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Fast Forward past #fakenews & political distractions.

Given widely known realization that FVEY heads (to Top Tiers) sanctioned subversion of US election; what protections should be set?

- Break Relations like SA vs Can
- Ban gov officials
- Demand extraditions
- Sanctions
- etc
Specifically against FVEY:
- UK
- Canada
- Australia
- New Zealand
- (US perps prosecuted)

As necessary close borders & trade. Halt security & defense pacts.

.@vp #Gitmo #FiatJustitia
This explains the delays at DOJ. No doubt it would be easier to deal with after mid-terms, Koreas, Iran... but the facts are becoming blatant.

When did the heads* of FVEY nations know? & When did each give go ahead to rig US elections?

.@vp @potus @USAWatchdog
#TopTier *elites
Read 7 tweets
1. #QAnon: "Their symbols will be their downfall." #Q notes that the 2017 flag of the Paramilitary Wing of the Democratic Party of America is same symbol as 1933 Paramilitary Wing of the Communist Party of Nazi Germany.…
2. #QAnon responds to bad elements within the Dems who would deny our statutes, and focus on smart immigration, in lieu of support of terrorism, human trafficking and smuggling trade. #Q…
3. #QAnon- Democrat National Socialist Cortez wants to "abolish" border enforcement, Gillibrand wanna "re-imagine" ICE.Let's "re-imagine"
"Immigration & Customs Enforcement" (ICE) as
"National Immigration & Customs Enforcement"🙂…


Read 35 tweets
1. #QAnon responds to anons' screenshots of yesterday's coded msgs by #Q that Q deleted almost immediately. Turns out to be another Q proof! "CASTLE ARRIVAL GOOD". History's greatest US President arrives home safely!

Busy Day.
2. Many think #QAnon's reference to "BLUE METAL" is AF1.
3. #QAnon'd told us "Iran next", now after historic summit with #KJU. #Q reveals that (no wonder!) many Iranian Freedom Fighters are following Q, looking forward to their freedom as well!

"Big things coming folks.
Read 18 tweets
Thread on ...

🚨🔥Does Standard Hotel link to #ratlines #UraniumOne #U1 & other resources???🔥🚨

Uranium from Shinkolobwe mines in DRC Congo(former Zaire) moves thru port in Mombasa Kenya

#MAGA #KAG @POTUS #QAnon #TheRainMakers #PedoGate #opioids #ObamaGate #CBTS
Kenyan police arrested 12 in ‘02 Mombasa bombing of Israeli hotel

6 Pakistani
4 Somalis
1 Spain (Jose Tena)
1 US (Alicia K)

Bomb followed by attempted missile attack of Israeli charter #Israel #MAGA @POTUS #WWG1WWA #TheRainMakers #QAnon #PedoGate…
Two in ‘02 Mombasa Kenya bombing were daughter & son-in-law of USA*ID employee w ties to Africa incl Zaire (DRC Congo), Kenya, Egypt, etc

🚨Jose Tena & Alicia Kalhammer - husband & wife🙄

Kenyan police arrested them but the pair were released w help from diplomatic ties
Read 26 tweets
1. #QAnon "Ask yourself, WHY?"

WHY do we see a coordinated set of attacks, "All For A LARP?"

provides a long list of hilarious samples, noting the,
2. #QAnon drops link to @parismartineau "informing" us in #NYMag that #Q is a "theory", you see. She "explains" the conspiracy to us.…
3. #QAnon links to @walterkirn "informing" us that #Q is "preposterous", a "tale may be loathsome and deeply wicked, a magnet for bigots and ignoramuses whose ugly dreams it caters to and ratifies".…
Read 38 tweets
I have been silent on this issue until now Re: @jerome_corsi situation. Please look at the pics below for what Dr. C said and what the Board Owner said. False claims & the ppl posting this are being threatened❗️Why?

@FedupWithSwamp @LisaMei62
That was Quick. We all need to move on and trust ourselves. Question EVERYTHING. #PatriotsFight

1st pic. Follows Me.
2nd pic. Not Following Me.
Didn’t block though. Yet. Why?🤔

@POTUS #QArmy #CBTS #QAnon #WWG1WGA @FedupWithSwamp @LisaMei62
weighs in on the Corsi situation. Someone who I highly respect.

@POTUS #QArmy #CBTS #QAnon #WWG1WGA @FedupWithSwamp @LisaMei62 @AddamLanza
Read 7 tweets
1. #QAlert 4/10/18- This will be my THREAD for #Q's drops. Please expand Thread for more detail and all posts throughout the day.

@POTUS #MAGA #WWG1WGA #Qdrop #QAnon #GreatAwakening #RedPill #TuesdayMotivation #GreatAwakening #WitchHunt
2. #QAlert 4/10/18- Post 1119

Anon asks #Q about this photo and Q responds that it is Fake.

@POTUS #MAGA #WWG1WGA #Qdrop #QAnon #GreatAwakening #RedPill #TuesdayMotivation #GreatAwakening #WitchHunt
3. #QAlert 4/10/18- Post 1120

Anon asks #Q about this photo and Q responds that it is Fake.

@POTUS #MAGA #WWG1WGA #Qdrop #QAnon #GreatAwakening #RedPill #TuesdayMotivation #GreatAwakening #WitchHunt
Read 27 tweets
#QAnon #JaredCohen led Google in donating $3 million to create a database system to connect 65 independent hotlines used to report human trafficking.
#QAnon #Clinton #IranIsNext "Clinton protected Cohen" when Obama asked why he wasn't fired? Who is the good guy in this?
Well.....not sure these are two I would want supporting me:
"Cohen and Schmidt’s book, The New Digital Age, appeared in 2013, with glowing blurbs from Henry Kissinger and Madeleine Albright. "
Read 40 tweets
1. New #QAnon drops (now that April 1 has passed us): Responding to an anon's compilation of #Clown media's lock-step hysteria over @therealroseanne tweeting about <gasp> QAnon, #Q says "We"(!) had a "good laugh". "Conspiracy theory!", cries the #MockingbirdMedia!!! 😄
2. On March 28th #Q posted: "#HRC 2.12.09 Very BAD!" Given that #QAnon'd revealed that 7/10 plane crashes were hits, anon asks if this were about Colgan Air 3407 crash on 2.12.09 where Beverly Eckert of 9/11 Family Steering Committee was killed. Note time of Q drop & crash time.
3. Tonight's #QAnon drop points us to Sessions' appointment of John Huber to investigate FBI #FISA abuse, #Q calling attention for us to "Think logically" about "Why the reboot?"…
Read 21 tweets
1. What is the actual “long title” of the #omnibus bill?

👉 An Act to amend the State Department Basic Authorities Act of 1956 to include severe forms of TRAFFICKING IN PERSONS within the definition of TRANSNATIONAL ORGANIZED CRIME ...


#QAnon #PEDOGATE #PizzaGate
2. What is the State Department Basic Authorities Act of 1956?

Defines the scope of the State Departments authority


Which, as of now, is to include severe forms of trafficking in persons within the definition of transnational organized crime #QAnon
3. What is “transnational organized crime” you ask??

This bill authorizes the State Dept, for the 1st time ever, to prosecute int’l human trafficking, organ trafficking, nuclear smuggling rings!!!

HOLY SH*T! It’s in the name of the bill!! #OmniBus #QAnon #TheSwamp #TheStorm #Q
Read 8 tweets
So, the Anons are busy reading the #omnibus bill (cause, of course they are!)
How we're ever going to thank these guys I do not know
For now, the best we can do is SHARE their hard work!

🚨 THREAD 👉 Potential #StormRelated reasons @POTUS signed it

#QAnon #BreadCrumbs #CBTS #Q

#QAnon #BreadCrumbs #TheGreatAwakening #FollowTheWhiteRabbit #omnibus #CBTS #Q @POTUS @realDonaldTrump
Read 7 tweets
New #Qanon #Mar5

Welcome to China.
Border crossing 13.
Spartans in Darkness.

#TheStorm #MAGA
Why is this event BIG?
What does it signify?
Why is NK out of the news?
As The World Turns.
This picture is a large contrast to Q's former NK picture with stormy seas and what looked like a tsunami in NYC on the top right before. Clinton, Podesta, etc. are obviously absent as well.
Read 65 tweets
New #Qanon posts #Feb16


Is this a future DOJ report to be released on election fraud?
Future proves past.
Pic title "Just Waiting"
Palm trees... somewhere tropical? Asia? Hawaii?
Pic title "NSA Traffic Camera London 2847"
Right by Big Ben! U.K.
Read 15 tweets
1/8⚙️Google is already trying to shape the information available re #UraniumOne
Thank goodness for public records 🗝️#SundayMorning
The illusion is crashing and they will do or say anything to keep intact. Buckle up #GreatAwakening #CBTS See comments @AveryGrace76 ⬇️🔥
2/8 9 I started 👉Jose Fernandez allegedly gave the green light @StateDept @StateOIG and a little research links him directly to Negroponte, McLarty and Kissinger via the Council of Americas and documented here ⬇️
3/8 Two committee positions come from Treasury Dept.
CFIUS Structure & Rules ➡️
Citibank selected 45's cabinet. Let that sink in.
Attachment 3 of 3 ➡️…
The Secretary of Treasury was citi pick ⬇️
Who cares! That's boring, right?
Read 10 tweets
Um, guys!? #NewQ

When Q starts talking about BIG PHARMA, it's kind of a big deal...

#theGreatAwakening #WeThePeople #PharmasABitch #FarmNotPharma #HivitesGetLit #ByePhoenicia #ItEndsNow #MAGA #theStorm
Read 20 tweets
we all kno alex downer as #Papadopoulos drinking buddy, which "led" to the trmp/russia inves
seems as tho downer was making deals with U1 and CF in 2011

#Qanon #Russia #MemoDay #ObamaGate #TheStormIsHere #MAGA #CBTS #WeAreTheStorm #GreatAwakening @realDonaldTrump @POTUS
2007 australias Downer was working on making a deal to begin selling yellowcake #Putin to strengthen relations…
looks like that deal went through in april 2011…
Read 9 tweets
Starting a thread dedicated to symbols, signals, codes, & other signs that would tip someone off to #Hivite pedo cult affiliation. There's a LOT to include & many of u already know some. Post them in here for all to see #Pizzagate #QAnon #MAGA #FollowTheWhiteRabbit #HivitesGetLit
Anything to add here? Collecting known cult symbols/signals in central thread here. Thanks for your input!
Read 29 tweets
1-I have started my research into #WeinerEmails
Let's start with this one to Jake Sullivan.
SUBJECT: American Ireland Fund
"Wanted to check in with you
The american ireland
Kieran mclaughlin with american r"
#Qanon #FolllowTheWhiteRabbit #CBTS
2-Who is Kieran McClaughlin and why is the Hillary camp talking about him?
He was wanted in Northern Ireland for the brutal murder of Barry McCrory. #Qanon #WeinerEmails…
3-In delivering his reserved judgement, trial Judge Mr. Justice Mark Horner, who sat alone without a jury found McLaughlin not guilty.…
#Qanon #WeinerEmails…
Read 10 tweets

01] Q states that 80% of the operations are done behind the scenes and 20% will become public. More happening than we know

Anonymous 12/27/17 (Wed) 10:38:09

Hang in there patriots
• POTUS knows the truth about the domestic and foreign “bad actors”

• He wants to expose it; clean it up for the sake of America
• POTUS wants to give our country back to the people; to stop the “rigging”

#QAnon #Breaking #TheStormHasArrived #TheStorm #FollowTheWhiteRabbit #WhoIsQAnon #CBTS #TrumpTrain
• Key staff within the White House, Secret Service, Dept of Homeland Security, NSA and the military are backing him 100%. Many behind the scenes heroes.
• Those operations to EXPOSE and CLEAN UP have been underway for a year.

Read 11 tweets
To every one; may your day be spent in the best possible way with those who matter the most to you For the service men & women who are away from loved ones please remember just how much we appreciate your service & may God protect you & see to your safe return & joyful reunions🙏… One such a special day we are reminded of the ephemeral nature of our earthly existence. Please Pray🙏 for this little one; things like this tear me right up.😢
Read 81 tweets

"UNLOCK the next mystery, get ready for the next adventure - you know who you are."


#nwo #TrumpTrain #CCOT #TCOT #DeepState #MAGA #PURGE #Qanon
President #Trump showed us #Qanon followers some love, and I saw one person on #CBTS on #8chan say, "love him"

I was about to cry... we love TRUMP!

#Pray4DJT #MAGA #TrumpTrain
Anonymous 12/13/17 (Wed) 15:30:36 5c0485 No.89759

Damn….I have never felt more Patriotic and Hopeful and Excited to be an American in my life! KNOWING that POTUS loves us and is throwing winks at us…damn I'm warm and fuzzy now!

#QAnon #TrumpTrain #QAnon
Read 6 tweets

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