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♀️politically non-binary. lapsed leftist. pragmatic progressive. radical feminist turned radical centrist. “petulat brat” - @der_parrot
Sep 17, 2018 10 tweets 3 min read
LMAO @ libfems and “progressives” praising Iceland for its gender equality while steadfastly defending the sex trade...

Could it be a coincidence that countries with the highest rates of gender equality see prostitution as a tool of patriarchy & violence against women? 🤔 atlasandboots.com/worlds-best-co…
🤷🏾‍♀️🤗 Iceland, you’re doing great sweetie.
Aug 20, 2018 14 tweets 6 min read
Ok, here’s a test for all the purported “#sexpositive” “feminists”. Y’all despise “moralistic” views of sexuality, huh? You think sex should be commodified and prostitution should be a job like therapy or tutoring? Why are we clutching our pearls over “#SexualHarassment”? Why even have this #MeToo shit? What makes sexual harassment any different or worse than all other forms of harassment? What makes grabbing pussies any worse than grabbing someone’s arm? And at that...
Jun 7, 2018 14 tweets 9 min read
It’s so funny and ironic how #liberals call #RadicalFeminism#WhiteFeminism”, yet, I’ve come across so much actual #racism directed at me and other #GenderCritical black women from self-righteous #trans activists/allies and libfems. 🙄 I’ve gotten more racism from that crowd in the past two weeks than I’ve gotten from any #RadicalFeminists in two months. Or any amount of time. Liberals routinely erase the radical #WomenOfColor from history who either called themselves #radfems or influenced radical feminism so
May 26, 2018 12 tweets 4 min read
Dedicated to @Terfy_Memes
Plus, a thread on how transwomen retain (at least some) male privilege 👇🏾 What is #maleprivilege? It is freedom, resources, rights, and respect granted instantly to any male person upon (or even before) birth, simply for being male. Having an advantage over another group of humans doesn’t just stop at laws.
May 26, 2018 22 tweets 10 min read
How gender identity politics is endangering #WomensRights masquerading under the guise of “progressivism”- or in other words, as I said to this @notokyriarchy fatherfucker, an #MRA’s dream come true
- (thread) I shouldn’t have to explain the realities of sex-based oppression in 2018! #Female is a biological sex. #Gender is the roles and norms that are imposed on those with female bodies to subjugate them to males for free sexual, domestic, and reproductive labor.
May 24, 2018 13 tweets 3 min read
Ok, imma explain this one time for all the TRAs in the back:
Comparing black women to males is racist even in the name of “progressivism”, stop using us as props in your braindead arguments already. Black women have been likened and compared to males for CENTURIES as a way to dehumanize us, to portray us as hyper masculine and unfeeling beasts of burden. This lil “simile” comes all the way from the plantation.