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Jul 7th 2018
Hello and welcome to our #WorldCup of pulp! Today's match is England vs Sweden!

#Eng #Swe
English motoring vs Swedish motoring... #Eng #Swe
English breakfast vs Swedish breakfast... #Eng #Swe
Read 11 tweets
Jul 2nd 2018
Vídeo promocional del Ayuntamiento de Madrid explicando cómo funciona y se organiza (1993)
Un trocito del concurso 3x4 del verano de 1988, presentado por Constantino Romero. Incompleto, es un desfile de trajes tradicionales valencianos
¡Aquí lo tenéis! Las 2 primeras horas que emitió Antena 3 en toda su historia, el 25 de diciembre de 1989
Read 129 tweets
May 14th 2018
Thanks to Trump's embassy move, #Nakba70 protests start a day early. Israeli army expects West Bank protests & 100,000 demonstrators in #Gaza, is preparing to use lethal force against them & again threatens to air bomb Gaza. 49 Palestinians killed & 9,545 wounded so far in Gaza
Here is a short #thread about the #Nakba
And here is my #thread about developments related to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict from yesterday
Read 109 tweets
May 13th 2018
This is a momentous time. @POTUS Trump is making history. We are deeply grateful and our people will be eternally grateful for his bold decision to recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s capital and to move the @usembassyjlm there tomorrow.…
You’re coming at a time when Israel is a rising power in the world, you know, in cyber, in IT, in water, in judo, in singing.

You know what we say: Those who didn’t want Jerusalem in the #Eurovision are going to get the Eurovision in Jerusalem.
Next year in Jerusalem!
President Trump’s decision to move the embassy to Jerusalem affirms a great and simple truth: Jerusalem has been the capital of the Jewish people for the past 3000 years. It’s been the capital of our state for the past 70 years. It will remain our capital for all time.
Read 12 tweets
May 12th 2018
THREAD: #eurovision acts as early modernists
Has a t-shirt with the frontispiece to Deaths Duell on it. Once sang the Willow song at a party. Humanities 2.
Hooked up at SAA. Are *that* couple in the reading room. Rare Books, but have no reason to be in there specifically.
Read 28 tweets
May 12th 2018
It's nearly time for #Eurovision we'll be tweeting the abortion law from each country as they perform. We appreciate the law on paper can differ from practise so let us know if it is different than our reseaech!
It’s fitting that the #eurovision theme this year is #AllAboard as we are talking about abortion laws in the participating countries, and many in Ireland have to ‘take the boat’ to access abortion care.
The #Allaboard #eurovision theme is supposed to symbolise the connectivity across Europe, there are several examples of people travelling from one country to another such as Poland to Germany as well as Ireland to Britain, The Netherlands and others.
Read 35 tweets
May 10th 2018
Ruth's Official List of Animals Who Have Never Entered #Eurovision But Totally Could If They Wanted

an official list, by Ruth.
1. This Bear

Strictly speaking, this Bear isn't a real Bear. But then again, Dustin the Turkey isn't a real Bear either, and he's been to the Eurovision.

This Bear would have a DJ on stage, and he would say "drop the B-B-B-Bear Beat!"

And then the beat would drop.

2. This Howler Monkey

This Howler Monkey would represent a small Balkan nation and wear a highly embroidered loose shirt and sing a melancholic folk song with a dramatic key change midway the third chorus.

It would be a thing of beauty.

Read 20 tweets

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