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Mar 30th 2018
#MarchForwardMA @MarchForwardMA wins. We have been assessing statements from hundreds of chapters and orgs regarding #WomensMarch #AntiSemitism. We can conclude this statement is the most shockingly offensive yet. Comments are equally disgusted. #EpicFail…
"We acknowledge that much of the demand to ‘condemn’ or ‘renounce’ Farrakhan is not itself a call to work for justice on behalf of marginalized communities, but is merely performative. We are not merely performative allies together in this movement." @MarchForwardMA #VictimShames
The Comments:

"All good. This was the last straw.
Check out We Are March On (@WeAreMarchOn):…"
Read 21 tweets
Jan 29th 2018

1} My Dear Friend Geri,

With all due respect to current #NonProfits serving Refugees & Immigrants - their Branding & Messaging are #Tragically #Weak.

#OurAmericanKids🇺🇸 are BEING #SCAPEGOATED & #WE, the Liberals of #OurCountry we call the United States of America...
2} ...get OUR #Truthful-#Propaganda #LUNCH handed to us - #EVERY #DAMNED #TIME there's a watershed political issue.

My opinion as a 25-year #Duke MBA-trained-#Strategist, is that "Dreamers" is a well-intentioned, but desperately INEFFECTIVE MONIKER for #OurAmericanKids. Scapegoats for American Fascists
3} My dog #Sadie is a very #Active #Dreamer. Hitler #Dreamed about ruling an #AryanPlanet.

Un-@realDonaldTrump dreams of building a wall "SO fucking HIGH," that planes can't #LAND in #Texas without traveling 100-miles North of our Southern Border - just to pull a #giant U-ey✈️ Hitler Dreamed of an Aryan Planet-Earth.U-Turn in the sky
Read 22 tweets

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