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The best thing about @realDonaldTrump is he's too stupid to understand neoliberal pretzel logic.…
I love that Cohn is too dumb to know the government does have a "balance sheet like that" and in fact has an agency named the #FederalReserve who regularly "prints money" to "lower the national debt" by buying bonds.
I memed it
Read 3 tweets
Politicians aren't leaders or rulers. They're puppets on strings. They have been ever since the signing of the Declaration of Independence, which was made invalid a few decades after it was signed. The United States OF America ceased to exist. The United States FOR America alive.
The Crown of England financed both sides of the Revolutionary war. When all said and done, threatened the newly formed United States OF America to a new war, which USofA couldn't afford. To avoid such war, a treaty was signed instead. After that, USofA became USforA. #US Corp.
Everything within United States FOR America is for sale. Since #FederalReserve Bank was implemented, which deals in #debt based fake money, as currency, US has been bankrupted. It went into bankruptcy and NEVER came out it. Unfortunately, fact. #Enslavement hidden behind scenes.
Read 25 tweets
1. Q has told us, in not so many words, that the FEDERAL RESERVE of the UNITED STATES is a tool of immense power which the Cabal uses to consolidate their global influence, enrich their own, fund devastating global wars, and CONTROL THE PEOPLE. #qanon #EndtheFed
2. The Federal Reserve was founded in 1913 to provide a stable currency/economy. What most people don’t realize is that the FedRes is not a gov’t institution per se. It is PRIVATELY administered and controlled, although the President can make appointments to the Board. #qanon
3. Over the years, many people have criticized the Federal Reserves actions, questioning whether the FedRes effectively acts for “the people” or only the interests of the banks and elites. Critics like Ron Paul have lobbied for years to #EndtheFed #qanon
Read 26 tweets
Politicians aren't leaders or rulers. They're puppets on strings. They have been ever since the signing of the Declaration of Independence, which was made invalid a few decades after it was signed. The United States OF America ceased to exist. The United States FOR America alive.
The Crown of England financed both sides of the Revolutionary war. When all said and done, threatened the newly formed United States OF America to a new war, which USofA couldn't afford. To avoid such war, a treaty was signed instead. After that, USofA became USforA. #US Corp.
Everything within United States FOR America is for sale. Since #FederalReserve Bank was implemented, which deals in #debt based fake money, as currency, US has been bankrupted. It went into bankruptcy and NEVER came out it. Unfortunately, fact. #Enslavement hidden behind scenes.
Read 25 tweets
1) Most of #history is a total lie, designed by people wanting to infer meaning of historical events in a modern context, as a means to elicit a response from you which suits their needs.

This is a story about the #rothschilds from the early 20th century.

#QAnon #GreatAwakening
2) Even within this tweetstorm are probably a lot of missing nuances. Do tell your stories.

I will start after #WWI and the Treaty of Versailles. It never made sense. Why divide #Germany in these pieces and leave it's people impoverished? Isn't this a recipe for resentment?
3) Why did the #Germans, even though a foreign boot never shot a boot on their soil, make overtures of peace to end the #war, while they were poised to win?

Their objectives were met.

Why was the #USA brought into WWI? Why were large payments sent to #communist #Russia? #QAnon
Read 17 tweets

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