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Aug 3rd 2018
@TheBMA @BMANews "FRONTLINE" 4th August displays worrying prejudice. Please refer your pseudonymous ED consultant Charles Lamb to the following:…

We no longer call people "schizophrenics", "diabetics", or "cyclists". To do so risks lazy prejudice.

@TheBMA @BMANews From Lamb's article:

"Where there are cycle lanes some choose not to use them" - correct; may I refer you to the UK's unfit for purpose cycling "infrastructure" or "farcilities":…

@TheBMA @BMANews And (referring to someone riding a bike):

"After all they all look the same"

This is never an acceptable way to describe any group of human beings.

Particularly when you use dehumanising language to "other" them - this is prejudice and out-group homogeneity bias again.

Read 8 tweets
Jul 17th 2018
If we live on a tiny ball in a ginormous universe with no god then why does the cabal focus so much on manipulating consent? As apex predators, the sociopathic elite have access to sacred knowledge. Their power comes from hiding the truth. #TheGreatAwakening
2/ this means we can extrapolate sacred knowledge by analyzing the stories they tell us. The gnosis is revealed by awareness of the cabal's true nature. So in a way, the truth is coming out regardless of what the cabal did/does. We are seeing this right now with @potus and #msm
3/ i've always thought it tragic and ridiculous we don't discuss cosmology in school. We act like its for good liberal reasons but we are suppressing discussion and exploration. Why would science want this? Is that even science really? Or is it scientism?
Read 21 tweets
Apr 18th 2018
You have heard about our #AI Code and #global summit, but take a look at some of our other recommendations in the #LordsAIreport #justkeepreading:
We had a lot to say about #data and #AI, and who should have access to it.
We also thought carefully about #diversity and #representation in #artificialintelligence and how we should address #bias and #prejudice
Read 5 tweets
Feb 25th 2018
The current dialogue about #DACA affects everyone in the US. How?

#Racism & #scapegoating & affect all minorities.

Deporting #DREAMers & undocumented #immigrants will have very negative impacts to the #economy. That affects everyone else. THREAD 1 #DreamActNow #immigration
The sociological concept of the “other” is important to this discussion. If you haven’t heard of it before, here is a brief overview from…. 2 #identity #race #sociology #Science
People in power define social identities as they have the means to control the narrative – news coverage, platforms to broadcast their platforms, & the power to influence law enforcement and legislation. Social identity affects how people perceive themselves and others. 3
Read 19 tweets

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