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Mar 4th 2018
Highlights now coming through via radio pooler @stevenportnoy of @POTUS remarks at #gridirondinner. He joked his staff was concerned he couldn’t do self deprecating humor. "I told them not to worry. Nobody does self deprecating humor better than I do."
On @VP: "I reallly am very proud to call him The Apprentice. But lately he’s showing a particularly keen interest in the news these days. He is asking has he been impeached yet? I don’t like that."
"Mike, you can’t be impeached when there’s no crime. I thought that was going to get a much better laugh. Melania said use it, it’s good."
Read 16 tweets
Jan 16th 2018
#AAON (heating and cooling) -- $1,000 bonus checks to 2,000 employees

@AccuWeather – year-end bonuses to all employees. (Approx. 450 – 500 employees)

@advancefinance – increase in 401(k) match; increase in profit sharing; increase in charitable donations.

#Trump @Rosie 😉
– increase 401(k) match from 50% to 100% on the first 4% of compensation plus one-time $500 contribution to every employee’s 401(k); $250 million increase in overall U.S. investment.

@AlaskaAir -- $1,000 bonuses for 22,000 employees

#Trump #taxscambill @Rosie 😉
Read 67 tweets
Dec 20th 2017
How very interesting.
What a wonderful Christmas gift for these hardworking employees. #TaxReform
Excellent news for the several hundred Utahns employed by Boeing. #TaxReform #utpol
Read 6 tweets
Dec 19th 2017
Today Congress will pass the first comprehensive #TaxReform in a generation – a huge win for hardworking families across the country.
#TaxReformFacts – It will help the working and middle class by doubling the standard deduction, and allowing folks to write off their state and local taxes up to $10,000 #WinForFamilies
#TaxReformFacts – Repealing the individual mandate means removing a tax mainly placed on those making less than $50k a year. The bill will not take health care away from anyone, it will instead actually expand the medical expense deduction. #WinForFamilies
Read 11 tweets
Dec 18th 2017
(1) Here's my latest Team Trump #PhotosThread.📸🦁🇺🇸

The previous one ran from Dec 8 to 18:

Info & links to 12 other photos threads since June 2017:… … …

Enjoy! RT to help #MAGA
(2) The President started the week with a landmark National Security Strategy speech in Washington, DC. #PeaceThroughStrength #AmericaFirst
(3) Oh noes! He held the glass with both hands again! Probably because he unconsciously worries about spilling some, like I do. We're neat freaks and germaphobes, stop judging us!😎
Read 72 tweets
Dec 2nd 2017
1) President Trump Owns the Media in Under 100 Seconds!
#SenateTaxBill #TaxReform #TaxCutsandJobsAct #MichaelFlynn
2) The hardest working President in history, President Trump is always on the move.
3) He has little time to spare but note how expertly he uses these 100 seconds.
Read 27 tweets
Dec 1st 2017
Stay tuned for more on #Trumprussia and the CNP tonight!
#BREAKING I have - in my possession - a document - entitled The "CNP Vision for America" It sounds like the #TrumpRussia administrtion in a nutshell. #TrumpTaxScam #TaxReform #Resist
2. This is from 1988: The First Point: Balance Budget and Pay off debt - AND SHUT DOWN THE GOVERNMENT IF NECESSARY. Sounds familiar?…
Read 15 tweets
Nov 30th 2017
This tax bill, this GOP, and this president are all directly related to Russia. You see, it's all tied together
2. As the Soviet Union fell, a group of right wingers hellbent on a conservative utopia formed the Krieble Institute #TrumpRussia…
3. They trained young Russians on conservative economic policy - and eventually backed Yeltsin financially and by helping him campaign.
Read 26 tweets
Nov 14th 2017
Trump's admin has made life exceedingly difficult for people like me who are fighting #cancer & dealing with extreme medical costs.

Obama said in 2009 that he hated watching his mother forced to work to pay bills as she fought for her life.

Many of us are still doing this.
Now Trump wants to make yet another critic of #ACA--the only buffer sick & #disabled Americans have until we get #UHC--head of HHS.

#AlexAzar is an actual lobbyist for #BigPharma.
And cut his legal teeth--he's a lawyer--working for #KenStarr investigating the Clintons.
Anyone who thinks sick/#disabled people are going to get a fair shake under this presidency aren't thinking clearly. And while I know we have more Russia news and
more sexual abuse claims today, this appointment impacts EVERY SINGLE AMERICAN WHO IS NOT RICH and it's barely news.
Read 11 tweets
Oct 24th 2017
<Short Thread>
1/ @GOP @SenateGOP @HouseGOP @SpeakerRyan @SenatorBurr @SenThomTillis @RepDavidRouzer I want to tell you briefly about my day today. I am a retired school teacher/counselor in NC and deliver meals-on-wheels on Tuesdays. I was listening to NPR as I drove...
2/ When I heard a clip of @SpeakerRyan talking about the president's tweets. Paraphrasing here, but in essence he was saying to just disregard those words. Yes, DISREGARD the words of the president of the United States! I could not believe my own ears! The speaker of the HOUSE!
3/ So, that is the new attitude in the CONGRESS of the United States of America now? Just ignore what the president says? He's a LIAR and we all know it yet you do NOTHING to stop him because you want to press for YOUR own agenda?
Read 4 tweets
Oct 9th 2017
(1) Team Trump photos thread started on 10/8/17 that will bear no resemblance to the chronological order of events of the last 2 weeks.
(2) I begin with a pic that paints a thousand words. Crooked, Commie Carmen Yulin Cruz has to acknowledge the President while others smirk.
(3) Carmen Yulin Cruz is the failed Mayor of San Juan who won't lift a finger to help #MakePuertoRicoGreatAgain, while millions will.
Read 50 tweets
Oct 6th 2017
GOP tax plan actually raises taxes on millions of middle-class families by repealing the state and local tax deduction, a real Trump Tax.
44 million Americans all across the country take the state & local tax deduction (~1/3 of all taxpayers) & they get $1Ks off their taxes.
Don’t believe me? Just look at these numbers & think about what a #TrumpTax would mean:
Read 55 tweets
Oct 5th 2017
Budget Cmte is diving into the Trump/GOP #TaxReform plan today & what we’ve seen is bad news for Virginia families…some of my big concerns:
1/ Tax cuts are for the wealthy at the expense of the middle class. 80% of the benefits could go to the top 1%.
2/ We were promised a “middle class miracle.” But from limited details they’ll share, looks like many in middle class could see increases.
Read 8 tweets

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