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Hillary's push for climate change is about her 'Ten Island Challenge' project, which is now over 20 islands along the Caribbean in the drug and child trafficking transit. THIS is what's important to her and it's happening right NOW. Right Hill?…
Well isn't this interesting? Posted Aug 30th by the Justice Department:
Recognizing, Investigating and Prosecuting Human Trafficking: The Blue Campaign Comes to the U.S. Virgin Islands…
Read 5 tweets
1) This is a sampling of the worldwide pedophilia taking place. THIS is how big of an issue it is. #PedoGate #PizzaGate #ChildTrafficking #SaveTheChildren

2016 NORWAY:
Massive paedophile ring uncovered by police in Norway after arrest of 51 men…
2) “The material shows, among other things, the penetration of toddlers, children being tied up, children having sex with animals and children having sex with other children.” #PedoGate #SaveTheChildren
3) One of the men who was awaiting the birth of his child with his girlfriend discussed plans to sexually abuse the baby once it was born, police said.
#PedoGate #PizzaGate #ChildTrafficking #SaveTheChildren
Read 21 tweets
SCIF = #USMilitary Security.
Why would ppl like @JohnBrennan and those who scream the loudest at #Trump
need access to sesitive intel?

#securityclearance #Revoked
Good descission.

@Comey @BarackObama Lauretta Lynch @NancyPelosi @RepMaxineWaters + many more are so stupid they use GMAIL to communicate.
A central account used by all. Create drafts but do not send.

Play Station. X-box. Ham Radio.
They think their communications are not logged.
They killed Osama Bin Laden of course right before @BarackObama 2 election.

No pics were taken of his body. No dna. No finger prints and to top it off they dumped his body in the ocean.
@BarackObama didn't want to offend the #Muslims.

Yet Saddam Hussein it took 11 days.
Read 13 tweets
This is a channel 4 kids. The cover pic is only a surgical scalpel. The person plays with objects like talking with children. The objects which R cut R metaphoric. They can all B replaced by a baby. It is 1 of the most disgusting vids on Utube & poisonous to children.
Link of the channel here:…
and they are produced by sickos in H3H Productions. They mock their own videos to desensitize ppl about them. There is nothing funny or comic in these vids. Their twitter page is wired too
This is their twitter page.
Read 5 tweets
Please look at this thread concerning #Pizzagate, #Pedovores & #HumanTrafficking. WARNING: there are many disturbing photos. This thread shows you how blatant & public these monsters are. #Q told us months ago about Rachel “Ray” Chandler...
She was a frequent guest on Epstein’s Lolita Express & Epstein Island. She is a child handler. She traffics the kids & adults for the famous & elite. As a front, she opened up a “modeling agency” as a cover to find & sell trafficking victims.
These are just a few of the photos taken from her Instagram.
Read 45 tweets
Hey @realDonaldTrump @POTUS @FBI @ICEgov @DevinNunes @JusticeOIG we have a very SERIOUS #Pedophile issue in our country and these sick people want to normalize it. Not on our watch. You may want to hire a bunch of us on as investigators. Surely your hands are full. 🇺🇸
Ps) I AM NOT JOKING. Just give me the word.
Side Note: I have experience, references, and worked with NCMEC on a case once. @FBI #Pedophiles must be stopped. You don't have enough hands on deck for this giant hive. I can track and manage a team. It's time to #SaveTheChildren. 🙏
Read 3 tweets
2014 List of Top 1,000 Actors/Actresses. The irony is the movie being promoted on this page is "Dark Web". I say we split the alphabet up. #PedoGate #Pizzagate #SaveTheChildren. READY. SET. GO!…
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1) #Qanon
Qanon: #SaveTheChildren

Those Good Who Know...
2) #Qanon
Luke 18:16
But Jesus called them unto him, and said, Suffer little children to come unto me, and forbid them not: for of such is the kingdom of God.
3) #Qanon
November 17, 2017

Perhaps he could not stomach the thought of mass murders occurring to satisfy Moloch?
Perhaps he could not stomach the thought of children being kidnapped, drugged, and raped while leaders/law enforcement of the world turn a blind eye.
Read 52 tweets

Excellent 6-min vid by PBS released tonight:

How the FBI tracks down child pornography predators

(And the tips are coming in by the millions!) #PedoGate #ChildTrafficking #SaveTheChildren…
In 2010 they received 213 k+ tips on #ChildPornography

In 2017 they received 10 m+

Keep those tips going!!!
Of course these numbers all align quite well with a lot of research many of us have done on #ChildTrafficking, as well as the top corrupt involved. That date range with those increases is alarming, yet correspond to the most tragic findings in our digs. Let's end this! 🙏
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1) 💥BOMBSHELL: What was Barack Obama’s "The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009”, which established the Electronic Health Records (EHR) Incentive Program, all about? $$$ & Immigration. Pay attention...
#ChildTrafficking #Immigration…
2) So Obama created this stimulus package for physicians to buy this technology and make all health records electronic. But why? There was a big push for this. In fact, prominent venture capitalists jumped at this opportunity. #Immigration #SaveTheChildren #ChildTrafficking
3) In its economic recovery package, the Obama administration plans to spend $19 billion to accelerate the use of computerized medical records in doctors’ offices. #Immigration #ChildTrafficking #LockThemUp
Read 34 tweets
I'm going to let you in on a little secret...

The REAL reason why Democrats are pushing to abolish ICE.

And it has NOTHING to do with #KeepFamiliesTogether

#QAnon #MAGA #SaveTheChildren #GoodbyeDemocrats #WalkAway #Trump @realDonaldTrump @POTUS #ChildTrafficking
Flashback to December 2017. Politico drops this bombshell story. As part of the #IranDeal, the Hussein admin agreed to look the other way while Hezbollah trafficked $100s of millions worth of drugs through the southern border with aid frm cartels.

The DEA caught onto this massive drug trafficking/money laundering scheme years earlier, but met fierce resistance from the Hussein admin as the #IranDeal was being formed.

#QAnon #MAGA #WalkAway #GoodbyeDemocrats #ThursdayThoughts #Trump #potus @realDonaldTrump @POTUS
Read 21 tweets
From 2017: Ex-Clinton Foundation Official Tied To Chinese Kindergarten Embroiled In Bizarre Sexual Abuse Scandal
2) RYB Education operates 80 kindergartens and has another 175 franchised locations across 130 cities in China, according to filings. All of its directors are Chinese, with the exception of former Clinton Foundation executive and associate dean at Yale, Joel Getz, 52, ...
3) ...who is listed as an Independent Director. Prior to that, Mr. Getz served as Director of Development for the William J. Clinton Foundation in New York and was President of the Mayor’s Fund to Advance New York City.
Read 24 tweets
1) President Donald J. Trump Announces Intent to Nominate Personnel to Key Administration Posts - Issued on: July 3, 2018…
2) John Cotton Richmond of Virginia, to be the Director of the Office to Monitor and Combat Trafficking at the Department of State.
3) Mr. Richmond is the founder of the Human Trafficking Institute, a nonprofit that works inside criminal justice systems to decimate modern slavery by empowering police and prosecutors to stop traffickers.

Side note: I like the word "decimate"
Read 7 tweets
Roberts, the master scout leader for Boy Scout Troop 132 in Sicklervlle, has been involved in the Boy Scouts organization for 40 years. #SaveTheChildren #ChildTrafficking #PedoGate #PizzaGate…
UPDATE on Portland arrest yesterday: Newsom faces child porn charges…
Director Diego Kaplan defends his film after Netflix is accused of showing child pornography🙄…
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I have added the 468-pg 'Human Trafficking in Persons Report', prepared by the Dept. of State, that was just released to: "The File Drawer" on my site that was just released today. I have not had time to review it yet. #ChildTrafficking…
2) 👆This very important #HumanTrafficking report was released today and many may have missed it due to all of the events. It is 468-pgs and I have barely had a moment to glance at it, but I do find this data very interesting.
3) It includes this chart as well, which indicates the peacekeepers who's abuse effected 131 victims of which 21 were children under 18 years of age. And, these men were never charged, just supposedly removed from service. Just like the church's.
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1) I will never forget that day. It was Friday, November 3, 2017 and I had taken a break from work to go stay with a friend for the weekend. I had long been aware of corruption and had been researching for years, but something happened that day…
2) I was sitting on her couch and suddenly this wave rushed through me. No, definitely not the “blue wave”. I often get intuitive hits, and this was one of the those moments. I told her, “something is happening”….
3) She asked me, “well what do you think it is?” I said, “I don’t know, but it’s big. It’s worldwide, and whatever it is, it’s powerful. A lot of people involved.” I didn’t want to hop on the internet and start digging, as I was trying to enjoy some time with a friend.
Read 12 tweets
This redpill video is absolutely amazing. Share it across the world! It is phenomenal Patriots - a must watch!! Brilliant!

Just wow!!!
#TheGreatAwakening #MAGA #Qanon #LockThemUp #SaveTheChildren

Whether you follow Q or not - this video👆🏻 is for EVERYONE. It is powerful. Summarizes our history in 11 minutes, and takes it up through the Great Awakening and The Plan. So powerful! TRUTH. #GetWoke
And just for good measure, here is the bitchute video in case youtube removes the other links.…
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Her dad is Jack Birch - former adult film actor and her mom Carol was in Deep Throat among many other movies. Nothing against adult film actors, I have friends that did them and went on to do positive things.
Thora turned in the ring but since nothing has made news, hopefully it's being investigated and not just looked past and allowed to continue.
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1. Note CF children drop in IG report.
Official doc statement.
‘The Beginning’
Not all are awake.

06/16/18 (Sat) 00:45:21 bb2ba6 No.1765157
#QAnon @POTUS #News #Trump #Patriots #Pray #Fight #PEDO #PainComing
#EVIL #SaveTheChildren #Immigrants #CHILDREN #PARENTS
2. Getting closer to JUSTICE! Bill/Hillary Clinton along w/ the rest, to be taken down for their horrible crimes against helpless children!…

#QAnon @POTUS #News #Trump #Patriots #Fight #PEDO #PainComing #EVIL #SaveTheChildren #Immigrants #CHILDREN #PARENTS
3. Left playing SHAME CARD on TRUMP & Republicans
over border kids, We KNOW WHAT U DID! WORSE than separating children from parents! So Stop BLEEDING HEART act!…

#QAnon @POTUS #News #Trump #Patriots #Fight #EVIL #Hillary
Read 10 tweets
Tagging companies on the list of Planned Murderhood contributors. I am DISGUSTED with every single one of you on this list. Some of the names are really shocking considering the business you are in and the fact that income form those businesses you would spend on killing babies
You ALL participated and most are STILL participating in MURDERING of innocent AMERICAN lives. Your resources could be spent on medical care, childcare, playgrounds, education... Instead you choose to follow the leftist agenda and POWER over doing the RIGHT THING.
Read 166 tweets

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