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Most recents (13)

Sep 30th 2018
Are YOU registered?
Are your friends, family, neighbours, co-workers registered?
#GetRegistered and be part of the #BlueWave2018
Voter Registration Deadlines and info for NH, NJ, NM, NY, NC, ND, OH, OK, OR, PA In the thread⬇️⬇️⬇️
💥Your state requires you to register IN PERSON ONLY, but you can register anytime up to DAY OF ELECTION💥
Everything you need to know about Registration, Polling Locations, Absentee Voting and more can be found here:
Everything you need to know about Registration, Polling Locations, Absentee Voting and more can be found here:…
Read 11 tweets
Jul 21st 2018
#GOPComplicit incumbents represent their donors over constituents.

🇺🇸All states have a moment
🔴All #GOPTraitors have a thread
💵Top donors tagged to rep(s)
📰Negative news in each thread

🔎from:batmanresist ST## / STSEN

Hold them accountable for their actions.
Read 76 tweets
Jun 28th 2018
#QAnon #QArmy #WWG1WGA @realDonaldTrump
Netflix Names Ambassador Susan Rice to Board of Directors
Rice served under two presidents and was thrust into the limelight after four Americans died in Benghazi.…
#QAnon #QArmy #WWG1WGA @realDonaldTrump
Who pushed?
"Netflix co-founder and CEO Reed Hastings praised Rice’s experience working on intelligence issues during her tenure in the Obama administration.…
Read 4 tweets
Jun 28th 2018
#QAnon #QArmy @realDonaldTrump #WWG1WGA #WINNING #IGReport #WalkAwayMovement #NorthDakota
so many VIPs.

bring out JA

bring out @snowden

bring out SR

send that message.
#QAnon #QArmy @realDonaldTrump #WWG1WGA #WINNING #IGReport #WalkAwayMovement #NorthDakota #VIPs
We can probably expect more negative articles in the next few day about the Q phenomenon.
Silent Majority No more
Read 4 tweets
Jun 14th 2018
Hey #NorthDakota
THREAD below of Voting Info & Democratic Candidates Congress, Sec of State, AG & State Senate with Links to all.
Check out this overview of the Voting numbers in #ND #PrimaryElection!…
Democratic Candidate for Congress in #NorthDakota
Mac Schneider (D)
Ex-State Senate Minority Leader & Attorney
#ND At Large

vs GOP Kelly Armstrong
Democratic Candidates for Senator in #NorthDakota #ND

Heidi Heitkamp

vs GOP Kevin Cramer (R)
Read 11 tweets
May 18th 2018
Hey #NorthDakota #ND
#PrimaryElection JUNE 12, 2018
You don’t need to Register
For Primaries, find Candidates for all Offices here…

THREAD below of Voting Info & Democratic Candidates Congress, Sec of State & AG. (1 each, so not in Primaries)
VOTER Registration / Qualifications in North Dakota #ND
Voter Registration is not required in #NorthDakota but you are required to be:
Citizen, 18+, resident for at least 30 days, able to provide Valid ID
Find your Polling Place here:…

Request #Absentee Ballot by June 11, 2018
To Vote in June 12 #PrimaryElection
Apply for Absentee Ballot Online here:
Track Ballot…
Contact County Election Officials…
Read 10 tweets
May 4th 2018
Grand Forks #NorthDakota murder-suicide, mom & 3 kids! I don't believe it for a second... School name, coincidence? I think not!!! #Freemason #symbolismwillbetheirdownfall #ThesePeopleAreSick… via @pioneerpress @jeffsessions @realDonaldTrump @GenFlynn
The sir name of her children, leaves little to the (woke) imagination. These #Occult families are generational, they indoctrinate their own children & murder suicide by firearm, is their MO. Just check out the symbolism of the dates🙄 The mothers handler more than not, a Talmage
Another red flag. There's a history of collusion with North Dakota and Polk County Minnesota related to Child Trafficking, and violent crimes associated with the #Coverups😏…👈
Read 8 tweets
Apr 26th 2018
🤔What is with the state police, period❓ Minnesota Bureau of Criminal Apprehension #MNBCA & #NorthDakota Bureau of Criminal Investigation (BCI) reasonably suspect as involved⁉️ 👈
#PedoGate #PedoGateNews #PizzaGate #PizzaGateIsReal #TheGreatAwakening
Read 8 tweets
Apr 13th 2018
I believe this is a crock of sh!t orchestrated to distract from the bizzare truth & all the reasonably suspicious circumstances of those initially involved! This is what those we entrust to protect & serve devote their time to MAUFACTURING CRIME SCENES TO DISTRACT FROM THE #TRUTH
I have more research. All tagged have what I discovered.

It's very disheartening to say the lrast that this Northern Swamp remains undeterred, considering #Minnesota is a prime hub procuring these kids nationally/internationally❗#TRUTH
Read 23 tweets
Feb 4th 2018
As well as voting & registering others, becoming a Poll Worker (or Poll Watcher) is one of the best ways to help Democracy & ensure fair elections in your State
State-by-State Requirements for ALL STATES & links to sign up
Each state has a different set of laws and rules governing the selection of #PollWorkers #PollWatchers

Clerks, Judges, Inspectors, Checker, Moderator, Selectman, Precinct Worker
Minority Inspector, Majority Inspector

Observers, Monitors, Challengers
Following are the requirements
to be a Poll Worker
or Poll Watcher
in your State
with Links to where to sign up.

Tip: Look at the Replies to your State Tweet to see further Info & Links for your State.

Here's a Medium article with this info:…
Read 148 tweets

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