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Jun 12th 2018
Hi @AjitPaiFCC, remember me? I know you were all over TV yesterday celebrating a government handout to your former (current?) employer, Verizon. But frankly, you're full of $#!t and everyone knows it. Let's review the lies in your tweet below (THREAD)
You claim that repealing #NetNeutrality will "benefit consumers." Please explain how letting our cable and phone companies charge us new fees to access online content that we already get benefits us? Do you think people WANT to pay Comcast extra to visit Twitter? Ummm, no.
You called your order "Restoring Internet Freedom," but what you really meant was "Expanding AT&T and Verizon's freedom to screw you over more than they already do." Without #NetNeutrality, these companies will have complete, disturbing control over our online experience.
Read 14 tweets
Jun 12th 2018
So, @AjitPaiFCC was all over TV today smugly celebrating the repeal of #NetNeutrality. But the reality is that he's going to lose. The battle for the free and open Internet rages on.

1st, contact your representatives at

#NetNeutrality is NOT "dead." Yes, the FCC's disastrous and unpopular repeal officially went into effect today, but it's not going to last. We're fighting in the courts, in Congress, and at the state and local level. And we will win. #SaveNetNeutrality
Don't panic! The Internet isn’t going to come to a crashing halt. You won't be cut off from your friends. But starting today, your Internet provider is legally allowed to mess with you in a bunch of new ways, and it's only a matter of time before they do. #SaveNetNeutrality
Read 12 tweets
Dec 20th 2017
0s and 1s commonly create speech that courts use -- that means precedence is set. #Code is speech -- they're languages made of bits! Point being, ISPs shouldn't be allowed to deny computer speech from being seen by others. #NetNeutrality

Evidence in thread:
#NetNeutrality Evidence case 1: Bradley v. State: @Facebook evidence used to ID assailants and other witnesses. Its compelling because translated bits were used to ID people. It proves third party intermediary bits translated into media are used by courts.…
#SaveNetNeutrality Evidence case 2: Homeland Security v. Twitter: @DHSgov seized data that was digitized and sent to intermediary @Twitter. Twitter sued its an ongoing investigation. Regardless, It appears consumer's translated bits were treated as speech?…
Read 11 tweets
Dec 19th 2017
1/ We at the Black Women's Health Imperative join the #SaveNetNeutrality townhall and have a question for @MClyburnFCC @Alyssa_Milano:
2/ Access to affordable, quality, comprehensive, innovative #healthcare is a problem in this country, which has resulted in significant racial and economic health disparities.
3/ It's through the use of the internet that millions of Americans, especially those in marginalized communities, have attempted to prevent and manage diseases because of the lack of access to #healthcare where they reside.
Read 5 tweets
Nov 29th 2017
Funny thing happened yesterday. @AjitPaiFCC attacked me for using my voice to speak out against his plan to kill #NetNeutrality and the internet as we know it. THREAD
He also attacked Twitter, Cher, and Mark Ruffalo. Not an educated attack blasting our perspective with real facts but…a misogynistic, personal attack complete with a Tony Danza reference. (I love you, Tony!)…
I’m not going to personally attack @AjitPaiFCC in return. I’m just going to stick to real facts because the facts are on my side. Ready for some real facts about #NetNeutrality?
Read 13 tweets
Nov 27th 2017
5 #FCC people can change the Internet as we know it forever. #NetNeutrality #SaveNetNeutrality #SupportTitleII
Since we all express ourselves online nowadays, shouldn't the Internet, by extension, be part of our #FirstAmmendment rights? #NetNeutrality #SaveNetNeutrality #SaveTitle2
How can it be an "information service" when phone is increasingly moving to the internet with VoIP and ppl stream radio and television? This is not 1996. The Internet has changed. It is now our main form of communication and needs the Title 2 protection phone & radio got in 1934.
Read 11 tweets
Nov 21st 2017
THREAD: Why should the FCC's decision to totally repeal #NetNeutrality matter to you?
1/ Today @politico reported that the FCC plans to totally repeal #NetNeutrality rules.…
2/ #NetNeutrality rules prevent internet service providers from favoring or blocking certain websites. It also prevents them from charging you extra based on the content of a website.
Read 8 tweets

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