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Aug 10th 2018
"They sought the #war, they provoked and maneuvered to get it. They pressed the young peoples of #Germany,# Italy and #Japan wherever they could. They wanted war, a real world #war — and now they have it.
"Not only two worlds of ideas are at #war here, but the whole world.
Read 162 tweets
May 22nd 2018
The Creators of the World’s Misfortunes
by Joseph Goebbels
"One could not understand this #war if one did not always keep in mind the fact that International J//ewry stands behind all the unnatural forces that our united enemies use to attempt to deceive the world and keep humanity in the dark.
"It is, so to speak, the mortar that holds the enemy coalition firmly together, despite its differences of class, ideology, and interests.
Read 87 tweets

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