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Jan 19, 2018, 243 tweets

#Afrin Offensive about to oppose:
- Turkish Army (#TSK) & National Army (ex-#EuphratesShield, mainly #FSA)
- People/Women's Protection Units (#YPG/J) + allies & #Syria|n Democratic Forces (#SDF)

#Afrin Offensive: following weeks of #TSK reinforcements near border with #Syria but also in Syria itself (N. #Aleppo & N. #Idlib), #FSA-led National Army started also to mobilize. Multiple convoys moving.

#Pt. National Army (incl. #FSA 23rd Division) preparing for #Afrin Offensive (#AfrinOp) near border with #Turkey.

N. #Aleppo: Manbij Military Council (#SDF) also sent reinforcements on (potential) fronts W. and N. of town of #Manbij.…

#AfrinOp: #FSA-National Army being transferred to #Turkey.

#Pt. #FSA/National Army reinforcements still transferred to #Turkey.

#AfrinOp: Turkish Air Force (#TAF) launched 1st airstrikes in #Afrin & Tell Rifaat regions, kicking off 1st stage of Offensive.

#AfrinOp: #Afrin region also hit by multpile Turkish airstrikes. Picture shot from Regime-held Nubul & Zahraa area in NW. #Aleppo.…

#AfrinOp: some locations hit by Turkish F-16s (a dozen raids confirmed so far). #KafrNaya close to Regime territory also bombed.

#Pt. Town of #Afrin also directly hit by Turkish Air Force.…

#AfrinOp: heavy Turkish airstrikes hit defensive positions and military bases (esp. 135th Brigade) mostly built on hills.

#AfrinOp: Mount Bersaya with its #YPG/#SDF fortifications overlooking town of #Azaz also hit by Turkish airstrike tonight.…

#AfrinOp: video showing National Army on Turkish-#Syria|n border as ground assault looming.

#AfrinOp: #OliveBranch Operation Room announces takeover of Shenqal village from #YPG (near Turkish border & NW. of #Afrin) as ground offensive started.

#AfrinOP: as for #EuphratesShield operations on the ground are carried out by an hybrid force made up of #TSK commandos & #FSA fighters (now National Army).

#AfrinOp: videos which claim to show Shenqal are actually geolocated 15 km Eastwards in Hay Uglu village (on border with #Turkey, de facto seized from #YPG).

#AfrinOp: Faylaq Sham captured 3 #YPG fighters while overtaking village of Ada Manli (Rajo axis).

#Pt. Patch belongs more precisely to Self-Defense Forces, a conscripted force established in #Afrin region in Summer 2015.

#AfrinOp: #OliveBranch Operation Room officially announces control over villages of Ada Manli/Adama & Bali Koy N. of #Rajo. 3rd location announced as seized today.

#AfrinOp: #YPG fired the 1st #ATGM against a #TSK tank, hitting turret of what looks like a Leopard 2A.

#Pt. Geolocation: #ATGM strike hit a #TSK position on Turkish border, SW. of #Kilis.…

#AfrinOp: #OliveBranch Operation Room announces takeover of Kurne, 1 km E. of strategic Bulbul (crossroads).

#AfrinOp: aftermath of #ATGM strike on Leopard 2A in #TSK border post. Back of turret hit without significant damage.

#AfrinOp: National Army using a breach opened in border fence on Turkish-#Syria|n border to fire at #YPG-#SDF positions. Polish ZU-23-2 on 1st pick-up.

#AfrinOp: most accurate map based on available info. First day of ground offensive opened 2 fronts from Turkish territory without any attempt to advance on Tell Rifaat front (contrarily to what was expected).

#AfrinOp: convoy heading to fight #YPG/#SDF and #FSA advancing in hills on Rajo front.…

#Pt. ACV-15 pounding #YPG positions amidst #OliveBranch Offensive.

#AfrinOp: moment when #TSK armoured force (Leopard 2As & ACV-15s) entered #Syria through #Afrin region amidst #OliveBranch Offensive.

#AfrinOp: #OliveBranch Operation Room announces control over 4 new locations in area E. of Bulbul on 2nd day of ground offensive.

#Pt. Village of Sheikh Horuz is also announced under #OliveBranch control. Deepest position taken so far in #Afrin region, located 6.5 km from starting point (Turkish border).

#AfrinOp: National Army with a #Fagot, first sight of #ATGM since Offensive started.

#AfrinOp: #OliveBranch forces gathering before opening new front. Several Kirpi MRAPs used.

#Pt. #OliveBranch forces started operations on #Bersaya front (fortified Mount overlooking #Azaz) following pre-emptive shelling with artillery & #TAF airstrikes.…

#Pt. #OliveBranch Operation Room officially announces start of battle on #Azaz front & advances made on #Bersaya Mount following assault (pic for illustration purposes, showing fortification on top).

#Pt. Video from #Bersaya Mount where #OliveBranch forces reached #YPG fortifications following ground assault.…

#AfrinOp: visual confirmation #OliveBranch forces control main defensive line on top of #Bersaya Mount.…

#Pt. #Bersaya Mount is under #OliveBranch control. First strategic position captured on #Azaz front.…

#AfrinOp: huge trenches system built by #YPG on #Bersaya Mount, some parts dug out in the rock.

#AfrinOp (update): #Bersaya Mount remains under #OliveBranch control after failed #YPG counter-attack yesterday night. Bad weather is back over NW. #Syria, which will inevitably slow down operations.

#AfrinOp: #FSA (Samarkand Brigade) lost its first field commander during assault on Hamam village.…

#Pt. Footage showing #YPG(-linked) forces fighting back #OliveBranch assault on Hamam front, on border with #Turkey.…

#AfrinOp: #Olive Branch Operation Room announces control over Hamam & surrounding hills. Village is located on highway towards #Jindires & #Afrin.

#Pt. #OliveBranch Operation Room announces takeover of Omar Ushaghi 8 km S. of Rajo. Probable location 👇

#Pt. Footage reportedly from Omar Ushaghi captured by #OliveBranch forces in midst of foggy weather. #AfrinOp.…

#AfrinOp: Faylaq Sham carried out last night pre-emptive shelling on hills around Adama with a BM-21 Grad, before their capture today.…

#AfrinOp: today's geolocations confirm #OliveBranch still controls Abudan/Ebudane E. of Bulbul while #YPG holds Shenqal. Sources:

#AfrinOp: #OliveBranch forces continued operations today from #Bersaya Mount advancing towards hinterland despite foggy weather.…

N. #Idlib: Rebels announce tonight they repelled a #YPG-#SDF attack on Qalaat Seeman front & took back 2 positions lost earlier in assault.

#AfrinOp: area around Maydankay Reservoir heavily bombed today by #TSK.…

#Pt. Enormous fireball as Turkish Air Force destroyed a target N. of #Afrin (Maydankay area), likely an ammo depot.

#AfrinOp: pics of today's #OliveBranch operations in #Bulbul region.…

#AfrinOp: tour inside the defensive system (trenches & bunkers) built by #YPG on #Bersaya Mount.…

#AfrinOp: Nawal Zilan is the first female fighter (#YPJ) killed since #OliveBranch Offensive started. Killed by Rebels in a failed attak on Qalaat Seeman front.

#AfrinOp: #OlivreBranch Operation Room announced today the recapture of Ebudane, confirming back & forth battle ongoing.

#AfrinOp: #OliveBranch forces captured Biski, Point (Hill) 740 and a #YPG training camp in #Rajo hills as ground operations resumed.

#Pt. View from Hill 740 captured from #YPG by #OliveBranch forces on #Rajo front.

#Pt. Hill 740 was being reinforced by #YPG with concrete structures when captured by #OliveBranch forces. Some weapons seized following takeover of strategic hill.

#Pt. Geolocation confirms "Point 740" is actually the hill overlooking #Rajo, an important location placed on road heading to #Afrin-city.…

#Pt. Footage showing #OliveBranch forces storming "Hill 740" W. of #Rajo.…

#AfrinOp: #OliveBranch Operation Room announces control over Tell Marsides & nearby hills overlooking #Jindires.

#Pt. Video shot from hills in #Jindires region captured from #YPG by #OliveBranch forces & some spoils.

#AfrinOp: #YPG says female fighter Avesta Khaboor carried out a suicide attack against #TSK tank, blowing up herserlf on Hamam front. Pictured w/ patch of anti-terror forces.…

#AfrinOp: #OliveBranch forces resumed advances on #Bersaya Mount, taking positions from #YPG towards hinterland & Qestele.…

#Pt. #OliveBranch Operation Room announces full control over #Bersaya Mount. Pic shows #YPG defenses seized in hinterland.…

#Pt. Tour inside last #YPG defenses on #Bersaya Mount which were captured this morning by #OliveBranch forces.

#Pt. Summit of #Bersaya Mount: ~865 m.

#Pt. Assault on last #YPG defenses on #Bersaya Mount was spearheaded by #TSK Commandos & 3rd Corps of National Army, backed by airstrikes & armours.

#AfrinOp: #OliveBranch Operation Room announces capture of Qestele (aka Qastal Jundu) from #YPG following takeover of strategic #Bersaya Mount.

#Pt. Defensive positions erected by #YPG on #Bersaya Mount, incl. bastions, watch towers and underground hideouts.

#Turkey: #YPG hit a second #TSK border post in a week with an #ATGM (#Konkurs/#Fagot), reportedly fired from Bulbul district N. of #Afrin.…

#AfrinOp: new footage from #Bersaya Mount shows involvement of dozens #TSK Commandos and 4 #YPG(-linked) fighters captured today.

#Pt. Video showing Turkish warplanes & tanks bombing #YPG fortifications on W. part of #Bersaya Mount before its takeover.

#AfrinOp: Hamam/Hemame as well as surrounding hills are back under #OliveBranch control.…

#AfrinOp: exploration of highly fortified #Bersaya Mount continues as well as mine clearance work. #YPG was extending the tunnel system.

#Pt. Tour inside an impressive underground fortress built by #YPG in #Bersaya Mount.…

#AfrinOp: #OliveBranch Operation Room announces its forces took control of Ushaghi from #YPG, S. of #Rajo. Probable location (aka Mamal Ushaghi) 👇

#Pt. First pictures of 1st Corps of National Army (#FSA, #OliveBranch) inside Mamal Ushagi after its capture today from #YPG & affiliated forces.…

#AfrinOp: #FSA has a visual on #Rajo from W. hills & one ACV-15 with additional protection on side(s).

#AfrinOp: #OliveBranch forces continue their advance from Tell Syriatel (S. of #Rajo) and captured Khalil from #YPG.

#Pt. Spoils made by #OliveBranch in Khalil also include an anti-tank ordnance: PG-7T tandem warhead (arrow).

#AfrinOp: pics from Hana/zatan & Khalil, 2 villages taken today by #OliveBranch forces.…

#AfrinOp: #OliveBranch forces made new advances this morning NW. of #Afrin-city, seizing several vehicles (& ammo) from #YPG/#SDF. Shenkal announced as captured.

#Pt. #OliveBranch Operation Room announces takeover of Bak Ubasi from #YPG-#SDF, located NW. of #Bulbul.

#Pt. #OliveBranch forces geolocated in heart of Bak Ubasi village (…), confirming takeover this morning.

#AfrinOp: #OliveBranch forces took over the highest summit overlooking #Bulbul region. Geolocated N. of Qurne (village also under their control):…

#AfrinOp: #YPG fired another #Konkurs #ATGM reportedly targeting a bulldozer on hill 740, W. of #Rajo. Outcome unclear.…

#AfrinOp: pics showing tunnels & hideouts dug out by #YPG ~4 m under ground in Qestele area.…

#AfrinOp: footage showing clashes before takeover of Qurne by #OliveBranch forces. Leopard 2A involved, 2 POWS.…

#AfrinOp: 1st Corps of National Army claims capture of a MANPADS from #YPG on Hamam front.…

#AfrinOp: today #OliveBranch forces expanded operations in hills NW. of #Jindires and uncovered an underground cache.…

#AfrinOp (Day 11): most accurate map showing main advances made by #OliveBranch forces are located in N.-NW part of #Afrin region + #Bersaya Mount.

#Turkey: for the 3rd time since #Afrin Offensive started #YPG targeted a #TSK border post with an #ATGM (#Konkurs), hitting the tower.…

#AfrinOp: #OliveBranch Operation Room announces control over Ali Kar(u) village, in apparent attempt to make a pincer movement to take #Bulbul.

#AfrinOp: no official confirmation yet, but #OliveBranch forces took control of most parts of #Bulbul (strategic crossroads). Video geolocated in center:…

#Pt. National Army announces capture of #Bulbul, meaning #OliveBranch forces cemented control over most parts of border between #Turkey and N. #Afrin region.

#AfrinOp: #YPG fired another #Konkurs and destroyed a pick-up belonging to National Army on #Rajo front.

#AfrinOp: spoils made yesterday by #FSA from #YPG-#SDF on Khalil front.…

#AfrinOp: amidst increasing #ATGM attacks, #YPJ destroyed w/ a #Konkurs what looks like a Leopard 2A while maneuvering at entrance of Heftar. Geolocation:…

#Pt. In a second #ATGM attack, #YPJ hit with a #Konkurs a vehicle in Turkish border post (4th time). Strike is probably linked with #TSK fatality announced by Turkey.

#Pt. More #ATGM attacks carried out by #YPG/J in #Afrin area. Turkey announced 5 of its soldiers killed today (most of them in multiple #Konkurs strikes).

#AfrinOp: #OliveBranch resumed advances against #YPG-#SDF taking over Haj Bilal (red) and Khoruz Mount (blue, position used yesterday by #YPJ to destroy Leopard 2A with a #Konkurs).

#Pt. Several groups based in Greater #Idlib (incl. Zinki for 1st time & Faylaq Sham) sent forces to take part in #Afrin Offensive. Video showing one ot those convoys.

#AfrinOp: enormous quantity of weapons for #YPG intercepted by Zinki on its way to #Afrin region. It includes many #ATGMs: #Fagot & #Metis-M (pictured) but also #Konkurs. Video following.

#Pt. Weapons incl. many #ATGM|s intended for #YPG in #Afrin were hidden in a cistern-truck.

#Pt. Meanwhile #ATGM strikes ongoing in #Afrin region: #YPG hit an excavator with another #Konkurs.

#AfrinOp: #OliveBranch forces took control of Hill 1027 from #YPG-#SDF in Sheikh Hadid region.

#AfrinOp: #OliveBranch forces seized village of Sorki located on Turkish border, SW. of #Rajo.…

#AfrinOp: 12th #ATGM strike by #YPG, this time with a #Fagot which hit turret of a M60-T Sabra in #Bulbul area (very close range).…

#AfrinOp: #OliveBranch forces carrying new operation in hills on #Rajo axis backed by couple of M60-T Sabra.

* M60A3 tank.

#AfrinOp: #OliveBranch forces took control of #Sarkaya Mount seizing #YPG fortifications & also village of Dikmetas/Amud (3rd pic), located N. of #Bersaya Mount.…

#Pt. First footage from #Sarkaya Mount showing #YPG fortified positions under #OliveBranch control.…

#Pt. As in many other places #YPG still had to complete its fortified belt (1st defense line). Pic from #Sarkaya Mount seized today.

#Pt. Tour inside #YPG fortifications in #Sarkaya Mount, showing same kind of underground base than nearby #Bersaya Mount (1st defensive belt along Turkish border).…

#AfrinOp: in an unprecedented move a sizeable "support" convoy w/ #YBS-#YPG fighters coming from E. #Syria & #Iraq reached #Afrin tonight through Assad-held territory.

#AfrinOp: sat imagery shows #YPG started to build fortifications on Hill 740 (overlooking #Rajo) early July 2017. Unfinished when #OliveBranch forces seized hill.…

#AfrinOp: #YPG recaptured Sheikh Khoruz from #OliveBranch forces and seized an ACV-15 (n° 205) left behind.…

#AfrinOp: #OliveBranch forces took back control of Sheikh Khoruz hill (for 3rd time) + nearby village. They also seized hill Halouz (pic), expanding control over #Bulbul outskirts:…

#AfrinOp: following pause of few days #Turkey resumed airstrikes in support of #OliveBranch Offensive. Multiple raids carried out tonight.

#AfrinOp: #OliveBranch forces took 3 villages on #Jindires front (Iskan, Dakan & Nasiriyah) and onother one N. of Sheikh Hadid from from #YPG.

#Pt. #OliveBranch Op. Room announces control over Juqala Wastani (= central). Upper village (East) also taken this morning, only lower one left (near Turkish border).

#AfrinOp: drone view of Tell Nasiriyah captured this morning from #YPG by #OliveBranch forces (SW. of #Jindires).…

#AfrinOp: a Turkish airstrike destroyed a building located 1.7 km S. of #Afrin-city. Recently built, works started last Spring. Some stages of construction👇…

#Pt. Huge fireball following #TSK airstrike & structure of building suggest it was an ammo depot. #Afrin…

#AfrinOp: Turkey says one military helicopter part of #OliveBranch operation has been downed W. of #Afrin. More details to follow.

#Pt. Several #TSK choppers were operating in #Rajo region. The T-129 Atak helicopter hit is seen at 0:12 before crashing, killing both pilots. Video from #OliveBranch fighters.

#AfrinOp: #OliveBranch forces took control of Deir Balut from #YPG, granting for 1st time land connection between Rebel-held #Idlib province & #Afrin region.…

#Pt. Outpost & defensive structures seized by #OliveBranch on Deir Balut front.

#AfrinOp: #YPG firing #Iran|ian-made 106 mm gun geolocated in main street of #Jindires as #OliveBranch forces started operations in area.…

#Pt. #OliveBranch Operation Room announces control over Iskander on the road to #Jindires.

#AfrinOp: Panthera F9 belonging to #FSA 23rd Division pictured on S. #Jindires front.

#AfrinOp: Turkish Army brought in dozens of ACV-15 APCs to take part in #OliveBranch Offensive.

#AfrinOp: #OliveBranch forces announced capture of Mahmudiyah SW. of #Jindires.…

#AfrinOp: Faylaq Sham released footage of #YPG fortifications seized over near Deir Balut amidst #OliveBranch Offensive.…

#Pt. It didn't last long: #Iran|ian-made Safir Jeep & its 106 mm gun has been tracked in #Jindires and destroyed by Turkish Air Force. #Afrin

#AfrinOp: #OliveBranch forces resumed advances on Khoruz front and took over Omar Simu, E. of hill.…

#AfrinOp: 2 new #FSA groups joined #Afrin Offensive, Hamza Division based in #EuphratesShield territory (500 fighters sent) & 2nd Army based in #Idlib.

#AfrinOp: new sat images show Turkish Air Force largely destroyed N. part of #YPG-held 135th Brigade (SAA base seized in Dec. 2012), NE. of #Afrin-city.…

#AfrinOp: some explosive charges disseminated by #YPG to hamper advance of #OliveBranch forces.

#AfrinOp: #OliveBranch forces reached outskirts of strategic town of #Jindires. 100s of #TSK troops specialized in urban warfare reached #Afrin region few hours ago.

#AfrinOp: map showing current situation after today's advances by #OliveBranch forces. Apparent attempt to link up Bulbul area w/ #Bersaya Mount + inching closer to town of #Jindires.

A symbol: road between Rebel-held #Idlib province & #Afrin region being opened by Faylaq Sham, part of #OliveBranch forces. Atmah-Deir Balut.…

#AfrinOp: #OliveBranch forces announce takeover of Kudah Kuwih S. of #Rajo.

#Pt. Takeover of Kudah Kuwih was first combat operation of Hamza Division (2nd Corps of National Army) which sent troops to #Afrin 2 days ago.…

#AfrinOp: #OliveBranch forces continue their advance and took over several villages SW. of #Rajo (as well as several hills) & another one E. of #Bulbul.

#AfrinOp: in its 1st operation #FSA Jaish Nasr announces takeover of Diwan Fowqani from #YPG (S. of #Jindires). Apparently involved following land connection created btwn #Afrin & #Idlib areas.

#Pt. Jaish Nasr on its way to take Diwan Fowqani & nearby hills from #YPG, using at least one Panthera F9. #Afrin

#AfrinOp: Diwan Fowqani had an important defensive system on S. side with several bastions (Jaish Nasr's fighters are used to storm such defenses).

#AfrinOp: #OliveBranch forces took over another village (Kharab Suluq) N. of #Rajo, close to connecting w/ S. pocket created on Turkish border since Offensive started.

#AfrinOp: #OliveBranch forces took over new fortified hills around #Rajo & seized one #Konkurs #ATGM from #YPG.…

#Pt. Those fortified hills are also connected w/ tunnels allowing to move fighters & weapons under cover. From #Bersaya to #Rajo, it's part of #YPG defensive belt along Turkish border.

#AfrinOp: #YPG blew up with a #Konkurs a car (apparently carrying ammo) on Diwan front, S. of #Jindires.…

#AfrinOp: 4 anti-tank weapons PG-7T (tandem warhead) among spoils made today from #YPG in Shadia.…

#AfrinOp: tour inside a huge tunnel system built by #YPG around #Rajo, taken by #OliveBranch forces.

#AfrinOp: #OLiveBranch Operation Room announce control over 2 villages SW. of #Rajo (Hamza Division front): Hassan Kalkawi & Jalmah.

#AfrinOp: latest situation on 27th day of #Afrin Offensive. Several pockets united leaving now 5 active fronts.

#AfrinOp: #FSA Hamza Division (2nd Corps of National Army) mourned 4 of its fighters since its involvement started in #Afrin Offensive 5 days ago.

#AfrinOp: #OliveBranch forces killed few days ago 2 #YPG foreign fighters on #Afrin fronts. Both were from Europe: France & Spain.

#AfrinOp: Hamza Division captured a #YPJ fighter in Hajikanli as #OliveBranch forces continue operations on S. #Rajo front.…

#Pt. #FSA Hamza Division announces capture of Darwishah amidst ongoing pincer movement to take #Rajo.

#AfrinOp: weapons captured from #YPG & #YPJ by Hamza Brigade in Darwishah. Among spoils 2 #ATGM|s: one #Fagot & one #Konkurs.…

#AfrinOp: #OliveBranch forces made large advances today. Ancient town of Cyrrhus (Nabi Huri) & all nearby locations along Turkish border taken from #YPG.

#Pt. #OliveBranch forces also took over today whole area in W. outskirts of #Rajo: Hill 687 (aka Samut Hill) overlooking the town & Hopkan (aka Rhantli).

#Pt. Diwan Tahtani S. of #Jindires is also announced under #OliveBranch control.

#AfrinOp: #OliveBranch forces also pushed towards #Jalamah & took defensive positions/camp & Qilah hill from #YPG (SE. of #Jindires).

#AfrinOp: new support for #YPG reached #Afrin, coming this time from #Aleppo-city (Sh. Maqsud district) after travelling through Assad-controlled territory.…

#AfrinOp: one of checkpoints taken by #OliveBranch forces near Cyrrhus (Nabi Huri) was guarded by "Asayîşa Rojava", #SDF-linked police.…

#AfrinOp: latest situation after new advances made by #OliveBranch forces on several fronts. N. border with Turkey almost fully captured from #YPG & #SDF.

#AfrinOp: main Rebel groups operating on S. #Jindires front are Faylaq Sham & #FSA Jaish Nasr & Second Army.

#AfrinOp: on 30th day of Offensive #YPG & #SDF lines collapsed. #OliveBranch forces making this morning large advances on 3 fronts: #Bulbul, #Jindires & Maydanki Reservoir.

#Pt. Among the dozen locations seized today by #OliveBranch forces, Arab Wiran is the most important: 3.8 km from Maydanki Reservoir, allowing to secure Kilis from mortar attacks (+D. Sawan) & to open road between #Azaz & #Bulbul.…

#AfrinOp: Faylaq Sham involvement with a T-55 today on #Jindires front & spoils made from #YPG near Qilah.…

#AfrinOp: #YPG fortifications on #Bersaya Mount before & after takeover by #OliveBranch forces.…

#AfrinOp: official map following today's advances between #Bulbul and #Azaz & on #Jindires front. #YPG defensive belt almost completely seized by #OliveBranch forces.

#AfrinOp: 3rd Corps of National Army storming w/ ACV-15 APCs hills around Arab Wiran, seized from #YPG this morning.…

#AfrinOp: #OliveBranch forces took control of Vergan close to Maydanki Reservoir.

#Pt. #OliveBranch forces took over Qarah Baba located NW. of #Rajo.

#AfrinOp: pro-Assad forces which entered #Afrin yesterday now reportedly deployed on #Jindires front. Calling themselves "Popular Forces", they came to fight "Ottoman Turkey".…

#AfrinOp: video showing National Army's 1st Corps taking control of Alkjah, NW. of #Jindires.…

#Pt. Turkey renewing artillery shelling on road linking Nubul-Zahraa with #Afrin.

#AfrinOp: today #OliveBranch forces linked up the 2 pockets on W. side & made further advance S. of #Jindires.

#AfrinOp: #OliveBranch forces took over Ali Jaro & a nearby camp located SE. of #Bulbul.

#Pt. #OliveBranch forces announce control over Safra & Rahmaniyah located on hill overlooking road between #Afrin & #Rajo.

#AfrinOp: Colonel Hassan Ahmed head of Sultan Murad's Military College has been killed in Deir Saman. Claimed as a joint #YPG-Assad operation with IED.…

#AfrinOp: new map showing current situation. Main advances today aimed to take hill overlooking road (while arrow) linking #Rajo w/ #Afrin-city.

#AfrinOp: aftermath of Turkish airstrikes on #YPG-#SDF positions located on top of Sheikh Khozuz hill (E. of #Bulbul).…

#AfrinOp: #YPG started to build end of 2017 new fortifications on top of a hill near Cyrrhus (Nabi Huri). Several stages until takeover by #OliveBranch forces👇…

#AfrinOp: heavy Turkish bombardment tonight on area between Nubul-Zahraa & Tell Rifaat, allegedly targeting an Assad convoy. Artillery also exchanged by both sides.

#Pt. Pics showing Turkish bombardment of convoy N. of Nubul-Zahraa (Zihara crossing point) & aftermath.…

#Pt. Drone view of #TSK bombardment of truck(s) part of convoy. Geolocated:…

#AfrinOp: #OliveBranch forces took over Baflur in W. outskirts of #Jindires town.

#AfrinOp: #OliveBranch Op. Room announces takeover of Maskah, de facto cutting off main road linking #Rajo with #Afrin-city.

#Pt. #OliveBranch forces have a close view on town of #Rajo (NW. #Afrin).…

#AfrinOp: #OliveBranch forces took over 2 more villages SE. of #Jindires, inching closer to cut off main road with #Afrin-city (same scenario than #Rajo).

#AfrinOp: #OliveBranch forces also took over the Omranli camp from #YPG/#SDF located E. of Maydanki Reservoir.…

#Pt. With this latest advance #OliveBranch forces reached for 1st time the Maydanki Reservoir itself (N. part), on 35th day of #Afrin Offensive. Geolocated here:…

#AfrinOp: #OliveBranch forces also took over Domilia/Dimele S. of #Rajo.

#AfrinOp: as #OliveBranch forces possibly confronted yesterday pro-Assad fighters near #Rajo, some of them reportedly killed today by Turkish bombardment on same front.…

#AfrinOp: latest map showing advances made today by #OliveBranch forces SE. of #Jindires & S. of #Rajo. Maydanki Reservoir also reached.

#AfrinOp: Hamza Division (2nd Corps of National Army) announces end of training of 600 Commandos specialized in urban warfare. In parallel to arrival of sizeable Turkish troops with same purpose.

#AfrinOp: #OliveBranch forces continue their advance today taking 6 villages on NW. front (linking up W. & N. pockets) and also Omranli E. of Maydanki Reservoir.

#AfrinOp: new map showing advances made by #OliveBranch forces: NW. corner taken allowing to link up 2 fronts & more gains E. of Maydanki Reservoir.

#AfrinOp: small advance made today by #OliveBranch forces. Takeover of Qarmilak (Sh. Hadid area) aims to unify all fronts & fully control border with #Turkey.…

#AfrinOp: #YPG-#SDF defenses in Qara Baba (Turkish border), taken few days ago.…

#AfrinOp: since #OliveBranch Offensive started #YPG-#YPJ fired 38 #ATGM|s:
- #Konkurs, #Fagot & #Toophan
- Average of 1/day despite 15 days without launch
- Stockpiles dried up around Mid-February before resupply.

#AfrinOp: video showing takeover of Sinarah & Anqalah (S. of Sheikh Hadid) by #OliveBranch forces.…

#AfrinOp: #OliveBranch forces seized 2 villages on road N. of #Rajo following a pincer movement to take the town.

#AfrinOp: #YPG keeps firing #ATGM|s almost on daily basis. The 41st since #OliveBranch Offensive started hit what seems to be an armour on #Rajo front.

#AfrinOp: #OliveBranch forces seized most of locations & hills which were still in #YPG hands in N., W. & S. outskirts of #Rajo.

#AfrinOp: yesterday at least 2 dozens (pro-Assad) Popular fighters were killed by Turkish bombardment on #Sharan front, heaviest death toll since they entered #Afrin region 10 days ago.

#AfrinOp: new #OliveBranch map shows #YPG security belt along Turkish border is almost fully seized while main road between #Rajo & #Afrin-city is cut off.

#AfrinOp: turns out pro-Assad forces were in the ex-#Russia|n base in Kafr Janah. #Turkey destroyed it, inflicting dozens of casualties. Pics before/after. Geolocated:…

#AfrinOp: #OliveBranch forces kicked off the 2nd stage of Offensive & took #Rajo from #YPG, until now the largest urban center in #Afrin area. Regime flag also taken down.…

#AfrinOp: following #Rajo strategy, #OliveBranch forces took over 2 new villages E. of #Jindires along road heading to #Afrin-city.

#AfrinOp: #OliveBranch forces took over Jaman E. of #Maydanki Reservoir (by the way denying reports #YPG took back Omranli) as battle for Bafloun Mount started.

#Pt. #OliveBranch forces control half of E. bank of #Maydanki Resevoir. Geolocation:…

#AfrinOp: more pics showing destruction of ex-#Russia|n base in Kafr Janah where dozens of pro-Assad forces were killed & wounded by Turkish bombardment.…

#AfrinOp: substantial gains made today by #OliveBranch forces as #YPG-#SDF defenses collapsed on Balfoun front.

#AfrinOp: the 45th #ATGM (#Konkurs) fired by #YPG hit a position SE. of #Jindires.…

#AfrinOp: tour inside Kafr Janah's base used by pro-Assad forces & destroyed by Turkish bombardment, inflicting 10s of casualties. All vehicles inside wrecked.…

#AfrinOp: #OliveBranch forces took over the E. part of Bafloun Mount and its defenses advancing 3 km from #Qastal. Video geolocated here:…

#AfrinOp: #OliveBranch forces also took over Badanli S. of #Rajo.…

#AfrinOp: updated map following advances made today by #OliveBranch forces with town of #Rajo & on Bafloun front (E. of Maydanki reservoir).

#AfrinOp: summit (~800 m) of Baflioun Mount also captured by #OliveBranch forces.…

#Pt. #OliveBranch forces storming Baflioun Mount earlier today (N. #Afrin).…

#AfrinOp: names of 30+ pro-Assad fighters (Popular forces - #LDF) killed by Turkish bombardment in #Afrin area (mainly Kafr Janah) emerging. Some of them pictured.

#AfrinOp: #OliveBranch forces announce takeover of 3 more villages: 2 on E. bank of #Maydanki Reservoir and one (Haj Khalil) E. of #Rajo.

#AfrinOp: #OliveBranch forces took control of the 2nd urban center in 24hrs: Sheikh Hadid.

#Pt. Takeover of Sheikh Hadid area means for 1st time since February 2016 #Azaz & #Idlib have a road connection (2nd strategic objective of #OliveBranch Offensive).

#AfrinOp: #OliveBranch forces took over 2 new villages N. of Sheikh Hadid: Mistekan & Arandi.

#AfrinOp: #OliveBranch announce full control over Baflioun area (village & Mount), considered the 2nd defense line of #Afrin-city from NE side (now 12 km left).

#AfrinOp: #FSA Hamza Division announces start of operations to take Khalili & highest Mount (1,102 m) of #Rajo's area (E. front).…

#Pt. #OliveBranch Operation Room officially announces capture of Khalili village & the highest Mount of #Rajo area (1,102 m high) following swift advances since yesterday.

#AfrinOp: view of #Maydanki Reservoir from Jaman (base of Baflioun Mount).…

#AfrinOp: #OliveBranch forces geolocated on main square inside Sheikh Hadid.…

#AfrinOp: new map showing #OliveBranch advances in #Afrin hinterland (E. of #Rajo & along #Maydanki Reservoir).

#AfrinOp: #OliveBranch forces started to advance on W. side of #Maydanki Reservoir and took over 2 villages: Bulshek & Alciya/Aliji.

#AfrinOp: #FSA Hamza Division got several M113 APCs for #OliveBranch operation.

#AfrinOp: #OliveBranch forces took over Qatirah, 2.5 km from #Maydanki Dam.

#AfrinOp: #OliveBranch forces seized Qaririyah E. of #Jindires. Attack was spearheaded by #FSA Hamza Division.

#Pt. New map showing today's advances E. of #Jindires & around #Maydanki Reservoir (now 12 km from #Afrin-city).

#AfrinOp: following fierce clashes #OliveBranch forces took control of Sharan. Village is a key crossroads located 11.5 km NE. of #Afrin-city.

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