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Aug 24th 2018
Carole asks Luke: when did Trump cross your radar?

Luke: summer 2016. When Manafort became campaign manager whom Luke had met in Ukraine who was consultant transforming Yavchenko. What was he doing in Soviet Empire?? He was best connected political lobbist in area. Pre-Steele!
.@lukeharding1968 was investigating Deutsch Bank. DB kept lending even after Trump sued DB for losses arising from #FinCrisis. Dec 2016 Luke met Christopher Steele who said, Follow the Money, Follow the Sex #BylineFest @BylineFest
Read 28 tweets
Aug 10th 2018
Does AUSA Moira Kim Penza, prosecutor in the fed. #NXIVM #RICO criminal racketeering case, realize that her indictments of #NXIVM leader, Keith Raniere aka "Vanguard," last March, may have affected the outcome of the 2018 Mexican Presidential Election? #ArizonaMafia #Democrats
Moira Kim Penza is 1 of the main prosecutors in the federal #NXIVM #RICO criminal case. A #RICO case is very serious; it is 1 of the most complex types of prosecutions the U.S. Government can initiate. Moira's boss is Richard P. Donoghue, U.S. Atty for the Eastern District of NY.
Penza is a smart lawyer. According to publicly available information, she studied at Cornell Law School, a private Ivy League University located in Ithaca, New York. Cornell was ranked the #13 law school in America, out of 203 law schools, by U.S. News & World Report, in 2018.
Read 117 tweets
Jun 18th 2018
Selected list of #indictments for June 14 and June 15, 2018
1. "Danville, VA – Federal, state and local authorities announced this afternoon the largest and most significant federal prosecution of organized gang activity in the Western District of Virginia in at least a decade."…
2a. Former Hospital Owner Sentenced to over 5 Years in Prison for Orchestrating Scheme that Paid over $40 Million in Illegal Kickbacks to Doctors, Other Medical Professionals for Spinal Surgery Referrals

#healthcarefraud #kickbacks #PacificHospital
Read 15 tweets
Apr 12th 2018
1) The Queen of #DARPA

From last night's amazing events on #Q research boards, a familiar name re-emerged: Regina Dugan.

19th Director of the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA). In March 2012, she left for #Google.

#QAnon #QArmy #WWG1WGA #TheStormIsHere @POTUS
2) There, she led the Advanced Technology and Projects (ATAP) group at Motorola Mobility (Google owned) and worked on Skip...

"exploring digital tattoos and pills"

Kinda odd?

#redpill #Crumbs #WakeUp #MakeItRain #Corruption #QAnon #AprilShowers
3) While at #Google, she also worked on Tango.

This woman sure is interested in tracking you, isn't she?

#DrainTheSwamp #DeepStateinPanic #DrainTheDeepState #DeepState #DeepStateAgenda

#IBOR #InternetBillofRights
Read 15 tweets
Apr 5th 2018
#QAnon #JaredCohen led Google in donating $3 million to create a database system to connect 65 independent hotlines used to report human trafficking.
#QAnon #Clinton #IranIsNext "Clinton protected Cohen" when Obama asked why he wasn't fired? Who is the good guy in this?
Well.....not sure these are two I would want supporting me:
"Cohen and Schmidt’s book, The New Digital Age, appeared in 2013, with glowing blurbs from Henry Kissinger and Madeleine Albright. "
Read 40 tweets
Mar 26th 2018
Plusieurs entreprises de la tech prennent cher dans le nouveau générique de "Silicon Valley" saison 5. En premier, Facebook, dont le logo est brièvement remplacé par de l'écriture cyrillique (wink wink Russie wink)
Les gens quittent Uber pour aller chez Lyft (qui sont à présent représentés par des gros bâtiments et non plus des montgolfières) #SiliconValley
Le bâtiment de "Juicero" est à peine construit qu'il est déjà abandonné (pour rappel de la folle histoire de cette startup qui vendait 400€ une machine pour presser des "sacs" de jus qu'on pouvait en fait presser à la main:…)
Read 6 tweets
Jan 21st 2018
1) Today's story is called The Brink.

They never thought she'd lose, now we understand the #NWO plan to destroy America, see 1991 Bush I vid. Obama took over the process from Bush II and embarked on an 8 year wrecking ball. #QAnon #GreatAwakening @POTUS
2) For years rogue operatives have been getting installed. Shadow government/#DeepState. All centers of #Government. Controlled by the wealthiest on the planet, most rogue was the CIA. Goal was complete control to dismantle. Check Out Barry's Book: Post American World #QAnon
3) The systematic leaking of classified intel was everywhere, so was exposure of #military assets. Instead if de-funding military (bad optics), you starve thru corruption. Notice #Mattis has a massive audit of DOD? Think why.……
Read 17 tweets
Jan 19th 2018
1. Time to logically interact (a) Obama and Hillary using fake intel to get Silicon Valley (SV) to suppress their political enemies, and (b) the increasingly obvious divergence between the #VeryFakeNews media and #RedPillReality, because it leads to a critical idea: #FakeFuture
2. I would like to thank a variety of dead and imaginary teachers, from Pythagoras to Hugh Everett to Robert Langdon (*WINK*), for their persistent needling about this topic.
3. Let's begin by asking ourselves what it means that #Hollywood, the #FakeNewsMedia, and #SiliconValley all seem to be talking to themselves and not us.
Read 17 tweets
Jan 13th 2018
1) "Swole" Jeff Bezos, Richest Man in the WORLD, hobnobs with #CesspoolCitizens Coast-to-Coast, from #SiliconValley #SexFreaks #TechGeeks & #Hollywierdos to Elite #MSM & #DeepState #SwampDenizens in #DCUnderbelly…
What does #CoyBoyBezos do with his fortune?
2) Before buyin#WaPo & a house down the street from #DeepStateHQ to host Subject-Specific Cocktail Parties, the #DARPA #CoyBoy Didn't Always Flaunt His Coin.

For nearly Two Decades He Flew Below the Radar.
3) Things Took a Turn.

In exchange for State Tax Incentives, He Conceded State Sale Tax, & Focused on Government Contracts, Spreading His Tentacles & Forging Political Alliances Nationwide.
Read 7 tweets
Oct 9th 2017
Oh the geezers are hard at it grafting media, it's always great to have easy scapegoats "North Korean cyber gangs.."…
2/"Mr Murphy’s firm was the first in the world to liaise with computer giant IBM over the use of the super-computer ‘Watson’ for real-time--
3/artificial intelligence-based defence against cyber criminals." Bear with me, I'm about to post a few more links in #THREAD #CyberSecurity
Read 71 tweets

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