I had this playgroup that consist children my age but an older boy of about 15 among us that was always calling me ''my wife" lol Little did I know he meant it literally #LifeplanningGIT
We will sit down aside and play "mummy and Daddy, police and thief, tantaloose and all and he will always lead the games and champion me when I win #LifePlanningGIT
So while playing my parents noticed the threats the boy posed to me and will always say "Missy be careful" I never knew what they use to warn me about unroll a day the boy almost raped me. #LifeplanningGIT
What they should have told me was that "he is older and wiser and is a potential threat as regards my sexuality, they should have sat me down and teach me the pants rule #LifeplanningGIT
They should have better Create #SafeSpace4Youth and me in this case by educating me with information to protect from predators and paedophiles so I don't become a rape victim like many of my peers. #LifeplanningGIT
#safespaces4youth I didn't fall prey to that lil boy but I eventually still became a victim of child molestation because the society didn't dim it fit to educate and empower me with enough #sexualandreproductive Information to keep me safe #LifeplanningGIT
A safe space is a place where anyone can relax and be able to fully express themselves without fear of being unsafe on acct of sex,race etc. The society needs to do more in protecting adolescents and youths in Nigeria #LifeplanningGIT
Mental, physical safety is the right of every youth and adolescents and information and education is the first steps to preventing us from harm and keeping us safe #LifeplanningGIT
We are now live with @Ronikpe@Devcoms who answered our questions on the topic "Linkage between family Planning and women's health" You want to know why to space birth and not rush the process because you want to be young and fine again. #ISSathread#FPfriday
@ronikpe@Devcoms@Getittogether The impact of childbearing is directly proportional to the time interval of births. The lesser the spacing, the less healthy a woman is. We should realize that pregnancy is a physically and emotionally demanding process/journey for every woman- @Ronikpe#FPFriday
It’s best to start talking with #children about sexuality early. You may ask, “How early?” For young children, you can start by teaching them the names of their body parts or asking if they know why girls and boys look different #FPFriday
When we talk to children about sex, it’s important to keep our conversation age appropriate #FPFriday
They will approach you a friend and tell you they like to lift you up and make you cool, help you fit in #NoExcuse4DrugAbuse
They will tell you " cocaine will make you a life of the party" and They will tell you Ecstasy can make you be with a lot of girls. #NoExcuse4DrugAbuse