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Sep 1st 2018
Are you an online course creator who fears publishing courses because will download the info and ask for a refund?

Here are a few solutions:
*Clarify your course features and benefits
*Raise your rates
*Extend your money back guarantee

#contentmarketing #onlinecourses
Why do you need to clarify your online course features and benefits to reduce refunds?

Create a barrier to entry via #copywriting

Be clear about who your course is for
Be clear about who your course is not for
Why does raising your rates reduce the number of online course refunds?

At premium price points, the psychology of the buyer changes from impulse tire-kicker to Investor.

When your price feels like an investment, you'll attract a results driven consumer.

Raise your rates
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Jun 21st 2018
1) If customers are to trust you and commit to your brand, your brand needs to be professional. Hire that graphic designer to create your logo, business cards, website so that you have a consistent look. Hire a marketing guru and/or a business coach to help you plan strategy.
2) Research business systems so invoicing, proposals and communications are complete, organized and automated. How you treat your business is how you’ll be perceived to treat a client’s business. #Influencer #LinkedInMarketing #OnlineMarketing #DigitalMarketing #Marketing #Sales
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Jun 12th 2018
My experience with learning modes - Text vs Video content

- Due to concentration lapse, it's easier to drop off for a few minutes from a video content (> 5 mins)

- Concentration lapses happen in text too, but its easier to re-read the para vs rewinding the video

- For consuming the same amount of content, text form is less time consuming than videos.

- To explain complex topics/situations, texts usually take more time building up the context than videos.
- We try to understand things by building mental imagery, that way videos are more efficient than text because it takes a bit of time to build the mental imagery from interpreting the text and yet you might not be building the right imagery.
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