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May 12th 2020
🚨1. THREAD: What is the question being asked in light of the recently released transcripts from the HPSCI?
2. For years we have been told that to even QUESTION whether or not the Russians hacked the DNC, DCCC and Podesta was a massive conspiracy theory. “HOW DARE YOU!?” they proclaimed.
3. This came from all directions, along with warnings from more “mainstream” folks: “That whole story is so conspiratorial- we should stay away from it”. I patently refused.
Read 76 tweets
Sep 29th 2018
In a poll Saraki has 30 more votes than Kwankwaso. Kwankwanso has 60 fewer votes than Atiku. If the three of them have 420votes all together, how many votes did Atiku get? 🤔 #NewInecPuzzle #ShowWorking
Obanikoro had 6 times as much Money as Aregbe. After Obanikoro managed to settle his political woes at the cost of $35,650M, both of them had the same amount of money. How much money did Obanikoro have at first? #NewEfccBoss #ShowWorkings
Sonwolu and Ambode had the same amount of money at the beginning of the race to 2019. Jagaban then added $100m to Sonwolu’s warchest and Ambode managed to raise $10m from sympathizers. As a result Sonwolu had 3 times as much money as Ambode. How much did each have abnitio? 🤔
Read 4 tweets
Sep 27th 2018
Sortant de mon après-midi de khôlles et de cours et après avoir regardé le témoignage de #BlaseyFord, je vous le dis comme je le pense: #Kavanaugh est fini. Et ce tweet du très renseigné #Sherman sur #Trump me conforte.
2) Pourquoi #Kavanaugh semble être "mort à l'arrivée" pour la nomination? Car comment imaginer que 50 sénateurs puissent passer outre 1 témoignage précis et si émouvant donné déjà bien avant le choix de #Trump? Le "100% sûre"est insurmontable SAUF…
3) seule chance de #Kavanaugh est que les républicains du Sénat choisissent 1 immolation collective ultime pour verrouiller la #CourSuprême au prix d'1 désastre séculaire auprès de l'électorat féminin blanc aux #midterms...Mais ce suicide politique aurait 2 conditions...
Read 31 tweets
Sep 16th 2018
Cambridge Orwellia er Analytica, as envisioned by Bannon and the Mercers. began three years before Trump. The goal? Use Fear to divide people and exploit the weak-minded. Very colonial. Yes, still part of Erik Prince's plan for the Verticalization of Violence: Act 1. #StayTuned
Mao insisted there were three stages, Rand says there are five, Big Army says there are six. All can be triggered and then monetized by hired tricksters with backing. Which is exactly what Bannon and his island of broken toy friends are doing...right now.…
Having spent decades with rebels, terrorists and spies, I am watching an organized group take down govts in U.S., Britain and Europe. Steve Bannon and his angry co-conspirators backed by special interst money. They seek to topple those in control and profit from the chaos.
Read 9 tweets
Jul 19th 2018
“I was just doing my job” -DNI Coats to @mitchellreports on his Russia statement Monday #AspenSecurity
“Obviously I had wished he made a different statement,” Coats says. But says it has been “clarified.”
Coats says the U.S. needs to be “relentless” in calling out the Russians for doing what they’re doing #AspenSecurity
Read 9 tweets
Jun 19th 2018
#Breaking de la nuit US: 16 mois de présidence #Trump et les #EtatsUnis entendent les cris des enfants séparés de leurs parents sans-papiers. 1ère crise existentielle du pays dont 1 partie se demande où il…
2) Et/mais #Trump parle et agit pour sa base électorale, qui se moque des cris d'enfants séparés à la frontière (cf. la polémiste nationaliste et identitaire #Coulter qui parle d'enfants comédiens sur Fox News...) RT
3) Car comme avec l'#Aquarius en Europe, les élites intellectuelles, médiatiques forgent l'opinion dominante empathique sur les #migrants US mais #Trump fait le pari qu'1 majorité silencieuse de Blancs nativistes lui sera reconnaissante aux urnes de sa dureté sur les enfants...
Read 27 tweets
Apr 11th 2018
1) #Trump a toujours 1 sens politique des opportunités qui est très aigu...Il commence sa journée par 1 charge contre l'enquête #Mueller, réaffirmant qu'il n'y a AUCUNE collusion avec la #Russie...ET, 10 ms plus tard...RT
2)...#Trump fait 1 second tweet pour défier la #Russie et lui annoncer qu'elle ne pourra détourner les missiles US qui seront envoyés sur la #Syrie. Comment dès lors envisager en effet la moindre collusion...? RT
3) Il ne faut pas oublier qu'une nouvelle frappe- qui semble imminente- en #Syrie par les Etats-Unis de #Trump donnerait 1 nouvel argument en béton au président US pour liquider #Mueller sur le thème:"Quelle collusion? Assez perdu de temps, regardez ce que j'ai fait en Syrie".
Read 26 tweets
Mar 27th 2018
More specifically: #3 Komodo Dragon (Varanus komodoensis) vs. #6 Eurasian Eagle Owl (Bubo bubo) #2018MMM
Komodo Dragon swallowed the snot otter to advance to round 2, while Eurasian Eagle Owl perforated the Beaded Lizard, relative of @gilamonsterasu #2018MMM
Read 22 tweets
Jan 4th 2018
At the @AP 2018 legislative session preview forum with #ialegis leaders and #iagov.

Leaders up first.

Tweet thread threat warning: Long.
#ialegis Leader @janet4iowa says @IowaSenate Dem priorities are job growth, retirement security (see: IPERS), health care access and mental health care.
#ialegis @SenateMajority leader @SenatorDix says top priority is picking up where Senate Republicans left off last year, promoting growth, making Iowa more competitive/desirable to live and work. (He's talking about tax reform/cuts.)
Read 22 tweets
Oct 2nd 2017
Quelle que soit la nature de la tuerie par arme à feu de #LasVegas,déjà l'1 des plus meurtrières de l'histoire…
2)Rappel:les 3 plus grandes fusillades de masse US avant #LasVegas ont eu lieu en 10 ans:VirginiaTech(2007),SandyHook(2012),Orlando(2016)...
3)Et dire que le Nevada,Etat oĂą se trouve #LasVegas,est peut-ĂŞtre le plus laxiste de l'Union sur les armes:absolument TOUT y est permis.
Read 47 tweets

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