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Sep 30th 2018
1. @_ImperatorRex_ @Stonewall_77 @qspiracy @RealEyeTheSpy @prayingmedic @juliedeplorable @PatriotPlaceATX @andersonDrLJA @americanlll


If you unroll 1 thread this month, let this be it. The #KavanaughStall may be about more than we knew! Read on...
2. Many of you have followed the Kavanaugh confirmation hearing. We've seen hard hitting questions, carefully measured answers, idiotic propaganda, and frenzied media discussion. (Albeit completely bias at most times, mostly against Kavanaugh.) We've also seen statements that...
3. ...have instilled a stout sense of patriotism into the American heart. From @LindseyGrahamSC and @senatemajldr McConnell (previously seen as RINO's, suddenly brazened and emboldened after #NoName's death and the end to that reign), we've seen speeches reminiscent of those...
Read 39 tweets
Sep 2nd 2018

Jerry Zeifman, #Washington DC #lawyer who served on #WATERGATE #Judiciary #Committee, was Hillary Clinton’s 1st Boss
Jerry's 1 dying wish
Exposing Liar #Hitlary Clinton 2 Destroy Her #Reign of #Terror
Clitlon = DIRTY Attorney

Yale Skull & Crossbones CIA Director & EX Pres George HW Bush worked on Watergate Scandal & John F Kennedy Assassination at Texas School Book Depository
Baby Bush @ JFK MURDER 2 = Lost & Confused
Petro Eng, Bush Roommate uncle, George de Mohrenschildt befriended Lee Harvey Oswald
Post JFK MURDER Ted Cruz's Dad Rafael Cruz, photo w/ Bush CIA Pawn Lee Harvey Oswald, Fled to Canada
Worked for George HW Bush's CIA Front Company Zapata Oil
Read 6 tweets
Aug 31st 2018
1) How did we all miss the clues revealing the illegal spying on the #WhiteHouse & @realDonaldTrump? It was right there in the #mirror staring us in the face! I am combining some posts from other threads for a look at the greatest scandal in American history! #SpyGate
2) On 5/7/18 President Trump went on record revealing that the White House had been bugged. He revealed this to three reporters for @Time Magazine, who missed all the hints & clues. He put this on record after he had ordered DAG Rosenstein to fire @Comey but before it was public.
3) Trump knew this would place him on the record revealing the illegal spying before the firing, but that Time would print it a week later. @michaelscherer @ZekeJMiller & @nancygibbs missed the clues the WH had been bugged forcing remodeling of 2 rooms.…
Read 25 tweets
Aug 11th 2018
Trump: Day 567
-143rd Day at Trump Golf Club
-186th Day at Trump Property
-Sz NFL'ers "Unable 2 Define" Protests
-Omarosa Pens White House Memoir
-Mueller Subpoenas Randy Credico
-China Fires 6 Warnings at US Navy
-RHONY Friend Dead in Trump Tower
-Kavanaugh Hearings 2 Begin 9/4
Day 672 since Donald Trump admitted to sexual assault — yet he’s still in the Oval Office
Day 524 of NO EVIDENCE produced by Trump that his phones were tapped by Obama.

The FISA warrant Trump referenced targeted Carter Page. #fakenews #TrumpLies
Read 70 tweets
Jul 18th 2018
"Le Monde" identifie sur une vidéo un proche conseiller de #Macron frappant violemment un manifestant le 1er mai à Paris. #AlexandreBenalla était équipé d’un casque à visière des forces de l’ordre, alors qu’il n’est pas policier. #MacronLaMatraque…
↕️ La #vidéo montrant le proche conseiller de #Macron frapper un jeune manifestant à terre, place de la Contrescarpe, à Paris, le #1erMai. #AlexandreBenalla #GérardCollomb #MacronLaMatraque
↕️ Réaction d'@ericcoquerel après l'article du Monde révélant qu'un proche conseiller de Macron (qui a toujours son bureau à L’Élysée!) a frappé violemment un manifestant à terre à Paris, le #1erMai2018. #AlexandreBenalla #GérardCollomb #MacronLaMatraque
Read 559 tweets
Feb 2nd 2018
When government #Corruption involves an #AttorneyGeneral, #SpecialCounsel, former #CIA agent, former #FBI agent, & dozens of govt officials...shouldn't the media be interested?

They were w/#Watergate. Why not #FISAGate?

1. To translate for those blocked from #TRUTH in the #LSM bubble, the above tweet references media silence on MASSIVE state-level #Corruption. Synopsis of key people involved in #DeepState #Treason is in this thread.

For more info, read this mini novel:…
2. Chapter 1: #Treason involving spying+ on Americans and #POTUS.

Cast of characters:
DOJ: #LorettaLynch, #EricHolder, #RodRosenstein. #JohnCarlin
FBI: #Comey, #McCabe, #BillPriestap, #LisaPage,
#JamesBaker, #AndrewWeissmann, #JeannieRhee, #BruceOhr
CIA: #Brennan
DNI: #Clapper
Read 7 tweets

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