Children are still in Cages
Parents have been deported AFTER their children were torn from them
The few scenes of reunifications show children TRAUMATIZED
This nightmare isn’t over but the bigger question for our Country is...
If Trump wont follow Federal Orders who will stop him
The one group who can stop Trump are the GOP
They can stop these Human Rights violations but they don’t - WHY?
I posted the tweet below last night after work👇
I didn’t expect it to get the reaction it received because to me it just represented a hard day but not out of the ordinary. In fact I’ve had much worse..
I’ve been reliving my own event since Dr Ford came forward. My event 25 yrs ago was so similar & I understand better #WhyIDidntReport
I just told my family about it in the last few weeks but I won’t discuss it here. Instead I want you to see everyday life for a woman..
In my last job the CEO was a spoiled rich guy. He wanted to create a “fun” culture for the staff & regularly took us all out for drinks. One night there were about 40 of us at a bar & I talked to my colleagues when he came up & put his arm around my waist & his hand🤚on my a__
This should NOT be framed as a He Said, She Said
Whys the @GOP rushing to dismiss what SHE SAID. Fords allegations are supported by the fact that Kavanaugh,in his & Judges own words,seemed to have an alcohol & party culture. Its disturbing to look at ALL we already know..THREAD👇
👉Kavanaugh says 'What happens at Georgetown Prep stays at Georgetown Prep'
👉The potential witness during the attempted rape refuses to testify & wrote a Memoir called 'Wasted'
👉Why are the GOP hiding 90% of Kavanaughs documents
👉It appears he already Perjured himself
👉Kavanaughs email after a "boys boat trip" mentions 'blacking out' & cautioned confidentiality-WHY?
👉Judges memoir is corroborated by Brett Kavanaughs own disturbing Yearbook entries
👉GOP indicate that even if Brett DID attempt to rape Dr Ford he should still be confirmed
I thought I would bump up some of my old threads for those who haven't seen them. Trumps Corruption runs deep - Here are some of my deep dive attempts to delve into some of Trumps shady dealings...
In a cruel twist of irony, the Trump Govt is bring back Asbestos, the Green Party gave that same party a boost last night in Ohio. 1,127 people cast their vote for the party they thinks gonna save the planet, instead they may have put a nail in the 🌎 coffin & helped the GOP
This weekends Portland stand off between the Far Right & citizens who came to say Fascism isnt welcome in Portland, Police stood btwn the 2 groups. When the stand off became tense Police threw flashbang grenades AT the citizens AGAINST fascism PROTECTING Trump supporting fascists
Portlands Hate Crime Laws say a Hate Crime is the threat of violence towards people due to their race, religion, sexual orientation
The fascists threaten violence against all these groups yet the Police attacked the group protesting Hate.
Trump has officially incited violence
In Trumps World White Supremacy is protected by the Police despite the fact that they brought weapons and were purposefully inciting violence
The people protesting White Supremacy were charged by Police w/ their batons drawn
And as we predicted a reporter was hurt covering it..