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Oct 7th 2018
Reminder #1: @nytimes cracked @realDonaldTrump's decades of criminal tax fraud.
Reminder #2: State Attorneys General have solid basis to use their #QuoWarranto powers to investigate and potentially dissolve the Trump Organization and LLCs. cc: @TishJames @NewYorkStateAG THREAD
2/ When it was unclear how to pursue #Emoluments suits against Trump because of standing problems in Feb. 2017, I wrote about the history of the powerful "quo warranto" writ and the statutory powers of state AGs to investigate corporate fraud.…
3/ The old English writ of Quo Warranto has been enacted into state law as a state power to investigate corporate fraud through civil, not criminal process.
@realDonaldTrump can try to fire Mueller and Rosenstein, but he cannot stop the state AGs.
Read 5 tweets
Sep 23rd 2018
Trump: Day 610
-155th Day at Trump Golf Club
-202nd Day at Trump Property
-Calls Immigrants "Drain on Country"
-Drafts E.O. Targeting Top Tech Co's
-Dr. Ford Scheduled 2 Testify Thurs
-McFarland Changes Her Story
-Tariffs Could Cost 715k Auto Jobs
-Pence Spoke 2 Anti-LGBTQ Group
Day 715 since Donald Trump admitted to sexual assault — yet he’s still in the Oval Office
Day 567 of NO EVIDENCE produced by Trump that his phones were tapped by Obama.

The FISA warrant Trump referenced targeted Carter Page. #TrumpLies
Read 58 tweets
Jul 25th 2018
Judge Rules Against Trump Motion to Dismiss in Emoluments Lawsuit by Maryland and DC - Ultimate outcome to turn on construction of Constitution. But, remember under the clause, Congress can approve any + all emoluments, thus... 👉…
2/ the emoluments Lawsuit, even if successful may have no tangible effect on Trump profiting from the Presidency - and there would be no accountability for corruption, the clause and lawsuit merely address a conflict of interest. 👉
3/ The means to hold Trump accountable for corruptly profiting from the Presidency (for the same acts as under the Emoluments Suit) is prosecution under 18 USC 201 (b) and (c): the Federal Bribery Law. This law provides criminal penalties for accepting gifts for official acts 👉
Read 5 tweets
Jul 25th 2018
Major ruling in #EmolumentsClause decision today: Federal court says that the Trump International Hotel in DC may be entirely an impermissible domestic Emolument because it was an invalid benefit -an invalid lease-from the federal government. See passage:
2/ Even though this is a "just" a denial on a motion to dismiss, the judge's conclusions are on the law, plus the clear conditions of the lease. This ruling strongly suggests that a trial would lead to shutting down the Trump DC Hotel as an unconstitutional violation.
3/ The judge first quotes the lease: “No elected official of the Government...shall be admitted to any share or part of this Lease, or to any benefit that may arise therefrom.” That language is clear: Trump could not share the lease or even benefit from it...
Read 7 tweets
Jul 18th 2018
Thread: USA viewed as 'client state' under political and economic control of Russia.

Already it's exhibiting characteristics of a "post-socialist' / "2nd world" country.

Some characteristics of the worst-off of them? Let a Southeast Asia wonk note some similarities! [1/20]
1. "State Capture:" consolidation of one-party rule under a pretense of multiparty democracy.

(Russian interference on behalf of Trump, Repub gerrymandering, voter 'fraud' laws to suppress Dem turnout.)
2. Complete repudiation of prior political regime.

(Trump's zeal to undo all Obama administration achievements i.e Iran Deal, Affordable Care Act) [3/20]
Read 20 tweets
May 7th 2018
Qatar's government bought a $6.5M apartment in Trump World Tower. 1. This is an #Emolument. 2. Qatar is a possible conduit in the Steele Dossier's alleged Rosneft transaction from Russia to Trump. 1/…
In March, I explained the Russia/Rosneft-to-Qatar-to-Trump-and-Kushner links, which also involved a dangerous Gulf state conflict that Kushner pushed, followed by a massive loan from a Qatar-linked firm to Kushner. 2/…
3/ Summary: Russia’s sale of Rosneft Gas is the key event in the Steele Dossier’s quid pro quo allegation. June 2016: Russians offer Trumpers a massive payout in return for lifting sanctions. Qatari firm acquires Rosneft from Russia Dec ‘16, as Flynn/Kushner set up backchannel.
Read 7 tweets
May 3rd 2018
"The disclosure suggests these loans could have generated more income from interest in a yearlong period than the entire value of the loans themselves."

Yet another update to his disclosure forms: Kushner filed wrong info about 2 of his loans in Brooklyn…
Kushner paid $72.5 million for 3 properties valued at $3 million along a toxic Brooklyn canal from a developer.

The developer then bought 4 apartments from Michael Cohen for almost 5x their assessed value, in cash.

Cohen then invested with the developer…
Despite the property's high level of contamination, and its wildly inflated purchase price (financed by Signature Bank, on whose board Ivanka sat), Jared was able to sell it for $115 million 4 years later.

"Experts say the transactions raise red flags"
Read 8 tweets
Mar 22nd 2018
The end is near, guys.

How is Donald Trump f*cked? Let us count the ways.

1/ Let's start with the desperation move to replace HR with Buck, John Bolton. Sure, Bolton is a lunatic hawk, but he's not even popular with the GOP. This Hail Mary pass will fall 15 yards from the end zone.
2/ #Emoluments, baby! The courts ruled this week that the case against Trump violating the Emoluments Clause can proceed. Have fun in court, dickweed!
Read 27 tweets
Feb 18th 2018
THREAD: Why Mueller Already Matters, and Everything Helps. :
Mueller has put the @NRA on notice they are investigating Russian money laundering through them. So:

Russia ==> @NRA ==> @GOP ==> Trump, Inc.

The @NRA traitors have no plausible deniability
What does this mean? It means the funding sources the @GOP has used to prop up rancid puppets like Roy Moore and hoped to use for Arpaio is gone. It also means that the @GOP is no longer going to be able to keep their reverse laundromat:
@GOP ==> Trump, Inc ==> ??
Trump, Inc. has been absolutely voracious in getting money. From inappropriate spending at T properties (100% of it) to hats to overcharging the @GOP for basic services, stealing the money from the inauguration, plus the phony Innaug contributors.
Read 7 tweets
Jan 27th 2018
Trump: Day 371
-Draws Boos During Davos Q&A
-Doesn't Apologize 4 Racist Tweets
-Missed Economic Growth Targets
-Wants $716B in Defense Spending
-Needs $24M for New Refrigerators
-Ending Funding 4 Space Station
-Tracking License Plates Across US
-"Great Friend" Steve Wynn Under🔥
Day 476 since Donald Trump admitted to sexual assault — yet he’s still in the Oval Office
Day 326 of NO EVIDENCE produced by Trump that his phones were tapped by Obama. #fakenews #TrumpLies
Read 47 tweets
Jan 25th 2018
Trump: Day 369
-Demands $30B Ransom 4 His Wall
-Blindsided by Flynn Mtg w/Mueller
-"Would Love To" Talk Under Oath
-Allowed Dollar 2 Drop to 3 Year Low
-Stood Up by Group of Mayors
-Causing Rise in Laundry Appliances
-Interrupts Theresa May on Calls
-Skipping Town w/out Melania
Day 474 since Donald Trump admitted to sexual assault — yet he’s still in the Oval Office
Day 324 of NO EVIDENCE produced by Trump that his phones were tapped by Obama. #fakenews #TrumpLies
Read 43 tweets
Dec 21st 2017
Breaking: SDNY Grants Government's Motion to Dismiss in CREW v. Trump - "Lack of standing."… #Emoluments @SethBTillman
2/ The court indirectly addressed the argument advanced by @SethBTillman and me. Rather than accepting Plaintiffs' position that Foreign Emoluments Clause applies to *all* federal officials, Judge Daniels said it applies to "certain" officials.
3/ Though I am perplexed by Footnote 2. Judge Daniels wrote "Defendant has conceded that he is subject to the Foreign Emoluments Clause." The government said the *exact* opposite "the government has not conceded that the President is subject to the FEC." DOJ should correct this.
Read 16 tweets
Dec 13th 2017
At the risk of being called a party pooper, I'd like to remind #TheResistance that: 1. #TaxScamBill if anything GOP may now try to shove faster now, suppository style; 2. #NetNeutrality & #NationalMonuments are still in danger; 3. #infrastructure spending & many state services
have been cut to the bone; 4.#CorruptionMustDie & so does #nepotism, but both alive & well; 5. #NazisInAmerica & other hate group rampant, & there is no #GunControlNow or even serious discussion of it; 6. #StateDepartment is being decimated & deserted by many career ppl & that is
one of USA ramparts against isolation & a means to avoid wars; 7. worldwide US credibility, relevance & trustworthiness, even by staunch traditional allies, is at an all time low; 8. ppl whose only credentials are closeness to 45 are still in key positions & some have made wrong
Read 13 tweets

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