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Sep 19th 2018
if you are interested in inviting me to speak at your college or conference, please check out my recently revamped booking webpage: – in this THREAD I will share some of my most requested talks...
my most frequently requested talk continues to be "Making Feminist and Queer Movements More Inclusive" – it is based on my 2nd book Excluded, although I've added some newer material to it in the last few years...… #feminism #LGBTQ #queer #activism
...another popular talk is "I'll See It When I Believe It: On Perception and Gender Entitlement"… #trans #transgender #feminism #gender #sexism
Read 10 tweets
Aug 28th 2018
okay, I just responded to all the questions and accusations here:… #trans #transgender #LGBTQ #children #health #psychology #science
btw, I've spent almost all of my last 10 days writing the original piece & responding to it. neither essays are monetized, as I want them to be as accessible as possible. so if you appreciate all this work, please consider supporting me on Patreon:…
I am exhausted & in dire need of an internet break. but before I go, here are the most pertinent passages of this follow up essay. if you like them, please RT:…
Read 7 tweets
Aug 28th 2018
We are live tweeting for the #Ready4Nuclear US/Canada #Nuclear Energy Leadership Summit!

Great slate of speaker today-- stay tuned.
First Speaker, Marco Presutti of Natural Resources Canada reminds us that $140B in trade and 9 million jobs result from US/Canada Nuclear Partnership.
Next up, Dr. John Barrett, CEO of Canadian Nuclear Association. "After a great advocacy effort at #COP21, nuclear was included in the clean energy efforts of Mission: Innovation."

Read 33 tweets
Aug 21st 2018
In case you've come across a Chicken Little screaming that the Ring of Fire is going to be "set off" due to the Fiji quake, here are the currently erupting volcanoes in the area. Volcanoes are erupting all day, every day...somewhere. See? No need for alarm, just good #science.
If you download that app (Volcanoes & Earthquakes), you can zoom in and see volcanoes with lower levels of unrest, including dormant & extinct ones. Use knowledge to combat ignorance!
Also, in that picture the little circles are recent earthquakes. Knowledge is power, & makes you look good at dinner parties.
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Aug 19th 2018
@cjjacobsJacobs @CDU @JuliaKloeckner @annewill 1. Various questions need to be asked:
a) Is the #earth getting warmer? Answer Yes (but was ven warmer in the past)
b) Human impact on climate (CO2)? A: Yes, but science differ on size of impact.
@cjjacobsJacobs @CDU @JuliaKloeckner @annewill 2.
c) #Germany produces 2% of all CO2 - So if we all live in tents tomorrow & only ride bicycles will it make a big difference? A: No, but the Chinese & Americans won't stop laughing!
#AnneWill #Klimawandel #ClimateChange
@cjjacobsJacobs @CDU @JuliaKloeckner @annewill 3.
So I like a debate on points a) to c) purely based on #science (and "a consensus of paid lobbyscientists" is not science, but politics) & come up with workable solutions.
PS: Currently #China produces around 26% of all man-made CO2.
Read 7 tweets
Aug 19th 2018
(1) I noticed this headline in a tweet by some conspiracy fantasist who asserts that every death of a public figure is an illuminati-Rothschild-NWO murder.

They're less "exciting," but the relevant #facts of the case are highlighted below.

(2) It never seems to matter what caused a death; if any aspect of it can be related back to politics, the credulous will try to do it.

Protip: Cyclist vs heavy vehicle = Heavy vehicle always wins.

Another one-time doctor to a world leader was killed while cycling recently.
(3) The former cardiologist of Bush Sr was murdered in Houston by the son of a woman who died 20 years earlier while undergoing surgery. The murderer held a grudge for that long.

These two tragic Dr-on-bike deaths have absolutely nothing to do with each other.
Read 4 tweets
Aug 15th 2018
I wrote this essay last year, but it seems even more relevant this year, sadly...… #trans #transgender #queer #LGBTQ #feminism #biology #science
I get why "God made Adam & Eve, not Adam & Steve"-type conservatives want to dwell on "biological sex," as it seems consistent with their highly essentialist ideology. But I cannot fathom why any self-described #feminist would resort to this line of reasoning...
If we reduce people to their supposed "biological sex" & start regulating what they can (& cannot) do based on it, it basically opens the doors to discriminating against people for their sexual orientation & gender non-conformity...
Read 4 tweets
Aug 15th 2018
Celebrating 49 years of @isro, in this special take on #SpaceInAMinute, we take a look at what the future holds for our nation's space program.
Riding on the success of major past orbiter missions like #Chandrayaan, @MarsOrbiter and #AstroSat, @isro is gearing towards new technologies and exciting future missions. Let's take a look!
First up is Chandrayaan-2. Launching early next year, the mission consists of a lunar orbiter, a soft-landing close to the south pole, and a six-wheeled rover. If successful, India will establish itself as Earth's 4th nation to achieve a soft-landing on the #Moon.
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Aug 12th 2018
Review of the outstanding presentation by @5uggy @sveckert @tillkrause and deep dive into the underbelly of predatory publishing and its far-reaching damage to the fabric of #science…
Adding another to the network @DouglasTodd and his piece…
@5uggy @sveckert @tillkrause
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Aug 8th 2018
Dr M #Karunanidhi was a scientists’ scientist. Among his numerous contributions to Tamil Nadu's development are outstanding universities like Anna University as well as the State Biotechnology Council and gender-sensitive institutions like the Women’s Biotechnology Park.
#Karunanidhi was also keen to see Tamil Nadu progress from food security to nutrition security. Long before India's #foodsecurity Act was introduced, he launched in the 1990s a ‘#Hunger -free area programme’ in order to fulfil the dream of Mahakavi Subramania Bharathiyar.
The former Chief Minister also married #science with Tamil #literature. At the World Tamil conference in 2010, Dr #Karunanidhi announced the setting up of genetic heritage gardens based on Sangam literature in five zones representing kurinji, mullai, neithal, palai and marutham.
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Aug 7th 2018
(1) I survived a deadly #earthquake in 2011, so watching #hurricanes & other disasters has become a major interest of mine.

All I want is to help save lives & property.

The CA Democrats' reaction to their #wildfires crisis is very telling.

Many voters will #WalkAway.
(2) It's very simple to understand WHY California's #wildfires have worsened in the last 10 years or so.

Natural & plantation forests have been badly mismanaged. (Something we can change.)

Naturally occurring climate change is also a factor. (Something we can't change,)
(3) Democrats want you to ignore the factors we CAN change, such as the mismanagement of forests, & to focus on the factor we CAN'T change: The sun driving the cycle of warming & cooling that's gone on since the planet formed.
Read 18 tweets
Jul 25th 2018
I've spent some time observing amateur religious apologetics, and my feeling is that #science and apologetics are precise opposites.

Science starts with observation and reaches conclusion.

Apologetics start with a conclusion and re-interpret observations to fit.
The same rational method (starting from a conclusion) is observable in other types of denialism. #FlatEarthers are a clear illustration, as they reinterpret everything we know about our Solar System, but you see it in vaccine denial and AIDS denialist movements.
Lastly, I think you can see it in how we rationalize our political positions. You may have noticed that no matter what Trump does, his base find a charitable or positive interpretation. Same is no doubt true for past Democratic presidents.
Read 6 tweets
Jul 22nd 2018
I thought it would be fun to just thread a bit about a particular piece - today "Transition to Chaos" #sciart #thermodynamics #order #klee #abstract

It's in my online portfolio here:…
"Transition to Chaos" is part of my "music and Machinery" group of paintings, which started from some experiments with geometric "mechanical" patterns of warmer, cooler, darker, and lighter shapes - while at MIT . The early ones looked more like "gridlock", but in pencil
Here's a link for prints of Gridlock. The original is currently leased (if that's of interest, talk to abby "at" turningart "dot" com)…
and a detail that really evokes those earlier pencil drawings (I'll try to find one)
Read 39 tweets
Jul 10th 2018
this hater apparently missed the part where I mentioned I was a biologist, nor did they bother reading any of the scientific articles I cited/linked to in the piece...… #science #biology #sex #trans #transgender #LGBTQ
...I mean, this entire screed is a farce, but perhaps the most ridiculous part is the bit at the end about having to "mention evolution" in the first paragraph. I've read plenty of *actual scientific articles* on human sex & sexuality that don't mention evolution at all!'s like they're announcing to the world: "Hey, I obviously am not a scientist, but now I'm going to lecture you about what is science and what is not!"
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Jun 18th 2018
@ShawnMcGuirk @CFAMMcan @mcgillu @santecannabis @trinafraser #ACMPR highlights #WeedLikeToKnow :
- limit of <30-day supply or 150g
- LP delivery by mail only, no retail point of sale
- medical doc lasts 1 year
- storage limit (to be removed soon with #CannabisAct )
- Soon, might be able to transfer from one licensed producer to another
@ShawnMcGuirk @CFAMMcan @mcgillu @santecannabis @trinafraser #CannabisAct Bill #C45 removes #cannabis from #cdsa, separate act will be created for regulation of cannabis
- Can grow up to 4 plants (debated) in dwelling
- legal limit up to 30g in public
- anticipate royal ascent by end of June, coming into force Sept/Oct 2018
@ShawnMcGuirk @CFAMMcan @mcgillu @santecannabis @trinafraser There is still reluctance in prescribing #MedicalCannabis, and there is lack of point of sale (still will have to be by mail), excise tax and HST/GST upcoming, lack of drug plan coverage.
#WeedLikeToKnow #SPEforum
Read 21 tweets
Jun 8th 2018
This #WorldOceansDay I'm inspired by all the dedicated people working everywhere to understand and protect the dominant geographic feature of our planet. So today I'm going to be tweeting about just a few of those people to spread the news of their good deeds
1st up @HeatherKoldewey. Heather is at @OfficialZSL & has done incredible work with @projectseahorse, @Nets2Carpet and the Chagos MPA with @Bertarelli_fdn. Any one of those would be huge, but all three is just amazing.…
Nxt @CoralReefFish Luiz Rocha, originally from Brazil, is leading a team of folks @calacademy discovering new fish diversity in the gloom beyond regular SCUBA depths, using rebreathers. Every bit as hard as space walking, maybe harder.…
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Jun 2nd 2018
After realizing that there is much to learn before we understand what exactly their super evil plans for us are, I feel like I need to compile a few thoughts from he science realm... This may help us get a better idea about DNA manipulation and 5G implications...
Let's take a quick look at what DNA, as well as RNA, in this cute #Science video by the Amoeba Sisters on the UuuTube ; )

I want to take a second to reflect on the shape. . . This symbol has been around for quite some time. . . Did the ancients know about DNA?? or was there something else that they observed worthy of noting?? We won't get too deep into that, but note the shape Plasma currents...
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Jun 2nd 2018
#IIMEC13 - I've spent a week in London helping out at the @Invest_in_ME conference.

This was it's 13th conference, and it's grown from a small meeting to a whole week of talks from researchers/scientists in different stages of their careers... 1/7
#IIMEC13 - There's been a lot of science. A lot of talking. There's been scientists from different #biomedical fields offering their expertise.

The dedication/determination from researchers was very clear throughout.

For some reason, #MEcfs is political minefield... 2/7
#IIMEC13 - The people who suffer from this awful disease have been left to suffer for years by unbelieving professionals, bad advice and charities who are happy not to rock the boat and challenge them.

These sectors don't deserve the publicity. The people who help DO... 3/7
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May 25th 2018
... and a public which asks their representatives to value #evidence will be the strongest driver of long-term #scienceadvice mechanisms.

Jeff Reading @SPH_Iloilo adds long-term funding to #scienceadvice mechanisms would also be an important step if we want long-term thinking
The workshop starts now ➡️ what are top 3 critical issues or structural themes in #Scienceadvice that an @INGSciAdvice presence in North America could address? #INGSA_NA18
And we're back after the interactive workshop, now discussing how to leverage the @INGSciAdvice network in #NorthAmerica context #INGSA_NA18, and what we can learn from other chapters
w/ @Kristiann_NZ @eliasmichaz @nifaruqui @IDRC_CRDI @JonesAishaD
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May 25th 2018
Our @DSP_SPE team represents the student voice in #scienceadvice at the #INGSA_NA18 workshop today among experts from around the world 🔬🔭🌐🖋📃

Our #EmergingExperts: @sung_vanessa @ShawnMcGuirk @tgruos @nehabhutani17 @arthi_ramac

#scipol @INGSciAdvice @SciChefQC @ChiefSciCan
.@SciChefQC & @ChiefSciCan note in opening keynote how important it is for the #NextGeneration to be here and well represented, and applaud our #SPEscidip event from last week - thank you for inviting us, we're v happy to be in these discussions #INGSA_NA18 #scipol #scienceadvice
& thx @PeterGluckman for your video introduction, we hope we can meet again soon! Especially with the establishment of an @INGSciAdvice chapter for #NorthAmerica

We appreciate your commitment to engaging #nextgen at the intersection of #science & #policy in #NZ & at #INGSA_NA18
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May 19th 2018
.@EPAScottPruitt just announced an all-out assault on how the #EPA can use #scientific data. This could paralyze the EPA — we need to fight back. #WhiteHouse tried to bury a chemicals report that has major implications for our #health…
Pruitt's new policy proposal restricting #science is his most destructive action yet This "restricting science" rule censors the #science that we can use, in favor to Big #Polluters limiting the data that links their industries to deadly #health impacts.
The clock is ticking, will you add your name today?

The #TrumpAdministration is actively trying to bury science that could have major effects on our #health. Fight back — sign the petition to stop Pruitt's censorship of science…
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May 18th 2018
We're in the historic Redpath museum auditorium this morning @mcgillu for another excellent talk by Jan Marco Muller @IIASAVienna which we organized w/ @McGillMSSI & TISPP! A continuation of #SPESciDip events of the last few days, #THREAD below ⬇️
#scidip #SciComm #scipol
When #science meets #politics on #GMO ➡️ when faced with the same evidence, some countries overwhelmingly agree, others overwhelmingly against #scipol #scidip
The mechanisms of #scienceadvice in the #EU is... complex
#scidip #scipol
Read 13 tweets

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