My opinion as a 25-year #Duke MBA-trained-#Strategist, is that "Dreamers" is a well-intentioned, but desperately INEFFECTIVE MONIKER for #OurAmericanKids.
Un-@realDonaldTrump dreams of building a wall "SO fucking HIGH," that planes can't #LAND in #Texas without traveling 100-miles North of our Southern Border - just to pull a #giant U-ey✈️
4} At #MaraLago, "Special Friends" of #TheRegime regularly gather for a "2nd-Saturday Oligarchical-Orgy!"
Led by the horrifyingly-famous S-@TRUMPETTES45 - "O'Os" begin with self-simulating-congratulations-circles known a "wrinkle-smoothers."
5} In OTHER words, "#DACA💦" was a Mar-A-Lago #Joke, for the wintery-white-wet-wiping-wiener-wenches of the S-#Trumpettes & their endless #TrumpTrain of piddle-prefering-penis-pumping-Paragons of American-Authority!
Dems Are Cuckold Airheads
Deport And Call Ayn (Rand) #Acronyms!
6} "Illegals, Deportees, Aliens, #DACA, Criminals, Rapists, #Shithole-Dwellers, Muslim Extremists, The War-on-White Santa" - WHAT's the DIFFERENCE, to spry Fascist-Fellaters enjoying their sexual-PRIMEs & living out wet-#TrumpDreams. There it is again! EVERYONE DREAMS! Nauseous?
7} Just as we #SANE Americans are appalled by the vile, vomitous, virulent vestige of Nazi-Campaining known as #MAGA - #Fascists laugh HYSTERICALLY at OUR #beloved "Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals" - #DACA.
When? How?
Where are THEY now?
Ha! Pfft! Meh.
🍷#DrinkChildrenDrink... You're So tired. So weary. We're going to a BETTER place. It's ALLLLL-OVER now. Hold your babies. If they're too young to drink, POUR-it into their little-mouths.💔
🐕#MyDog's a #Dreamer.
☝️But #Millions of Babies, Children & Teens, who KNOW NO-LIFE outside of the US, aren't aliens or illegals. THEY are PART-OF our #AmericanFamily.
📢"They're #OurAmericanKids - in America with US, to STAY!"🌎
🔥P.s. - #OhNo@JuddLegum! We SURELY didn't SUFFER a LONG Dictatorial-Delay!
🚨Trump will blatantly LIE during his #SOTU shit-show tonight.
👉I've therefore written a COMPLETE speech for Donald, in his voice. It's raw satire. Grounded in researched facts, while cutting deeply into the fetid flesh of #TheRegime.☠️
1} A long, quiet applause from the empty suits in an empty room. Trump's meds are working so far. Republican's are spread into a relatively empty chamber audience of very, very, very, very almost exclusively WHITE people! Ugh!