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Jul 20th 2018
Sooo... there was this totally bogus rubbish article in the Irish Times recently, from a cancer patient's views on nutrition and diet. I have some thoughts about it and thought I'd share, know, freedom of speech and all đź‘Ť.... 1/
Starts with a bang! The TAILORx trial….good news indeed! Notably, though, this study had NOTHING AT ALL to do with nutrition for cancer patients, but helped determine which patients may be able to safely forego chemotherapy (YAY science!) 2/
Huh. So why does this piece lead off w/an unrelated bit of sensational science clickbait to draw the reader in? It’s almost like the author is saying “HEY! HEY! LOOK AT ME - I *do* read science! See?” 🙄Here's what an ACTUAL expert says about it though… 3/
Read 39 tweets
Jul 10th 2018
NEW THREAD on #LCHF-raud & #KetoDiet.
The following article I wrote has references to over 1200 studies on nutrition, including Randomized Control Trials. 👉…
5 Reasons I Don't Recommend a Keto Diet by Dr. Michelle McMacken @Veg_MD 👉…
Gary Taubes, author of several books and articles on low carb high fat #LCHF-raud diet (fad), FINALLY concedes that saturated fats are the enemy in this BMJ article: 👉…
Read 45 tweets

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