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Aug 13th 2018

Do you remember “Harry & Louise”?

Here’s a reminder. Watch both commercials, but especially the second one. There’s a LOT going on here:

2/ First of all, notice how in 1993, “community rating” (i.e., not being allowed to charge people more based on their health status) was considered a HORRIBLE thing.
3/ Cut to 2018: 8 yrs after the Affordable Care Act was signed into law, 89% of the public thinks it’s important NOT to charge people more for their health insurance based on their health status. EIGHTY-NINE PERCENT. This is the real legacy of the #ACA.…
Read 19 tweets
Aug 8th 2018
How Much More Will #ACASabotage Cost Unsubsidized Enrollees in YOUR Congressional District???
1/ Last year, I posted state-by-state infographics which broke out the estimated number of Americans who would lose healthcare coverage if each of the various #ACA repeal bills form the GOP were to become law.
2/ At first I used my own estimates, but then @EmilyG_DC and her colleagues from the Center for American Progress (@amprog) stepped up and started compiling their own projections. Their methodology was different but our estimates were generally in the same range.
Read 67 tweets
Aug 1st 2018
ALABAMA: Unsubsidized #ACA enrollees will have to pay up to $1,200 more apiece next year due *specifically* to #ACASabotage then they would otherwise have to:…
For those confused (since AL carriers are actually *dropping* rates 2%), here’s why: They both clarify that rates would drop significantly *more* without #MandateRepeal & #ShortAssPlans. Note: I’m actually assuming 1/3 *less* of an impact than the @UrbanInstitute did in March.
Read 3 tweets
Jul 25th 2018
⚠️⚠️ THREAD: Trump/GOP #ACASabotage is costing #ACA enrollees even more than you thought. Here’s why (warning: graphs ahead!)
1/ Every year during the off season, I spend countless hours digging into hundreds of wonky insurance carrier rate filing forms to analyze the weighted average rate increases for the following year.
2/ I then compile a table which breaks these averages out on a state-by-state basis, and I have a pretty damned good track record of accuracy, if I say so myself.
Read 35 tweets
Jun 8th 2018
⚠️ THREAD: According to the HHS Dept., appx. 130 MILLION non-elderly Americans have pre-existing conditions which would likely get them either denied coverage or charged so much for coverage they’d be effectively priced out of the market. 1/
Last year, @EmilyG_DC of @amprog broke these out by Congressional District:… 2/
I then took that data and recompiled it into individual states infographics:… 3/
Read 65 tweets
May 6th 2018
THREAD: For anyone who doesn’t believe the latest batch of #ACASabotage by Trump isn’t gonna jack rates up next year, I’ve already got receipts out of Virginia.
1/ As I noted earlier today, Virginia insurance carriers have already submitted their *preliminary* 2019 premium rate filings. While these may be revised/change over the summer/fall, the initial statewide average is around 15.1%.…
2/ The averages range from a 5% *drop* (Optima Health) to as high as a 64% *increase* (GHMSI). That much is pretty clear. What’s less clear is *how much* of these increases is due specifically to #ACASabotage, as opposed to normal inflation/etc. HOWEVER…
Read 18 tweets
May 4th 2018
Cigna says 15% total hike in VA. Lists both mandate repeal and #ShortAssPlans among the causes.
Meanwhile, CareFirst is starting with a heart stopping 64% hike...but Optima is asking dor a 5% DROP? Huh.
since this tweet is getting attention (I’m was an offhand tweet w/filing screenshots taken while my kid was having his viola lesson), I’d like folks to keep in mind that ~17% of THIS year’s rate hikes are due to GOP sabotage already.…
Read 3 tweets
Oct 12th 2017
1/ THREAD: Trump’s signing his EO tomorrow. Here’s how it can destroy the Individual Market:… #ACASabotage
2/ Here’s the breakout of how healthcare spending is concentrated nationally, according to @KaiserFamFound :
3/ As you can see, 1% of the population accounts for 23% of all healthcare spending. Think cancer patients undergoing chemo, etc.
Read 55 tweets

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