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Happy Anniversary to #TheStorm! One year ago today, #POTUS announced to a confused press corps: “This is the calm before the storm!“

Those who have done their own research, or who are lucky enough to have discovered #QAnon, know what was meant by the reference to “The Storm.” It is now upon us, and the Deep State is in full panic mode.

Many months ago, some smart anons who are very good at seeing patterns discovered that #Q”s posts seem to relate to a clock dial in terms of timing. The dates of posts and the post numbers sometimes contain their own meaning.
Read 10 tweets
#QAnon💥 Thread for Wednesday, Oct. 3, 2018:…
Ford herself coached by the C_A?
FARM (pre-family invite) w/ internship assignment (Stanford)?
C_A-assisted 'sex assault' 'sleepers' who are targeted based on trusted family backgrou[…
#QAnon #WWG1WGA #PresidentalAlert #NothingToSeeHere😏♥️😎

What a wonderful day.

US Attorney Utah @DUTnews
US Attorney Jeff Sessions @TheJusticeDept
thanking Utah police officers for their efforts in reducing violent crime in Utah. #BackTheBlue
#QAnon💥 #Sessions #HUBER #PRESIDENTIALALERT #GrandJury #FiringSquadReady

Sessions meeting Huber THE SAME DAY as POTUS_ALERT.
Sessions meeting Huber THE DAY PRIOR to >>>…
What must be understood prior to?
Think GJ information.
What are the odds of that?
Read 24 tweets
BREAKING: Inside the beltway rumor: @TheJusticeDept Inspector General Horowitz was recommending to @jeffsessions & @POTUS @realDonaldTrump that Rod Rosenstein be fired over glaring conflicts of interest uncovered in IG Investigation RE: #MuellerProbe & #FISA/#FISC. RR resigned.
cont... Apparently the report in @nytimes about #Rosenstein wanting officials to wear a wire & record @potus @realDonaldTrump for a means to use #25thAmendment to remove #DJT WAS NOT a part of reason IG Horowitz recommended firing of RR. It was, however part of reason... cont...
@jeffsessions reached out to #SCOTUS members for guidance on his recusal and how or if it was possible to fire #Rosenstein without lifting that recusal. Legal gymnastics behind the scenes by #Sessions to find a way to take action against #RR happened BEFORE @nytimes article.
Read 4 tweets
D's offering to [KILL] sexual assault allegation v Judge K in exchange for immediate pullback of DECLAS.
POTUS: Judge K will be confirmed regardless…

[RR] req meeting #2 w/ POTUS DECLINED.

BLACKMAIL v Senate & House [BRIDGE: FAKE NEWS MEDIA] being used to apply leverage against POTUS and/or force immediate 'impeachment' hearings based on 'mental state - potential release of state secrets - sources & methods….'

Read 6 tweets…
SEPT —–17—–
Do you believe in coincidences?

Attention on deck.
Memes at the ready.
Lock on target.
Fire at will.

Q you were right all along! Emmys, red carpet! KEK


Anons picked up on the 'carpet' bombs.
For you and you alone.

Read 9 tweets
#Papadopoulos says that Trump’s response at the March 31 meeting was “non-committal interest” (my wording, not his), and that he looked to see what #Sessions’ response would be.
1/ This is beyond odd. There is absolutely no reason why Trump would have deferred to Sessions on this matter.
2/ Keep in mind that at this point Paul Manafort, who didn’t attend the meeting but who had brought along with him all his Russian-Ukrainian connections, was already the de facto campaign chairman.
Read 7 tweets
La partie d'échecs entre #Trump et #Woodward s'intensifie. #Trump a 1 stratégie offensive mais risquée. Sa négation des paroles prêtées par le journaliste du Post peut se retourner contre lui: combien parmi les sources de Woodward auront fait comme Omarosa et tout enregistré? 1/
2) D'ailleurs, et même si c'est plus anecdotique (quoique), #Trump a déjà été pris en défaut face à #Woodward sur un déni quant à #Sessions. Il niait avoir jamais utilisé le mot"demeuré"dans sa vie. C'est faux et pas qu'1 fois. Les bandes parlent.…
3) Le livre de #Woodward met #Trump, qui est 1 personne volubile voire logorrhéique, au défi d'être confronté à l'ensemble de ses paroles. Et comme il choisit d'être"à l'offensive", absolu, ("je n'ai JAMAIS dit ça"), il prend 1 risque politique énorme.
Read 8 tweets
😁It's about to get fun!!
Flynn Judge Fumes at Mueller, Demands Flynn be in Court Within Days for Likely Showdown; Could Flynn Walk?…
#Flynn #QAnon #WWG1WGA #MAGA
Proof you can never satisfy the left, so why bother.🧐👇👇
Left’s Spite Against Kennedy Should Warn Anyone Trying To Please Them…
WOW!! 🧐
5,295 more sealed indictments it brings total=40,483

It's sounds like Huber and those 470 are very busy.😁
What a luxury, for persecutors quietly doing your work.
Sessions is doing more than you can imagine!!

#QAnon #WWG1WGA #MAGA #Sessions #Huber #SealedIndictments
Read 18 tweets
En 2016, 1 idée, en vogue à gauche du parti démocrate aux #EtatsUnis, était que #Trump ou #Clinton et les démocrates, c'était bonnet blanc et blanc bonnet. La crise nationale actuelle sur les enfants de #migrants montre le contraire. En voici 1 exemple très intéressant... #thread
2) En 2014, face à 1 très fort afflux de #migrants sans papiers avec mineurs, des chefs de la police aux frontières au ministère de la Sécurité Intérieure formalisèrent l'idée pour la 1ère fois de séparer les enfants des parents pour dissuader la…
3) MAIS en 2014, la Maison Blanche d'#Obama et son ministre de la Sécurité Intérieur (DHS), Johnson, tranchèrent CONTRE le mémo Homan qui suggérait de séparer enfants et parents #migrants sans papiers à cause de l'inhumanité de la mesure...
Read 34 tweets
#Breaking de la nuit US: 16 mois de présidence #Trump et les #EtatsUnis entendent les cris des enfants séparés de leurs parents sans-papiers. 1ère crise existentielle du pays dont 1 partie se demande où il…
2) Et/mais #Trump parle et agit pour sa base électorale, qui se moque des cris d'enfants séparés à la frontière (cf. la polémiste nationaliste et identitaire #Coulter qui parle d'enfants comédiens sur Fox News...) RT
3) Car comme avec l'#Aquarius en Europe, les élites intellectuelles, médiatiques forgent l'opinion dominante empathique sur les #migrants US mais #Trump fait le pari qu'1 majorité silencieuse de Blancs nativistes lui sera reconnaissante aux urnes de sa dureté sur les enfants...
Read 27 tweets
Hier et avant-hier, le président #Trump, ainsi que ses soutiens, laissaient entendre que le #FBI avait infiltré 1 taupe pour espionner sa campagne 2016. Cette accusation était gravissime, il y a eu du nouveau dans la nuit...#thread #breaking
2) Le #breaking badaboum du @washingtonpost (donc du sûr) cette nuit: le #FBI a déployé 1 informateur habituel- prof de fac à la retraite- auprès de 3 conseillers de la campagne #Trump déjà soupçonnés de liens avec la #Russie, ET NON DANS la campagne.…
3) La chronologie est essentielle pour bien comprendre le déploiement de l'informateur: il ressortait, même de documents pro #Trump comme le mémo #Nunes, que le #FBI commença son enquête sur de possibles liens entre la campagne et la #Russie début juillet 2016...
Read 23 tweets
What's the most tantalizing from the latest #QAnon posts is the promise of seeing sex predators and traffickers who prey on the most innocent and defenseless brought to justice. When the moments hit and converge it will amaze you how the evidence was before us the whole time.
The #Schneiderman and #NXVIM cases will mesh perfectly. Why did this punk and thug unceremoniously dump investigating Keith Raniere and his horrors? #AllisonMack will sing and perhaps compose. So will Eric the Dead. These are spineless worms who'll give up the farm when squeezed.
How can such horrors that are displayed in the open be concealed for so long? McLuhan reminds: "Only the small secrets need to be protected. The big ones are kept secret by public incredulity." People cover their ears when you attempt to shatter their self-imposed filters. #QAnon
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#Freemasons & #SES own #Sessions#SessionsIsTheSwamp
@Jim_Jordan @RepMarkMeadows @RepMattGaetz @RepDeSantis @CongCulberson @jeffsessions @realDonaldTrump @SecPompeo @GenFlynn
All our law enforcement are or have been trained by a 33 degree #Freemason and all are complicit!…👈👈…👈I AM SICK OF THIS PARASITE AND HIS RECRUITS DRIVING BY SCOPING OUT MY PROPERTY
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Not to mention they are all #Freemasons, and so is #FBI #HoggWash's daddy and #GovRickScott
👈 #SecretSociety #SecretPolice


💥Their Symbolism Will Be Their Downfall💥
🆘& AG @jeffsessions rewarded this #RitualSacrifice mob like #cult of #Freemasons w/a million dollars❗
👈Could it be because #Sessions is a #Mason & their oath to ea. other #Trump's the #Constitution⁉️👈👈
🗣This is a subject the main stream truth community and #QAnon and followers, for the most part, AVOID❗The extensive role #Freemasons play in the #ShadowGovernment #DeepState ALL LEVELS AND OTHER SECTS OF SOCIETY THEY'VE INFILTRATED❗My research proves it ...& so does my life❗
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Extraordinaire #breaking du @washingtonpost ce soir qui décrit l'avocat de #Trump Michael #Cohen aujourd'hui inquiété par la justice fédérale. La relation des 2 hommes est explorée en profondeur avec pas mal de révélations. #àlire…
2) On comprend mieux en lisant le @washingtonpost ce soir la relation asymétrique entre #Cohen et #Trump. Le 1er a été 1 admirateur dès le lycée puis 1 copropriétaire de #Trump à la Trump World Tower de NYC et c'est en lui sauvant son poste de"syndic" que Cohen devint son avocat
3) #Trump apparaît une nouvelle fois comme 1 personne sans amis véritables, ce qui ressort de tous ses portraits, n'acceptant dans son intimité que famille et personnes lui démontrant 1 loyauté absolue...comme #Cohen après 2006.
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1) This is my #Qanon thread for posts beginning April 2, 2018.

Q posts can be found here:

My theme: Anticipate Arrests in April [AAA]
2) Last week, there was concern that #Qanon had been locked out of his Great Awakening /GA/ board. An IT anon explained what that would involve. I believe we can trust that Q has taken the necessary precautions and is the same Q who first posted in October of 2017.
3) #QAnon did a security test last night before posting.
Read 52 tweets
1/ Is #QAnon legit? I started typing this thread this morning. It's more urgent to post and share this given the attack on #Q on the Great Awakening board this afternoon. The attack confirms that my assessment that #QAnon is over the target is, in fact, on target.
2/ The question of #QAnon being a LARP has been debated, but there's huge evidence that #Q is real and very directly tied to #POTUS. Many, I believe correctly, speculate that Q is military intelligence (possibly #GeneralFlynn) or at least uses this for some sourcing.
3/ Recently, a YouTube channel "American Intelligence Media" (AIM) claimed that Q is a LARP/#Psyop. This was upsetting to many as it has seemed that #AIM is dedicated to exposing the cabal and the #DeepState, w/a rightfully-heavy focus on the #SeniorExecutiveService (#SES).
Read 18 tweets
No, I have used my personal experience of being attacked by alt media personalities #TimothyHolmseth & #RobertDavidSteele as well as other FACTS, such as they're biggest fan is Sarah Westall a Mexican Cartel Minnesota resident and the fact that the MN Faction #PedophileRing👇 who sex trafficked and killed my daughter and granddaughter, as well as preyed upon my family in order to defraud estates having done the very same to me in 1997 now the identical serial scum trying the same with another property. I married into this and live this sh!t 24/7
...based on the evidence that I know @jeffsessions has on this #Minnesota faction with no action taken to arrest, convict, and make the victims (yes, there's others who've asked me to HELP THEM!) whole I am 100% certain #QAnon is a psyop.
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1. Catching up on #Q post analyses: #QAnon had mentioned a reference to Deep Dream on Feb 18. Looking into it took time because it took 96 hours to process my 90 second video

from this:

into this: - rather devilish!
2. It turns out that #QAnon had confirmed to us then that

DEEP DREAM= TWITTER, & that it was related to the sudden loss of twitter followers that many of us had suddenly sustained very shortly after #Q's post. But what @Snowden had to do with it was a matter of much speculation
3. So, since then, #QAnon posted last Sat an interesting bit:

"Projection.<-----------------------------Attribution of blame outward
Russia>D/HRC<------------------------We're supposed to think not DNC
Twitter Bots>GOOG operated (not Russia)/Narrative & Political <-Google!
Read 17 tweets
#Breaking badaboum de la nuit US. Hier soir, vers 22h, le ministre de la Justice Sessions a licencié #McCabe l'ancien no.2 du #FBI, ennemi juré de #Trump,accusé de faute professionnelle par 1 rapport de l'inspecteur général Horowitz...26h avant sa…
2) #breaking...le président #Trump a qualifié par tweet ce licenciement EXCEPTIONNEL d'1 haut fonctionnaire du FBI comme 1 grand moment pour la démocratie US. Autrement dit il se réjouit du renvoi d'1 fonctionnaire de carrière pour motif politique.
3) Car ce qui est inédit est que le président #Trump a exigé- et obtenu-du ministère de la Justice de #Sessions l'enquête interne sur #McCabe qu'il ne cessait de persécuter sur Twitter et dans ses déclarations publiques depuis qu'il refusa de désavouer Comey auquel il succéda...
Read 35 tweets
1. Last night #Q was intimating that they knew thart @Snowden is in China. #Qanon (ICMI). "Eyes in the sky."
2. Today's #QAnon drop seems to suggest that AG Sessions DOJ action against California's criminal subversion of federal law is the second Boom. The North Korea denuclearization and potential reunification being the first Boom. The last boom will be "magical" -#Q
3. #QAnon #BOOM #Sessions: "I've appointed a person outside of Washington, many yrs in #DOJ to look at all the allegations that House members sent to us; & we’re conducting that investigation..we have a responsibility to insure the integrity of #FISA."…
Read 22 tweets
I don't support the #MAGA movement anymore As far as I'm concerned #Trump & #Sessions need be tried by the very #MilitaryTribunals it's "alleged" will litigate against the globalist satanic, freemason, luciferian cabal! My life is relective of their complicity based on eveidence!
Read 10 tweets

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