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#QAnon Update

I wanted to post this update to give a quick interpretation to #Q's latest posts this evening.

In 2017, Q had posted about "The Hunt for Red October."
Those who have read Tom Clancy know this is a reference to the great novel about a cat-and-mouse game involving a Russian nuclear sub that is looking to defect to the US.

So what did Q mean in this and the many other references to Red October?
When the phrase included "The Hunt for"...Q was giving a clue that it was a reference to a rogue nuclear sub, likely the one that went missing from North Korea in 2017. It was being controlled by the #DeepState.

Recall the "false" [not false] Hawaiian Jan 2018 missile alert.
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IT SEEMS @SenBlumenthal HAS A FEW SKELETONS IN HIS CLOSET 😡😡😡 #PedoGateNews @realDonaldTrump @GenFlynn #QAnon #ChildSexTrafficking #RedShoes #SRA


Link 👉…
2/ So this event was the Children Of Fallen Patriots Gala 2017 and this is @SenBlumenthal photograph, he was definitely in attendance that night…
3/ The Women in the Photograph, with her Two Children has been Identified as Kami Kennedy, widow of US Army Maj. Thomas Kennedy... Here they are on the Red Carpet with Co-Founders of Children Of Fallen Patriots, David and Cynthia Kim @realDonaldTrump #PedoGateNews
Read 32 tweets
Drive around in circles in your yard all day on your lawn mower for all I care Jerry, because you're DONE, no matter what...
It's the Sabbath, I would expect nothing less from the predictable intrusive piece of predator sh!t. He has an extensive pattern. Rockefeller serpent seed.
Genesis 3:15...eeny weeny bruise to my heel, big head crush in store🐍Tick tock #GITMO #DeathPenalty #TheLawOfRetribution
In my victim impact statement I will request to be the one who flips the switch that starts the drip that ends your miserable life... I wanna see the terror in your eyes, the same my beautiful family members must have felt realizing they were dying!
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!!NEW Q DROP!! 9/23/2018 11:36 CDT! Q replies to his previous drop & says: DECLAS of FISA = [RR] self-incrimination.
[RR] in charge of DECLAS.
Due to massive CONFLICT OF INTEREST IG HOROWITZ was TASKED to final review [speed].#QAnon #FISABringsDownTheHouse @realDonaldTrump Cont.
POTUS will not be BAITED TO FIRE when the release itself will FORCE RESIGNATION/TERMINATION [RR]. #QAnon #FISABringsDownTheHouse @realDonaldTrump Cont.
Read 38 tweets
!!NEW Q DROPS!! 9/21/18 00:34 CDT Anon caught the [17] Second = Q Delta❤️ between President Trump’s tweet - AMERICA IS WINNING AGAIN and Q’s Drop with the LV picture!! Q says, “Nice Catch, Anon”!! #QAnon #QProof #Winning @realDonaldTrump
!!NEW Q!! 00:36 Q links to Anon graphic with the [17] second Delta!! #QAnon #QProof #AmericaIsWinningAgain @realDonaldTrump
Read 69 tweets
Yes, I am a survivor. No, I do not automatically believe every professed victim of similar crimes. Why? Because I know for a FACT #HiviteTactics since Babylon has been to falsely accuse people of rape toachieve political ends. This is called logic and realism. Use it
I welcome inquiry into the accusations I am publicly stating here. I would LOVE to testify. I have plenty of details to share. Circumstances matter. Every thing is case by case. There is no such thing as "You HAVE to believe ALL allegations" because THAT is #mindcontrol & FALSE.
You know what I do believe? That Hivite cannibal child rapist serial killer human sacrificers will stop at NOTHING to hide their crimes. Including falsifying accusations which in turn only make it HARDER for real victims like me to get justice.
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Funny how the four of these Congressional members

change their all the time about having information

released. @AdamSchiffCA @senchuckschumer

@MarkWarner @NancyPelosi you are all skating on a very

fine line.

Here is their full letter released yesterday September 18,

Look who’s signature is on this letter from 2016.

@MarkWarner what do you have to say about this?

@POTUS any comments?
Read 14 tweets
#Kavanaugh on Treason cases

MILITARY Court not Criminal Court.

His intent could not have been more clear

30 min mark

They are publicly paving the way from military tribunals!


Post from #trump @realDonaldTrump
20 pages of FISA are going to be unclassified.
Barrack O is in there plus others.

Patiently waiting...
Read 6 tweets
!!NEW Q Drops!! 9/5/18 10:34…
[Letter from Committee on Financial Services]
Maxine Waters, California, Ranking Member… #QAnon #UraniumOne #ClintonFoundation #ThoseWhoAreLoudest @RepMaxineWaters @realDonaldTrump
2. How do you obstruct oversight & obtain 'inside knowledge' to closed door 'financial' investigations?
Maxine Waters, California, Ranking Member
Those who are the loudest….
Have the most to FEAR [hide]?…
Money talks!! #QAnon #ThoseWhoAreLoudest @POTUS
Read 63 tweets
Deadly NLWs tested, used by #DoD WITHOUT the consent of Americans--"temporarily incapacitates a large, hostile group without causing life-threatening consequences to the targeted individuals" #TargetedIndividuals #SurveillanceTechnology #DualUseTech…
Active Denial Systems using Millimeter Wave Tech have been developed, tested, and are operational as "Deterrent" on "Targeted Individuals" a term the US Military uses:… #SurveillanceTechnology #DualUseTech
Newsflash to Mr. Mattis: US "Non-Lethal Weapons' aka Counter-Personnel Weapons using RF, Acoustic, & Spectrum Technologies are NOT humane, NOT reversible, and NOT non-lethal. This tech is being used on many today, and is reported always as CRIMINALLY INHUMANE. @DeptofDefense
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1) This is my #Qanon thread for August 21, 2018.

Q posts can be found here:

Android apps:

My Theme: Coming Soon to a Theater Near You
2) I've received many messages from people who interact on my threads but can't seem to find them unless they dig for them. I'm afraid Twitter doesn't like #QAnon. I would recommend dropping my timeline a couple times a week to see if anything new has been posted.
3) #Qanon posted a message that I've broken into sections. Here's the first part.
Read 55 tweets
New #QAnon Thread


-Aggression (Projection)
-Suppression (Fascism)
-Censorship (Narrative-Dogma)

#QArmy #MAGA #WWG1WGA #Trump #potus #PatriotsFight #sundayfunday @realDonaldTrump @POTUS
New #QAnon 1925.

The actions of ANTIFA, #FakeNews, social media platforms, etc all have a common theme: Aggression, Suppression and Censorship.

#QArmy #MAGA #WWG1WGA #Trump #potus #PatriotsFight #SundayFunday @realDonaldTrump @POTUS
Q post 1925 covers Psychological Projection, a common tactic for Narcissists. I covered this topic in a thread recently, addressing #FakeNews reports that #Qanon is a cult.

#QArmy #MAGA #WWG1WGA #Trump #potus #PatriotsFight #sundayfunday @POTUS

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!!NEW Q!! 1:17 Q posts an Anon link to the ‘temple’ looking building on Epstein’s island and asks if this is normal!! #ThesePeopleAreEvil #DarkToLight #GreatAwakening #GodWins @realDonaldTrump
Haiti digs, Dr. Kathryn Adams, educator and trauma therapist!! From the board!! #ThesePeopleAreEvil #QAnon #DarkToLight #GreatAwakening #GodWins @realDonaldTrump
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Fast Forward past #fakenews & political distractions.

Given widely known realization that FVEY heads (to Top Tiers) sanctioned subversion of US election; what protections should be set?

- Break Relations like SA vs Can
- Ban gov officials
- Demand extraditions
- Sanctions
- etc
Specifically against FVEY:
- UK
- Canada
- Australia
- New Zealand
- (US perps prosecuted)

As necessary close borders & trade. Halt security & defense pacts.

.@vp #Gitmo #FiatJustitia
This explains the delays at DOJ. No doubt it would be easier to deal with after mid-terms, Koreas, Iran... but the facts are becoming blatant.

When did the heads* of FVEY nations know? & When did each give go ahead to rig US elections?

.@vp @potus @USAWatchdog
#TopTier *elites
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Ding Ding Ding The silence is LOUD with ring of GUILT
You know who else has been completely silent? My FAMILY, even though 10 months have passed now since I started to #SayBraveThings. Not a single denial. Only projection, reversal, attempts to discredit the source (logical fallacy) #HiviteTactics. The silence of their guilt is LOUD
Read 12 tweets
!!NEW Q Drop! 7/29/18 10:51 Big Drop Coming Edition!! Q posts previous @realDonaldTrump tweets re protests & says, “Listen VERY carefully!”

POTUS legal in review (Huber).
Something BIG about to drop!! #QAnon #WhoIsQ #SomethingBigIsAboutToDrop #DarkToLight
!!NEW Q Drop!! 12:13 Patriots are UNITED in pursuit of common goals! GOOD v EVIL/RIGHT v WRONG! HUMANITY!
Patriots are NOT divided &
Borders DO NOT separate us!
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It's been 20 days since Q last spoke to us & there's been a lot of speculation as to whether or not we were being left to stand on our own. Last night, Q showed in full form & on fire. Settle, there's a story to be told.

From Sea to Shining Sea, Q is letting us know we're about to learn what Sessions has been doing quietly behind the scenes from the beginning. Something BIG is about to happen and as Q often says, #TrustSessions

In order to understand the story, first we need to understand 38 US Code Section 519 - Supervision of Litigation. Here, we find Sessions, and ONLY Sessions shall supervise ALL litigation unless otherwise authorized by law.
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Brennan deletes all but 45 of his tweets! From the board! #WhoIsQ #LockThemUp #Treason #GreatAwakening @realDonaldTrump
2. Previous Q Drops related to John Brennan!! #SpyGate #Treason #Sedition #LockThemUp #Gitmo #WhoIsQ @realDonaldTrump
3. Previous Q Drops related to John Brennan!! #SpyGate #Treason #Sedition #LockThemUp #Gitmo #WhoIsQ @realDonaldTrump
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1)TwitterFactoFictionMarathon1/#LoneWolfDT: I'm a Lone Wolf Domestic Terrorist: I love chocolate, do art, take care of my aging parents, write poems, take pics, save bugs & moths from death everyday.The Fusion Center Brigade are deadly afraid of me. So they gave me my Judenstern.
2) It's lovely really. Not a yellow star like they wore in the First Holocaust. Just tiny, and sharp, and multiple, and radiating like a beacon. Trackable on GPS, GIS. BAN attached, so any part of me can emit and receive... #LoneWolfDT @nytimes @cnn
3) So, factually speaking, it's not 1 RFID...but many. That's how they do it these days. They like to fill you up with beacons: imagine their sweetness. Tiny teeny little radiators, all over your body! In your ears, your arms, your spine, your skull, your liver, your heart...@npr
Read 66 tweets
!!NEW Q!! 9:45 Q posts the Antifascist Symbols from the 1933 Paramilitary Wing of the Communist Party of Germany and the 2017 Parliamentary Wing ofvthe Democratic Party of America!! Notice how similar they are!! #WhoIsQ #WalkAway #GreatAwakeningWorldwide @realDonaldTrump
!!NEW Q!! 9:48 Q posts an excerpt from article about ICE enforcement & prevention of terrorism! Q says, “Abolish ICE?” #GoodbyeDemocrats Link: #WhoIsQ #WalkAway #GreatAwakeningWorldwide @realDonaldTrump
!!NEW Q!! 9:55 Q links to this article:… where Sen. Tim Scott plans to recommend Trey Gowdy for SC Justice and Q says, “What a coincidence!” #WhoIsQ #WalkAway #GoodbyeDemocrats #GreatAwakeningWorldwide @realDonaldTrump
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You know how so many people minimized the abuse at #Gitmo by telling us that "it serves a wider purpose" & "worst of the worst" & "it's a beautiful place." When u study all aspects of US detention, whether it is county prisons, state & federal penitentiaries, immigrant detention
camps or the newly discovered child detention camps (which have operated a long time), u realize that nearly every "new" form of abuse we're woke enough now to express anguish over existed at #Guantanamo…
Must read article on use of psychotropic drugs to restrain & torture children separated from their parents in immigration proceedings…
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1) This is my #Qanon thread for June 20, 2018.

Q posts can be found here:

My theme: Where We Go One, We Go All
2) We're getting new pictures from #Qanon who says the photos he posts are all originals. This image was posted last night.
3) An anon thought #Qanon's post was connected to the most recent tweet by the President.
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If you think #QAnon is a #conspiracy after reading this post then you are probably brainwashed and should continue on following @CNN

2791 KNOWN CEO's have resigned since Sept. 2017

Names, company, reason, sources all listed :

29,000 Sealed Indigtments as of 4/30/18

I believe it is up to about 34,000 now.

#Gitmo Mass arrests coming.

@realDonaldTrump #usa

Human Trafficking including children.

Here you can read monthly newsletters from the Attorney Generals Office.
#Google Human trafficking (news)

Every week 100's of victims are saved and mass arrests made.
Read 10 tweets
The @WhiteHouse just sent Congress a long list of 40 different concerns and objections it has to the defense authorization bill.

These statements of administration policy are usually technical, but President Trump is making some interesting demands here: <thread>
1. President Obama used to threaten vetoes of bills that barred him from closing Guantanamo Bay. Trump "strongly objects" because Congress doesn't want to spend enough on #Gitmo. "It also does not meet the requirements of the aging detainee population."
2. Trump wants more flexibility to grant sanctions relief under the Russian sanctions bill he begrudgingly signed last year over the threat of a veto override:
Read 7 tweets

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