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Jul 27th 2018
One year ago today, a wave of constituent pressure crashed in the Senate well -- saving health care for 23 million Americans and denying Trump a top legislative priority. 1/
We didn't build that wave overnight. It started little by little, when people like you showed up at town halls around the country to hold Republicans accountable for trying to repeal the ACA.… 2/
Republicans got scared off. They even pulled their first repeal vote in the House. But they didn’t quit -- and neither did we.… 3/
Read 12 tweets
Mar 28th 2018
Woah. GOP lawmakers in Georgia-@buzzbrockway (a candidate for SOS), @ed_setzler, & @brucethompsonga--want to pass #SB403 giving the SOS the power and obligation to program all voting equipment in the state, creating a centralized point of attack for hackers! #KillTheBill 1/
2/ Here is a link to #SB403, which would consolidate the programming of all voting machines throughout the state in the office of Secretary of State. Again, Republican @buzzbrockway is a proponent of #SB403 AND a candidate for Secretary of State.…
3/ The current statute, 21-2-50 (15) says that the SOS "shall perform all the duties imposed by this chapter," including "To develop, program, build, & review ballots for use by counties and municipalities on direct recording electronic (DRE) voting systems in use in the state"
Read 17 tweets
Dec 13th 2017
Arrests at @lisamurkowski’s office, another #KillTheBill sit-in. Police already pushing people back.
“No Jones, no vote!” They want the tax bill held until Doug Jones is in. Police warn they’ll all be arrested if they keep chanting. #KillTheBill
Now at @JerryMoran’s office. “Senator Moran, you have the power to save lives in Kansas. If this bill passes, Kansans will die.” #KillTheBill
Read 8 tweets
Dec 10th 2017
This coming week is make-or-break for the GOP tax scam. If you have any interest in fighting this disastrous bill, follow along for a state-of-play update. Short version: we CAN still stop this thing. 1/
Here’s where we are: Both the Senate & House have passed versions of the GOP tax scam. They have a lot in common (huge tax cuts for the wealthy & corporations, tax hikes on millions of middle class families) but aren’t identical. 2/
To become law, the House & Senate have to pass identical bills. So to come up with ONE new version that both chambers can pass, the GOP has sent their bills to a “conference committee.” 3/
Read 14 tweets
Nov 19th 2017
Considering the current GOP #TaxScam echoes many of the same elements as Kansas’ 2012 tax cut experiment, we should talk about the disaster that unfolded there. Thread/
In 2012, Governor Brownback (R) had a legislature full of Tea Party Republicans and passed a big tax cut bill.
He reduced the tax rates for most individuals and eliminated taxes on pass-through businesses. Pass-throughs are the small businesses like sole proprietorships, partnerships and S corporations.
Read 28 tweets
Nov 18th 2017
The House passed their #TaxScam bill. Now it's all about the Senate. Here's the thing: By my count, we have 10 GOP Senators that could cause real problems for McConnell. We have to inundate them with calls/emails. Here they are:
Ron Johnson R-WI
He's said he'll vote no because he doesn't like the way the bill treats small businesses. Wisconsin - stay on him. Don't let him change his mind.
Senator Collins R-ME
She's one of the three that voted down Trumpcare & isn't happy with the ACA mandate repeal. Also, she's the author of the tax credit for teachers which got slashed in the House bill. Maine - stay on her!!
Read 14 tweets

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