Captain Conscience 🚨🇨🇦⌛☮️ 🇺🇦 Profile picture
Resistance Fighter BA Int'l Rel'ns & Economics. “I don’t like bullies I don’t care where they’re from.” Mastadon:
Aug 25, 2018 4 tweets 6 min read
Whoo Hooo Check out these dancing #StandOnEveryCorner #Protesters
in Florida 😁🙃🙌


#Protesters are our FRONTLINE!

Let's give them ALL the Support & Promotion that we can!!

Let's DO THIS THING & get #MonstersOutOfWH

h/t@ImmaBlueDot 💞

👇👇👇issues #ResistanceProtesters are broadcasting across US

They're reaching people outside of Twitter & Recruiting Voters & #Resisters

They're attracting Media Coverage

We've GOT TO HAVE THEIR BACKS &/or join them 🥰
#KremlinAnnex #PromoteProtesters
Aug 10, 2018 8 tweets 8 min read
Calling on ALL #Resisters 📢

Are you Ready to TURN UP THE HEAT on this Treasonous Dictatorship? 💪

Are you ready to use the most effective tactics employed by successful #CivilResistance Movements in democratic countries?


If so PLEASE ENTER 👇 Study of successful #NonviolentCivilResistance mvmts use a combination of 3 tactics👇

"The Tea Party showed us how much
power can be leveraged when all 3 are used at
once. If hundreds of thousands of people
contribute in this way, Trump and the
Republicans won’t stand a chance."
Jul 20, 2018 6 tweets 9 min read
There are growing indications that Russia is preparing for war

Implications for #InternationalSecurity just got a whole lot more serious w/#TrumpGOP revealing their allegiance to #RussianMob


#TreasonSummit #Kalingrand bordering on #Lithuania & #Poland has seen notable 🔼 of militarization since 2015

This includes add'n of military bunkers near Polish border, upgraded #NuclearWeapons bunker 8 miles away, & rail line possibly into Lithuania

Jun 17, 2018 8 tweets 11 min read
This is America?! What the ....!? 😡
Border control stopping cars and asking #Citizenship 150 miles from Canadian border?!
Is this legal?!
Are they wearing jackboots and swastikas?!
#CivilRights #Fascism
I hate 2B alarmist but this MUST B ASKED:
What the hell's stopping #BorderControl or #ICE from asking 4proof of citizenship
taking U anyway
claiming U did not have ID
& destroying your proof
With no legal representation provided...u'd simply "Disappear"
May 4, 2018 12 tweets 13 min read
Plague that is #Koch has sprd beynd realm of #GOPTaxScams, crushing unions, poisoning envirnmt & educ'n sys
Their ult goal is 2 Rewrite USConstitution at #ConventionOfStates & they're close 2 obtaining state votes req'd 2 do so
Thread 🔽outlines strategy 2 Stop them
1/ As seen in meme above, there R presently 10 states w active Article V #ConventionOfStates legsln in their legislatures
In this thread I'll B including info-filled posts created by my team that ID Res'n #s, pretext given 4 calling #ConCon & contact info needed 2 block
Apr 13, 2018 8 tweets 11 min read
Right on cue #MarkMeckler reads line from script all #Koch bought actors & #GOP R work'g from
1 xplds deficit
2 proposes #BalancedBudgetAmendment as solutn
3 claims only #BBA chance of Bcoming law ➡️#CoS ➡️#RewriteConstitution… One "small" problem...The reading of the script neglects to mention a couple of things.
Firstly, #BBA - #BalancedBudgetAmendment actually means gutting SS, Medicare, public education as a start.
#NoConCon #ProtectSocialSecurity #ProtectMedicare