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Sep 6th 2018
I LOVE that #Section377Verdict starts with a quote from Goethe (also Schopenhauer and Stuart Mills but GOETHE):…

#loveislove #lovewins
"...the sustenance of identity is filament of life. It is equivalent to authoring one's own life script where freedom broadens everyday. Identity is equivalent to divinity."

"Denial of self-expression is inviting death."

This!!!! This.
Read 43 tweets
Sep 6th 2018
Today is a historic day for the LGBTQ community. The world’s largest democracy has decriminalised homosexuality. India, we love you. 💚…
This is significant not just because of the size of India but because of how colonial laws have been the bedrock of Hindustan for a century. Out of all the countries that Britain invaded, its archaic laws and practises have affected India the most. Both economically & culturally.
Stripping itself of one of the most prominent of those laws and remnants of that awful time is a huge step not just for LGBTQ Indians, but all South Asians. Pakistan, Sri Lanka & Bangladesh included. Their time is coming and just thinking about it fills me up with joy.
Read 7 tweets
Sep 6th 2018
#Section377: Judgment by Supreme Court of India today post 11 am. Second pronouncement in less than five years. #GaySex
#Section377: Full court reference in honour of Justice Bharucha and Justice VA Mohta still in progress.

Judgment will be delivered after that.
#Section377: Full court reference concludes.

Court will re-assemble at 11.30 when the judgment will be pronounced.
Read 35 tweets
Sep 3rd 2018
FACT: Suicide is the number one cause of death of all #Utah youth; this is not the case nationally. More alarming, the teen suicide rate in Utah has doubled since 2011. #LGBT #UTpol #LDS #Mormon #BYU
Another Fact: Teen suicide is lower when there is an #LGBTQ supportive environment. #Utah is notorious for its lack of support for and acceptance of the #LGBT community. #LDS #Mormon #UTpol #BYU
Relatedly, studies show that in areas where homosexuality is tolerated, mental health outcomes for #LGBTQ are the same as non-LGBTQ people. Elevated risk of suicide correlates w/ elevated risk of mental illness that is prevalent among LGBTs living in areas hostile to them.
Read 10 tweets
Jul 7th 2018
After reading and mediating on the word today, I keep getting the message thats we’re leaving the eye of the storm. So whatever role He has given us, Make sure your armor is buckled tight. #WWG1WGA #NoFear #LoveWins
Ok maybe not eye. “calm before the storm” is more appropriate.

Read 3 tweets
Jun 1st 2018
A look into the C@ng@. How could this place and the atrocities happening there not be front and center? Mind boggling. Let’s take a look.
Children are put out on the street because they are w!tche$??? How is this possible??@POTUS @realDonaldTrump @therealroseanne @BriEaves1168 @LisaMei62 @IWillRedPillU
Read 52 tweets
May 5th 2018
1. THREAD: My brilliant friend Maribel from law school asked me to share her personal story about how Trump’s heartless decision to end Temporary Protected Status (TPS) for Hondurans will affect her husband and her family.
2. Maribel wants people to understand the human consequences of this administration's immigration policy decisions. This horrific decision barely registered given all the other noise. PLEASE help their story break thru so people pay attention. The following are Maribel’s words:
3. “Under Trump, 9,000 Nepalese, 200,000 Salvadorans, 57,000 Hondurans, 45,000 Haitians, and 2,500 Nicaraguans have lost TPS and have been told to get ready to leave the country. And nearly 690,000 DACA holders remain in limbo as their status is decided by the courts.”
Read 7 tweets
Mar 15th 2018
Why am I here? Why are you here?
In this #GreatAwakening would you rather have more fear or more love? There is a beautiful solution to our current paradigm. #WeThePeople have a choice! The world is crying for more feminine wisdom: compassion, nurturing, kindness, care #LoveWins
Never blindly follow. Nature gifted us all a barometer, measure everything in the gut then weigh it with the heart. Take back your own brain domain. Longest bridge to gap is the 12" between heart & head. The mind is a tool, not your master. Stick with the heart, a greater force!
If you are suffering, pain is nature's way of getting our attention. Listen, within, the solution is not 'out there' everything begins within: as above so below. Where am I out of integrity (wholeness)? Where/how/when to love more... is how suffering ends, new paradigm manifests!
Read 5 tweets
Nov 30th 2017
1. #LoveWins. The very idea is as unBiblical as they come, even as they try to use Biblical language to advance their unGodly cause. But as is the case with so many issues today, #LoveWins is marketing slogan used by the left to destroy the hated West.…
2. The marketing slogan #LoveWins is an outgrowth of the Cultural Marxist movement that took root in America around the 1930's, and which really began to spread through the post-war Baby Boomer generation.
3. To understand the growth of Cultural Marxism, we have to go back to the morality gap that occurred with the generation born immediately after the end of World War II -- the "Baby Boomers."
Read 36 tweets
Sep 7th 2017
THREAD - there are days I really struggle with my faith. I wonder sometimes if I should even call myself a Christian any more.
The pain that has been caused in the name of God, by the people of God is unthinkable. Harmful. Toxic. Just awful.
Many days, I am humiliated to be lumped in with Evangelicals and others who cause such trauma on behalf of our religion.
Read 15 tweets

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