handling something now for my (disabled) dad. I'll write u back later, bro. I'm a v nice person -- u can fact-check w God. 😉 But I will not allow #ZinziClemmons to get away w her drive-by to kill #JunotDiaz's career. JD didn't forcibly kiss her. #apologizetoJunot
@KieseLaymon @Occidental Hey Kiese: Too bad we're connecting abt this #JunotGate fiasco, as u're a smart brother I'd love analyzing culture w/. Listened to ur talks. Interesting kings/queens pt @DukeU. I fact-checked #Trayvon's parents' book passage @Essence for terrific exec editor, JM. U & I 4 justice!
@KieseLaymon @Occidental @DukeU @Essence Justice: This #JunotGate fiasco started May 4 @SydWritersFest when ur 30-something #WOC writer friend #ZinziClemmons took mic & publicly accused #JunotDiaz (@mit_cmsw @BostonReview @PulitzerPrizes) of harming her 6 yrs prior. ZC then tweeted JD had cornered & forcibly kissed her!
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At dinner, I learned more about corruption + racism built into society by our masters. A book we discussed (Zinn) was used as part of this "Left" resource's bibliography. I had to share. [A thread]

@BlackSocialists - thoughts on this resource?
It very simply lays out the case that we are all being controlled. It covers hidden history of the United States including their (and, due to the systems created by our masters, our) racism. 

#racism #systemicracism #history
If you haven't been in school for a while (or are in a terrible school), some of the words might trip you up. and are two good resources to help you.
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“My biggest fear is my Commander will call ICE”

Unfuckingbelievable. This kind of scapegoating and betrayal after giving up your life to become part of the shrinking pool of people who serve in uniform, is unconscionable and dangerous #WhereisMattis #VetsAgainstTrump
What is unfathomable is the hypocrisy. This soldier clearly passed the Army’s standards & requirements- around training, health, behavior/comportment- kept her nose clean, did her job for 4 yrs. All just for this soldier to be kicked out w no real cause & risk #deportation.
You know how isn’t always kicked out of our #military with this kind of vigor?

Sexual predators and criminals

Corrupt, fraud-waste power abusers


White supremacists

Hyper-religious homophobic commanders who still don’t respect or uphold open service policies
Read 7 tweets
poll for #women #writers: You routinely write about serious issues in your field (e.g., science/health). Another writer, in the middle of his critique of your position, encourages readers to check out an unrelated article you wrote about your dating experiences. You assume he is:
Now that the poll is complete, I can formally respond to Jesse Singal's latest accusations of me:… - feel free to share, as god knows he's been spreading lies about me far & wide...
here's the TL;DR version of my response. for the record, Singal wasn't singling me out as being "hysterical and opportunistic" - that insult was also intended for people who believe me (e.g., @nberlat & @ZackFord, who he called out in the same Twitter thread)
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@SurvivorsnetBtn @RASASC_London @survivorstrust @Danvers07943910 @ObjectUK @BrightonSurvivorsNET “In the light of a highly disturbing increase of #transphobia locally & nationally…” IF everything anybody says or does is #transphobia, of course you can say it is rising. Any reputable statistics?
@SurvivorsnetBtn @RASASC_London @survivorstrust @Danvers07943910 @ObjectUK “…so the date @Womans_Place_UK event feels like a concerted effort to make #trans ppl, & particularly #transwomen, feel #intimidated and #invalidated” Is it the position of SN that the sensitivities of #transwomen mean that #democracy should be suspended any time they say so?
@SurvivorsnetBtn @RASASC_London @survivorstrust @Danvers07943910 @ObjectUK @Womans_Place_UK #Transwomen do face special challenges but they remain #bio #logical #males but it is fine for them #Gender express as ‘women’ but with the best will in the world, they remain #bio #logically #male @WomenEqualities @Commonswomequ @PennyMordaunt @MariaMillerUK @LesleySemmens
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SO this whole consultation process by Galway Co Co for the minister was so obviously an elaborate and confusing waste of time and money and energy from the start and the report confirms it #TuamHome #tuambabies…
At best, this report is, as my mother calls it, “fluff”. It is also a sinister and elaborate exercise in amplifying a line of dissent. Sorry now if I have no time for any NIMBYism here. This is a CRIME SCENE we are talking about.
The whole idea of this consultation was an insult, and its process and findings are a sham. Ironically, that word #Sham is slang for a person from #Tuam, the very people this report purports to speak for. But it doesn’t. The people are not so polarized as this report would insist
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Time to talk about women's reproductive health and dispel a few myths. I'm not one for long threads, so bear with me here. I have a lot of thoughts on this.

The main thing I think gets lost in partisan rhetoric is that we ALL want there to be fewer abortions. But how?
2) Let's start with a universal truth.

🔥Making abortions illegal does not make them less common.🔥


#LegalSafeRare… Abortion rates are not lower in places where it is illegal.
Just in case you thought this was an American phenomena.

It's not.

Other countries have learned the hard way that punitive measures don't work.
#RoevWade… Abortion is as common in countries where it is illegal as it is where it is legal.
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There's far too much #bull being rattled around this ref. proposal. Wake up #Ireland folks; yes, we need to amend wording to reflect reality, ensure equality of responsibility is norm; no, it would be terminally stupid to throw it all out altogether,reduce legal standing of all/1
2/ from potentially exploitative employers' points of view. Amendment should not mean rescinding basic tenets on protecting #economic position of wo/men w children & of childrens' rights to home & care there, it should mean updating in line with values & mores of us now & ongoing
3/ See the shiiiiit-stirrrrring for what it is: #brexit deflector #Border deflector #EU agreement deflector #criminalcase going down deflector #Referendum #Women of #Ireland you're way brighter than that, get a grip. And trolls can just bot off with themselves. Hi @TransparentRef
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Opinion | What the Supreme Court battle suggests about culture wars - by Jennifer Ruben
#Women #WomensRights #Democrats #progressives #liberals #UniteBlue #BlueWave
"[] the debate surrounding the nomination has reminded us the degree to which social conservatives have lost on key cultural issues. The only way they reverse those defeats is by guaranteeing a Supreme Court majority at odds with the sentiments of voters."
"That creates a unique problem for Republicans, and an unexpected opportunity for Democrats."

Please read in full. Thanks.
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(1/11) When I say..."The people closest to the pain, should be the closest to the power, driving & informing the policymaking..." THIS is what I mean. (A) When I wanted to break cycles of #poverty by strengthening pathways to #graduation, preventing #dropout #MA7
(2/11) for expectant & #parenting #teens, (still the #1 reason girls drop out, even with unplanned pregnancies on the decline) I invited them to the table to share their stories, struggles & to inform the #BPS policy we developed to better support them.
(3/11) (B) When I wanted to better understand why we were seeing an increase in #bicyclist & motor vehicle collisions, I contacted @bostonbikeunion I invited them to share their stories & struggles, 4 hrgs later, we had a crash data report & the 1st sideguard ord. in the country
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1. Story of Mr. X "architect of #ColdWar"
The advises of Mr X to The US will
always be helpful to us from #JNU to #Pakistan to #Kathua

This is the STORY of a person #Lost_in_the_pages_of_history

I PROMISE by the end of the #RightFactsThread you'll have #Goosebumps 🙏🙏
2. This person is known to the world as #Mr_X for decades thanks to an ARTICLE he wrote in @ForeignAffairs (july 1946) with the pen name of Mr. X

His real name was #GeorgeKenan the US ambassador to erstwhile Soviet Union in 1940s

The article was an excerpt of his LONG TELEGRAM
3. The #LongTelegram as it's known was shot back in The US gave 2 things:

👉 Geopolitical reality post WWII
👉he proposed that the US should adopt the strategy of “containment”—not conventional warfare

His other advises in his #LongTelegram r directly relevant in Indian context
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On #WomensDay #womensday2018 #InternationalWomensDay

Let's discuss d stature #women have in #Hinduism

Hinduism splits d primordial divine energies into Shiva& Shakti.Nothing can exist without d existence of dese opposing yet complementary forces

Pls follow the thread-
Aditi–1st Mother,Goddess of space,infinity and timelessness. A protective Goddess who helps u overcome obstacles.

Agneya–Daughter of the fire God Agni & guardian of the south east direction.

Ammavarua–The Goddess who laid the egg from which Brahma,Shiva& Vishnu hatched.(2/10)
Aranyani–Goddess of d forest &d creatures that live dere.

Banka Mundi–Goddess of d hunt & fertility.

Chhaya-Goddess of d shadows & consort of Surya,d Hindu sun God.

Durga-A fierce, demon fighting Goddess who sits upon a lion.Her name means one who alleviates suffering.(3/10)
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#blueWave #Democrats

There is a #BlueWave2018 coming across the country! Let take a look at a few of the candidates making that happen!

Thread 1
Meet @lcmoser stand up Texans!
How about this fresh face! @kovacs4congress Let's do this Arizona !
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There is a growing trend to implement development projects oriented towards women economic empowerment (WEE) in #Libya. This is great because it paves the way for changing the cultural paradigm of Libyan society and promotes inclusion of #women in other areas. 1/10
But there are also opportunities/risks that should be observed/mitigated when implementing such projects, given the #Libya-n environment. I’ll try and compile a few here that I hope will be observed by both donors and implementing orgs. 2/10
First, you need to make sure the idea for the project originates from the woman and that she takes full ownership of it. Just suggesting things for her to do is NOT economic empowerment and will have 0 impact, it is advising and will eventually result in failure. 3/10
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In Delhi a 11 month old girl died because the hospital refused to treat her without an #Aadhaar card.

In Chandigarh, a woman was refused #abortion because she did not have an Aadhaar. She sought a back alley abortion and suffered extreme bleeding and complications.




3/n. HIV+ women in India have stopped their treatment as hospitals demand the biometric Aadhaar. The women fear loss of anonymity & social stigma on them and their families.…

Read 53 tweets

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