Dr. Malinda S. Smith Profile picture
Apr 14, 2018 81 tweets 59 min read Read on X
Awful: A @Starbucks barista profiled & called the police on 2 Black male customers sitting in a cafe. 2.The customers, real estate brokers, were waiting for a third person. 3.Equally awful, the police handcuffed/criminalized the men for: #BlackInStarbucks? twitter.com/i/moments/9852…
2) @Starbucks CEO Kevin Johnson: “Reprehensible outcome in Philadelphia event: “...express our deepest apologies to the two men who were arrested with a goal of doing whatever we can to make things right” #BlackInStarbucks news.starbucks.com/views/starbuck…
3)Think @Starbucks of family & career impact of picture in handcuffs & perp walk:“Woman Who Shared Philadelphia Starbucks Arrest Video Tells Her Story:video shared by Melissa DePino has been viewed more than four million times in less than 48 hours” @po_st po.st/lLLpw8
4)Racism’s afterlives: If these men’s names, pictures, fingerprints etc are now in some police database—as having an arrest record because of the racism/racial biases of a @Starbucks employee—then it is #Starbucks’ responsibility to correct that record. reuters.com/article/us-phi…
5)Police Commissioner Ross, an African-American, claims the arresting officers followed rules (by acting on @Starbucks employee’s 911 call accusing customers of “trespassing”). Yet: “Philadelphia mayor 'heartbroken' after black men arrested at Starbucks” usat.ly/2GZ0cxJ
6)”Implicit bias and racism are real. Which one was at play in Philadelphia makes no difference. The result is the same-two black man arrested for nothing.” ACLU, “Waiting While Black in Philadelphia Can Get You Arrested” #racialprofiling #racialbias aclu.org/blog/criminal-…
7)”@Starbucks Will Close More Than 8,000 Stores To Hold Anti-Racial Bias Training In May”: “..all its US stores and corporate offices for the training...as it struggles to cope with backlash following the arrest of two black men at a store in Philadelphia” buzzfeed.com/blakemontgomer…
8)Starbucks Arrests, Outrageous to Some, Are Everyday Life for Others: "Rittenhouse Square...has the highest racial disparity in the city when it comes to police pedestrian stops...3 percent of the residents...two-thirds of the people stopped.” #Starbucks nytimes.com/2018/04/17/us/…
9)”In policing, implicit bias causes some groups to receive undeserved suspicion while other groups are presumed innocent...implicit bias contributes to ‘shooter bias’...’the tendency for police to shoot unarmed black suspects more often than white ones’” cnn.com/2018/04/17/hea…
10)Why Starbucks shouldn't be praised for its misguided racism workshops, by Hina Tai: “line between implicit bias and explicit bias can become murky at times..@Starbucks incident is a clear case of explicit bias and to call it anything less is outrageous” theguardian.com/commentisfree/…
11) @Starbucks to close more than 8,000 US stores May 29 for racial-bias training: “Another person tweeted, “this initiative should be longer and should encompass @StarbucksCanada No viral video from Canada yet doesn’t mean it doesn’t happen here too” thestar.com/news/world/201…
12)Alexandra Kalev & Frank Dobbins’ study “analyzed compulsory diversity trainings for managers at over 800 companies between 1985 and 2000...takeaway was sobering: Companies that required the training ended up hiring fewer minorities and women” #Starbucks nydailynews.com/opinion/starbu…
13)Beyond @Starbucks: “But racial bias training for employees is not enough...we have investigated discrimination in customer service..repeatedly found that front-line workers exhibit racial bias in the quality of customer service they provide” #Starbucks nyti.ms/2K2Di6s
14)Doesn’t Just Happen at Starbucks.Teachers Need Racial Bias Training Too:“question is not what is Starbucks doing to learn from this incident,but what about the rest of us? Are we ready to do the work necessary to dismantle our deeply entrenched biases?” educationpost.org/it-doesnt-just…
15)Worth a careful listen: Melissa Depino (@missydepino) in conversation with Touré: A special episode of @Toure Show on #Starbucks featuring an interview with an eyewitness to The Arrest. Via. Applepodcasts.com/Toureshow #starbucks #blacklivesmatter” |
16)”Starbucks won’t have any idea whether its diversity training works..doesn't seem to have any plans to test its curriculum.” Jefferson&Lewis Jr:”Diversity training seems to be corporate America’s new go-to response to racial incidents..public relations” washingtonpost.com/news/postevery…
17)”Watch: @Starbucks Involved in Another Racist Incident: ‘And because ordering coffee and a doughnut and then taking that with you into the bathroom is..gross, Weston and Ward walked to the counter to ask a barista about it’.” #cdnpse #Starbucks @TheRoot theroot.com/watch-starbuck…
18)Beyond #Starbucks: Pennsylvania Golf Club Apologizes For Calling The Cops On Five Of Its Black Members:”club's ownership... ‘does not reflect our organization’s values or our commitment to delivering a welcoming environment for everyone...disappointed’” blavity.com/pennsylvania-g…
19)”An evaluation of 40 years of research has found that diversity training workshops have only a small effect in reducing bias against members of minority groups..impact on behaviour decays over time, and shorter training programs lead to smaller changes” theconversation.com/why-short-unco…
20)”@Starbucks is not..unique in being a white and middle-class space:in fact, most public spaces can be characterized this way.Jane H Hill explored this idea in..”Language, Race, and Public Space,"..people of colour are under constant, intense monitoring” cbc.ca/news/opinion/s…
21)Beyond #Starbucks: A group of black women say a golf course called the cops on them for playing too slow: “‘They knew exactly what they were doing,’ she said. ‘It was five African American women playing golf and it was a problem for them’." @CNN cnn.it/2HqURzu
22)Racial bias: ”We sincerely apologize to the women for making them feel uncomfortable here..that is not our intention in..We want all of our members to feel valued and that they can come out here and have a great time, play golf and enjoy the experience” apnews.com/95e02521b2884a…
23)WaffleHouse: “Police body slam woman in cutlery fee row. When #ChikesiaClemons was charged for plastic cutlery at a @WaffleHouse in Alabama she cancelled her order and asked to speak to the district manager.
Police were called...the situation escalated” bbc.co.uk/news/av/world-…
24)“This week proved it—advocacy is going viral in a powerful way. A flurry of recent viral videos are allowing equality advocates to hold power to account, highlight institutionalized discrimination and dismantle hypocrisy,” by @ShreeParadkar #WaffleHouse thestar.com/opinion/star-c…
25)@Starbucks, @WaffleHouse & “A @PizzaInn_Inc restaurant in Rocky Mount is defending itself against charges of #racism after a manager refused to accept a coupon from a black customer but later accepted the same coupon from the black man's white roommate” wral.com/racism-alleged…
26)Making visible racial profiling & racism in service: “W. Kamau Bell was kicked out of a California cafe in 2015, when the manager thought he was "harassing" his white wife and baby girl.
The cafe has shut down, but the storm still isn't over for Bell”
27)Toronto restaurant ordered to pay $10,000 after asking black customers to prepay for their meal:“server..explained this was restaurant policy...were the only black people..approached other diners to ask if they’d been required to prepay and all said no” theglobeandmail.com/canada/article…
28)Eating while black in a Chinese restaurant: a grim lesson in racist division, by @balkissoon in @globeandmail bit.ly/2JHcBU0
29)”A mom on a college tour called the cops on two Native American teens because they made her 'nervous'” By Dakin Andone & Hollie Silverman: “Critics are holding up the incident as just the latest example of racial profiling” #Starbucks #WaffleHouse @CNN www-m.cnn.com/2018/05/04/us/…
30)There is a hard-to-miss pattern here: ”Police release video showing them pulling two Native American teens from a Colorado State University campus tour after a woman reported them”. | Read about the university's apology here: apne.ws/2L4NGe4
31)Racism in service, poor corporate accountability: IHOP Customer Called the N-Word on Receipt: “what further upset Thomas and her mother was the fact that after complaining to @IHOP, they only received a $10 gift card in the mail” @TheRoot theroot.com/ihop-customer-… via @TheRoot
32)Beyond @ColoradoStateU: This isn’t bias. It is racism, and unprofessional, unhygienic & gross conduct: “South Carolina HS teacher caught on camera slapping, kicking black student; white community members organize protest to get her job back” #education trib.al/Cml7GTv
33)What kind of ppl call the police for this?:

“Four brilliant Black women checked out of their @Airbnb. A white woman outside waved at them and they didn't wave back.
So she called the police.
Then helicopters & a slew of police cars swarmed the area.”
34)On Grandview Golf course in York County, Pennsylvania. Note awful conduct of the club’s co-owner, who should be fined for frivolous call: “A golf club called the cops to remove 5 black women...for golfing too slowly.” #Starbucks #WaffleHouse @ajplus
35)Pervasive anti-blackness: “University of Florida (@UF) students were waving and cheering when they were manhandled by a graduation marshal: ’The University of Florida's president has apologized for what he called "inappropriately aggressive" behavior’“ huffingtonpost.ca/entry/black-gr…
36)Making systemic racism and anti-blackness more visible: ”Police cars, helicopter swarm @Airbnb after white neighbor called the cops on 3 black filmmakers who were simply moving their luggage”: #Starbucks #WaffleHouse #CSU #AirBnB @TheRoot trib.al/mVL4jbK
37)”One of 3 Filmmakers #BlackWhileAirbnb-ing Is Bob Marley’s Granddaughter; Plans to Sue Police Over Excessive Stop:’The woman in the photo above has been identified by the New York Daily News as 33-year-old Donisha Prendergast, daughter of Sharon Marley’ theroot.com/blackwhileairb…
38)Pervasive #racialprofiling and racism in service: “Nordstrom Rack wrongly accuses 3 black men of theft, apologizes: “Mekhi Lee is one of three black teens wrongly accused of stealing by the @nordstromrack store in suburban St. Louis” @cbsmoneywatch cbsnews.com/news/nordstrom…
39)Everyday antiblackness: “Miami-Dade prosecutor @KathyFndzRundle charges @MiamiPD officer Mario Figueroa with misdemeanor assault for kicking at head of defenseless, handcuffed black man; department plans to fire him”
40)”#YaleWhileBlack: White woman calls police on Black grad student for napping in dorm: ‘Black Yale teaching fellow Lolade Siyonbola says her white neighbor took the extreme measure of calling the police when she fell asleep in the common area’” @theGrio thegrio.com/2018/05/08/bla…
41)Everyday racism. The victims of racism forced to leave but racist received service: “This happened at a @DennysCanada restaurant in Lethbridge, Alberta earlier tonight.
The men were later kicked out by the manager and the local police.”-@BashirMohamed
42)Policing Black joy: “White Woman Called Out for Racially Targeting Black Men Having BBQ in Oakland,” By
Michelle Dione. #racialprofiling #RacialDiversity via @youtube
43)Update on #racism at @DennysCanada: “Graphic video captures racist rant at Lethbridge Denny's: Kelly Pocha, who was identified as the woman in the video by Lethbridge News Now (@lethnewsnow) was fired Wednesday from her job at @CranbrookDodge”. #abpoli edmontonjournal.com/news/crime/war…
44)Update on #racialprofiling at Rialto, California @Airbnb: “The owner of the Airbnb says the situation could have been avoided “if the kids had simply smiled at (my neighbor) and waved back and acknowledged her...none of this would have ever happened." bit.ly/2I2BMnT
45)”three black @Airbnb guests checked out of their rental...met by seven police cars...attorney Jasmine Rand... ‘We don't want to live in an America where black people are forced to smile at white people to preserve their lives’.” #racialprofiling @CNN www-m.cnn.com/2018/05/10/us/…
46)@Yale officers admonished the white student who called police on a napping black student...officers explained to the caller that ‘this was not a police matter,’...were reporting the incident to the dean of the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences” @CNN cnn.it/2jLbkQR
47)#NappingWhileBlack: ‘I Love Hate Speech’: Sarah Braasch, the white woman who called police on Black @Yale grad student for napping in dorm, defends slavery and supports burqa ban in writings.Sarah Braasch is also against hate crime legislation” @theGrio thegrio.com/2018/05/10/sar…
48)Sarah Braasch 2x calling police on @Yale Black students: “she continued to verbally assault me...claiming that I ‘didn’t belong here’ and I was making her ‘uncomfortable’... four police officers then showed up in HGS to inspect a ‘suspicious character’” yaledailynews.com/blog/2018/05/1…
49)Recall the case of @Harvard’s Prof Henry Louis Gates, Jr. @Yale is not unique. Ivy League schools, as all universities, must educate against racial biases. Not enough: #highered must address everyday, institutional & systemic racism. Most do nothing or only symbolic gestures.
50)Everyday unchecked racism, this time at the Virginia Country Inn & Suites in Norfolk, Virginia: @ajplus “A black man was called a “monkey” when he requested a hotel room that doesn't smell like smoke.”
51)”This community fired up its grills after a white woman called the cops on a black family's cookout: ‘How Black Oakland responds to a white lady calling the cops on Black folks BBQing’." @HuffPostCanada huffingtonpost.ca/entry/cookout-…
51)#WaitingWhileBlack ”We’ve picked up on hashtags to sardonically document the mundane activities in which Black people cannot participate without police intervention... news has mostly failed to interrogate why this is happening." @andraydomise @macleans
52)#LivingWhileBlack:”White Woman Calls Cops on Black Real Estate Investor Inspecting House Next Door: ‘he readily showed the woman his investment contract..the written permission he received from the homeowner...woman...called the police anyway’” @TheRoot theroot.com/white-woman-ca…
53) #VacationingWhileBlack: “Hear why woman called 911 on Airbnb guests: Rialto, California, authorities release audio from the white woman who called police on three black Airbnb guests” @CNN cnn.it/2jRQ0Jp
54)Everyday #racialprofiling: "Why White Americans Call The Police On Black People In Public Spaces". #racism #racialbias via @NPR n.pr/2GkMIr4
55)Everyday racism caught on camera (this perpetrator later identified as Manhattan attorney Aaron Schlossberg): “Video shows white man threatening to call ICE on Spanish speakers in NYC” fox19.com/story/38207432…
56)Dr Jennifer Schulte & attorney Aaron Schlossberg cases show racism not reducible to white working class. Mislabeling antiracism identity politics is unhelpful. Schlossberg’s racist rant in a NYC Fresh Kitchen isn’t new, as 2016 Willie Morris video shows
57)#LivingWhileBlack, or when simply being Black is “suspicious” for some White folk: “White Woman Calls Security on ‘Suspicious Man With a Baby’ at Park in Washington, DC”. #Starbucks #Airbnb @TheRoot theroot.com/black-father-s…
58)#ShoppingWhileNative: 'I felt like I was racially profiled': Indigenous woman accused of shoplifting: “@PearleVision says it's investigating incident involving Linda Nothing and sales associate.” #racialprofiling @CBCNews cbc.ca/news/canada/ca…
59)Resisting #racialprofiling and everyday racism: Yesha Callahan, “Oakland holds massive #BBQingWhileBlack festival at Lake Merritt in response to viral #BBQBecky incident”: @TheRoot trib.al/TSJePSf
60)”Starbucks, Yale, and the Abuse of 911 Against Black Americans.
Many whites see the police as a tool to enforce a certain racial order,” by Matt Ford @newrepublic #racialprofiling #WaffleHouse #Yale newrepublic.com/article/148396…
61)#PhotographingWhileBlack & everyday #racialprofiling: “Next it's going to be #BlackWhileBreathing, it seems like we literally can't even do our jobs anymore.
A black photographer had the police called on him for guess what, TAKING PHOTOS!” @theGrio buff.ly/2J5a3lQ
62) Man Who Called Cops on Black Women Golfing: "Other than her mouth, there’s not any weapons.” @TheRoot:
911 calls have been released of the man who called the police on a group of black women golfing.” #racialprofiling trib.al/PVqROWU
63)#EverydayRacialProfiling ”People of color go about their daily business:shopping, golfing, moving in...only to have cops called on them...for every story that makes the news, there’s countless others that don’t involve police..everyday #racialprofilingow.ly/RcfK30keGFc
64)We should not kid ourselves. Conscious racism is an everyday reality: ”New video shows cop stepping on NBA player Sterling Brown's ankle while officers discuss the backlash of taking down a black NBA player” #racialprofiling : trib.al/gUFGJkn
65)”The policing of black Americans is racial harassment funded by the state: ‘When the police’s job is to uphold a racialized law and order, black people can be arrested just for living their lives’.” @guardian
66)#EverydayRacism “Randy and Linda Krakora, Holt-Colden’s white next-door neighbors...called 911 on her and Reggie nearly two weeks earlier..Linda, her husband Randy, their son, daughter-in-law and two grandkids...called police...60 times in the 18 years” m.mic.com/articles/19012…
67) #EatingOutWhileBlack: Subway Employee Calls 911 on Black Family Because She Thought They Would Rob Her. @TheRoot theroot.com/eatingoutwhile…
68)Everyday #RacialProfiling: ”A few Oakland residents thought a black firefighter doing his job looked suspicious, so they called the cops on him” @TheRoot trib.al/NGKhB5f
69) #IDAdam ”White man calls police on black mother and child for using neighbourhood swimming pool.
Adam Bloom did not believe Jasmine Edwards could be wealthy enough to live in area, she says” @Independent independent.co.uk/news/world/ame…
70)’#IDAdam': Man who questioned black woman's right to use pool loses job”. #AdamBloom #RacialProfiling @usatoday usat.ly/2ukqgKT
71) #PoolPatrolPatty: “White Apartment Manager Erica Walker Fired After Calling Police on Black Couple Because of Socks,” @TheRoot theroot.com/poolpatrolpatt…
72) #NewportNancy: White Woman Calls Cops on Black Woman for Smoking in Parking Lot”: “In addition to calling the police, “Nancy” threatened to have the woman evicted for “smoking on the property.” @EBONYMag ebony.com/news-views/new…
73)”#MourningWhileBlack: Priest Calls Cops on Black Funeral-Goers, Tells Them to 'Get the Hell Out' of Church”  @TheRoot theroot.com/mourningwhileb…
74)”Cops Keep Getting Called On Black People for Being Black.
Viral cell phone videos reveal a sobering reality: white people often call the cops on black people for no reason.” @HuffPost huffingtonpost.com/entry/cops-kee…
75)”5 things white people can do before they call the cops on a black person,” by Rebecca Ruiz #RacialProfiling @Mashable mashable.com/2018/06/24/per…
76)”Could fines stop white people from calling the police on folk ‘being black’ in public?

Economic penalties have worked before in the fight against racism.” #racism @TheUndefeated theundefeated.com/features/could…
77)Why white people keep calling the cops on black Americans.
White people call cops to remove black people because it often works:”powerful incentives for people of one racial group to call the police on others..seen as breaching ‘white space’” @voxdotcom
78)Carla Hall: “White people, could you stop calling the police on black people for living?” @latimes latimes.com/opinion/la-ol-…
79)”Woman calls cops on black state legislator canvassing in her own damn district:

‘The Oregonian reports Rep. Janelle Bynum, a first-term Democrat running for re-election this fall, was “taking notes on her cellphone’.” @Jezebel trib.al/sxfzlGl
80)#CellPhoneSally “Black Oregon legislator—Rep. Janelle Bynum—says campaigning in own district triggered 911 call” @oregonlive oregonlive.com/clackamascount…

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Jun 27, 2018
Eight diversity gap studies (2016-18)-and accompanying infographics-on Canadian universities are available open-access. Intersectional equity studies examine representation, recognition, research chairs (CRCs, Canada150), leadership #cdnpse

Diversity Gap uofaawa.wordpress.com/awa-diversity-…
2)One early independent study focused on the persistent inequities in research chairs, which universities are finally addressing: "Gender Gap in Canada Research Chairs by Tier and Granting Agency at U15 Institutions" (Aug 2016) #cdnpse
uofaawa.wordpress.com/awa-diversity-… via @wordpressdotcom
3)Our intersectional diversity gap study on Canadian university leadership released in Aug 2016. examined the U15 and selected universities in western Canada, revealing few racialized and Indigenous leaders, particularly among women #cdnpse

Diversity Gap uofaawa.wordpress.com/awa-diversity-…
Read 9 tweets
Apr 6, 2018
“Lack of diversity persists among teaching staff at Canadian universities, colleges, report...wage gaps for women and racial minorities entrenched with little change over a decade...number of Black university teachers has barely budged in 10 years” #cdnpse thestar.com/news/gta/2018/…
Good to see CAUT release this report, building on our original scholarship in The Equity Myth: Racialization and Indigeneity at Canadian Universities (2017). Faculty assocs, like senior admins, have been slow to address equity, esp racial equity, biases, bullying etc. It’s urgent
3)In this 2018 Academic Women’s Association study I show that there is also a significant diversity gap in Canadian university leadership, with astonishingly few Black and Indigenous ppl: “The Diversity Gap in University Leadership 2018” #cdnpse #highered uofaawa.wordpress.com/awa-diversity-…
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