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Jul 29th 2018
It’s been 162 days since the #ParklandSchoolShooting

In 2 days, the US will be able to download & print a 3D gun

While the @NRA is being investigated for funneling money from Russia in 2016, GOP politicians are offering #ThoughtsAndPrayers to kids returning to school in August.
In today’s WTF news: Guns Do Kill People.
Not one piece of gun legislation has been introduced by the GOP since Columbine.
A tax exempt lobbyist org is lining GOP politician’s pockets to look the other way while our nation’s children are being slaughtered.…
I am an American Citizen and a registered voter.

I hereby pledge to never vote for a candidate who accepts money from the @NRA

Earn that F rating and you can earn my vote.

In November please— #VoteBlue 🌊
When you vote for Dems, you vote for #GunReform & common sense #GunLaws
Read 3 tweets
Apr 12th 2018
Californians are increasingly targeted with commercial, political or other messages carried by automated accounts masquerading as actual human beings. #BotHertzberg #SB1001
Fake accounts, known as bots (like me!) can help sway advertising audiences and reshape political debates through the false credibility, and popularity, they lend to ideas or users. #BotHertzberg #SB1001
Online companies are not currently required to disclose the presence of bots like me. #BotHertzberg #SB1001
Read 8 tweets
Mar 28th 2018
🚨 #QAlert 3/28/18 as of 10:22 AM. As I pointed out on my #Q thread! Notice any similarities?
We are talking to you.
Trust the plan @POTUS #MAGA #QANON #TheStorm #TheStormIsHere #GreatAwakening
#Q asked, Who was at this meeting in China? Anyone know who this is? #QAnon #MAGA #KAG #GreatAwakening @POTUS
#QAnon #MAGA #KAG #GreatAwakening @POTUS
Read 23 tweets
Mar 28th 2018
#QAlert 🚨Lots of info here. Kim in China to discuss peace agreement; couldn't before under C_A control. Now freed. Secure call not poss since Google [ES]set up comms. Moscow born Brin co-founded Google & Pres Alphabet Inc. Mother works for NASA/father profess at U MD. @POTUS
An Anon did a great job connecting the dots on #Q's first post on 3/28. Who is Sergey Brin, [ES], Facebook, and Kim/NK. @POTUS #MAGA #QAnon #GreatAwakening
3. Sergey Brin's ex-wife, Ann Wojcicki, is co-founder & CEO of the personal genomics company 23andMe. What does 23 and Me collect? @POTUS #MAGA #QAnon #GreatAwakening
Read 20 tweets
Mar 8th 2018
FBI briefed lawmakers on failures leading up to Florida shooting

Why aren’t the students, that have been bashing the NRA, now apologizing and saying something to the FBI?


Top House Republicans said Wednesday that a senior FBI official had briefed lawmakers on the agency's failure to respond to warnings about the teenager accused of carrying out a deadly shooting at a South Florida high school last month.

Acting FBI Deputy Director David Bowdich met with lawmakers on the House Oversight and Government Reform and Judiciary committees Tuesday to discuss the missteps, which were revealed in the days after the shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Fla.
Read 10 tweets
Feb 26th 2018
"There were THREE SHOOTERS... We thought this was a DRILL, but it wasn't..." and MORE! FULL VIDEO HERE


@POTUS @browardsheriff @PamBondi @BrianMastFL #MAGA #QAnon
DEFINITELY MORE THAN ONE SHOOTER.... Cruz not in "Riot gear" as witness explaines... he was simply walking in plain clothes as she heard shots being fired.


ARCHIVE #MAGA @POTUS #ParklandSchoolShooting #Parkland
Read 35 tweets
Feb 20th 2018
And we’re finally underway. @WhiteHouse…
Victims and families of #ParklandSchoolShooting have "constantly been in our thoughts and prayers," says @PressSec.
"Members of the Parkland community" will be among those at @WhiteHouse "listening session" tomorrow.
Read 17 tweets
Feb 20th 2018
What are the odds that the son of an #FBI agent, who happened to be a student at #Parkland, is interviewed twice within 6 mos by the news as a criminal witness? Oh and he's anti-gun, anti-Trump.... serious fuckery is afoot!

#ParklandSchoolShooting #2A #ParklandStudents #Trump
Clearly a crisis actor being coached by the Media and #DeepState on how to profit politically from tragedy and trash the President. Really pathetic. You can't trust anyone being put on TV by the #FakeNewsMedia.
Source and further details @thedonaldreddit here:…
Read 9 tweets
Feb 18th 2018
TRUMP CHANGED HIS HEADER PHOTO… again. It may sound silly to mention it, but it IS important. Here’s why… (Thread)

We focus on his tweets – which is reasonable, considering how they could affect the entire frig'n planet – but when it comes to his header photos, we should 1/16
remember the old saying “A picture is worth a thousand words.” Trump spends an inordinate amount of time obsessing over his header photo. He’s like an adolescent teen, sometimes changing it twice in a week. His choices are telling. Let’s start at the beginning, for his first 2/16
header photo, Trump chose one of his inauguration… except that it was wasn’t his. The photo was taken during OBAMA'S inauguration. Trump changed it to a flag an hour later after being called out, & again after that, to one of himself gazing out the window, probably wishing 3/16
Read 35 tweets
Feb 15th 2018
The 17 victims of the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School mass shooting have been identified. Here's who they are. #ParklandSchoolShooting
Jaime Guttenberg: A 14-year-old student at the school. Her father, Fred, wrote on Facebook, "My heart is broken." #ParklandSchoolShooting
Martin Duque: A 14-year-old freshman. His older brother Miguel wrote in an Instagram post: “I love brother Martin you’ll be missed buddy.” #ParklandSchoolShooting
Read 18 tweets
Feb 15th 2018
Follow the threaded posts below this pinned post for the latest updates on the investigation into the #FloridaSchoolShooting in #Parkland (Will be continuously updated)
White supremacist group linked to Parkland shooting obsessed with lone wolves, mass murder …
Lori Alhadeff, the mother of Parkland shooting victim Alyssa Alhadeff speaks to CNN: "I just spent the last two hours putting the burial arrangements for my daughters funeral, who is 14! President Trump, please do something—these kids need safety now!"
Read 22 tweets

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